Updated: “Jimmy the Pimp” Seems to Fit Jim Jordan’s Negligence

November 14, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Impeachment

One of our readers suggested an edit to the name, and with a little modification to that, I agree.  So, read on, dear friends.

More reports have emerged of more abuse of athletes at Ohio State by a sports doctor Richard Strauss, and those reports now total a staggering 1,429.  A wrestling referee has stated that he reported 300 cases of this abuse to Jim Jordan, (R)-Ohio, who was then an assistant wrestling coach at the university.  Jordan, of course, “has no recollection” of this hailstorm of reports over 17 years.  His lack of knowledge of such a pervasive case of sexual abuse doesn’t pass the straight faced test, not even close.

So, in these days of labeling and name calling fostered by Trump, it seems a label for Jordan might fit.  One who allows, and even fosters sexual abuse of innocent people is often called a pimp.  So, Jimmy the Pimp seems an appropriate label for Jordan, and it rolls off the tongue almost as easily as Moscow Mitch, the name for Mitch McConnell coined by none other than Nancy Pelosi.  So, it could be a good label for our friend Jim Jordan, who loves attacking anyone and everyone who is trying to hold Donald Trump to account.  Maybe some of his own medicine is appropriate.

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0 Comments to “Updated: “Jimmy the Pimp” Seems to Fit Jim Jordan’s Negligence”

  1. I would say Gymmy the Pimp

  2. @montag – I like that.

  3. Jack it off Gym Jordan

  4. Perfect. It beats “Sexual Assault Abettor” that I’ve been calling him.

  5. Sort of off topic, but Rachel is pushing the most important point right now.
    Donald F**king Trump is severely weakening our national security by showing the world that our commitments to our allies are a crap shoot every 4 years.
    Before yesterday’s testimony, I was under the impression that the situation in Ukraine, while shitty, was static.
    No, people are dying.
    While their supposedly biggest ally withholds military support unless they help trump trash Biden.
    That’s bound to inspire leaders the world over to depend on us.
    To partner with us.
    To trust us past our next election.
    Just gives me that warm fuzzy feeling about our national security.
    And our place as a world leader.
    But I’ll bet Vlad the Trump impaler’s got that warm fuzzy feeling.
    But I won’t say where.

  6. Yeah, I bet our allies in the EU are also feeling a little warm and fuzzy. Not.

    Has anyone ever suggested to Vlad that if he wants to get along in this world, with trade, etc., that attacking his neighbors isn’t exactly the way to do it??

  7. On her show Rachel laid out the facts that point to trump being an actual Russian asset. Or at the very least, a tool of Putin.

  8. Lordy, I hope there are tapes.

    No, not *those* kind of tapes, just audio. Incriminating audio of Gym “Bulldog” Jordan admitting he knew about the doctor’s abuse.

    (Apologies to actual bulldogs.)

  9. If only Gymmie the Pimp dressed as well as the average pimp. Cripes. When he shows up on TeeVee it’s like the technology comes with scent. Not a good scent. More like a combination of decades old sweat and flop fever.

    If Aaron Schlock dressed Fillmore Slim and Clyde from Every Which Way but Loose donated the brain, that would explain Gym Jordan.

  10. Calling him a pimp suggests that the victims were prostitutes. I don’t get it.

  11. Aggieland Liz says:

    Nice point Lumpkin, he’s more like a pander…seems to be a personality trait, as now he’s busily pandering to Trump!
