Iraqi Parliament Votes to Eject US Troops

January 05, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Iran, Trump

Iraqi parliament has voted to order US troops out of Iraq.  Trump has single handedly, and stupidly escalated violence in the Middle East.  More later.

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0 Comments to “Iraqi Parliament Votes to Eject US Troops”

  1. More later……the understatement of the year so far…….sigh….

  2. Could Obama please come back and get things under control until we can put in place a new president?

  3. Headlines:
    Ocasio-Cortez Says Trump Is a ‘Monster’ for ‘Threatening to Target and Kill Innocent Families, Women, and Children’ in Iran
    “This is a war crime,” said the New York Democrat.

    “This is a war crime,” Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat from New York, tweeted in response to the president’s warning. “Threatening to target and kill innocent families, women, and children—which is what you’re doing by targeting cultural sites—does not make you a ‘tough guy.’ It does not make you ‘strategic.’ It makes you a monster.”


    Pentagon officials would revolt against Trump’s ‘war crime’ order to bomb Iran mosques: ISIS expert

    Speaking with host David Gura, the Daily Beast’s Micheal Weiss said the president would face major pushback from advisers and military officials if he pushed to hit what the president has called “cultural” sites in Iran.
    Asked about the president’s tweet, Weiss began, ”I hope to god he didn’t mean cultural sites. That would constitute a grave war crime.”

    “I frankly don’t see the Pentagon bombing mosques and cultural institutions,” he continued. “The minute they did that any semblance of an argument that this is an attack on the regime and not on the Iranian people would evaporate overnight. That would be catastrophic.”

  4. Well, we did wreck their country and kill hundreds of thousands of its citizens. I’d be mad if somebody did that to us.
    And we’ve only been liberating them and bringing democracy (TM) for 16 years … 19 if you’re an Afghan.

  5. Msb@ 4 We do seem to think our branded democracy is best for our third world colonies.

  6. No one thinks that Sulimeini was a choir boy. But pulling this jazz now is not going to get the Golden Gibbon what he really wants – to beat the impeachment rap. It may make his current position on that subject far, far worse as it looks as if some witnesses will actually be testifying in the Senate trial.

  7. thatotherjean says:

    @Megasoid#3 I’d love to believe that Michael Weiss is right, that the Pentagon would refuse to destroy Iranian cultural sites and mosques–but I’m not at all sure that I do. “Catastrophic” is right up Trump’s alley, and the military obeys its Commander-in-Chief in almost all circumstances. I’m far more inclined to agree with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. What Trump threatens is a war crime. Whether or not the military would refuse to carry it out is not something I would bet on.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    As drafted by Plato, the military are indeed the “dogs of society.” In the ruinous times of the ***king moron, that lowly status has been downgraded to political football. Two wars of decades length, a multitude of ‘hot’ spots, a historical low in allied confidence, so the ***king moron and his maniacal fluffers alter what could have been a period of progress toward an alliance with Iran and take it to the point of major conflagration. One tweet away from not only IQ4.5 doing something to start WWIII, but also widening the probability that one mistake in the air or on the ground by anyone could light this fuse.

  9. Sandridge says:

    The deadliest yet PyrocumuloTrumpnimbus cloud [apologies to the Aussies and Calis] once again takes an already incendiary conflagration and blows and twists it into a giant tornadic firestorm, that may engulf much of the Middle East.
    Yeah, it’s the world’s biggest worst snakepit, and should be left TF alone to the ME snakes, imo.

    DJT, the blowhard with ‘the merde touch’. Such a strategic and tactical geenius will have us into WWIII in a jiffy. Putin might not go for this whole clusterfock though, he just may jerk Comrade Donnei’s chain short on this shitpile.

    Or, as the gawddamned fundie talibangelicals and Dominionists like to call it, the “End Time”, which they have been fervently wishing and preying for. Now that their ‘Savior/antichrist’ is delivering on their f’ed up feverdreams. [don’t overlook these whackjobs’ influence over Donny Deliverance and the Rethugs]
    Could we just ‘Rapture’ all those insane fuckers [with Bebe Netanyahoo, MBS, and their ilk too] off to where-ever the Hell they’re going ASAP, while the rest of us settle back and enjoy what’s left of the planet?


    [Filled [actually just topped it off for ~$18] my SUV tank up twice, at $2.20/gal, bet it’s $4 and climbing by the end of the month. I’m looking at a used EV Tuesday, a new Tesla or Rivian R1S would be sooo effing nice, but for the mega-$$ :] ]

  10. Sandridge says:

    BTW, yet another absolutely spectacular January day down here: a crystal-clear sky, dry 78deg temp [just imagine how July-Oct will be if the wx holds like this…about a 122deg like the Aussies :[ ]. I’m getting some fantastic sunrise-sunset pics.

  11. The show of gratitude and celebrations mentioned by Ari Fleischer have begun.
    Headline today:

    Iraq passes resolution to end foreign troop presence

    Maybe US troops, diplomats, business people, etc can accept all those expressions of thanks from their new location across the border in Kuwait?

  12. slipstream says:

    Sandridge, your January day is 88 degrees warmer than my January day. And sunrise photos? I haven’t seen the sun since December 3 — but it will climb over the mountain and light up my house for a few minutes Tuesday afternoon.

  13. John Bolton forgets who walked out of the Iran nuclear deal. Nobody rips off a mask, we ripped up the agreement:

    “Another good day. Iran rips the mask off the idea it ever fully complied with the nuclear deal, or that it made a strategic decision to forswear nuclear weapons. Now, it’s on to the real job: effectively preventing the ayatollahs from getting such a capability.”

  14. tRump basically said “So what? We don’t have to leave”. We only have about 750 troops in Iraq currently. If the Iraqis say go and we don’t go – they are not going to lift a finger to help us there. tRump has placed a target on the backs of those troops. But, hey, that’s OK – I heard that he is outstanding at giving condolences to family over the phone – so it’s all good.

  15. My question is how Saudi Arabia responds.

    Can the Saudis be completely anti-Shia and pro killing of Muslims by the US which props them up…

  16. Grandma Ada says:

    Couldn’t they have done that in 2003?

  17. ““I frankly don’t see the Pentagon bombing mosques and cultural institutions,”

    What a joke. as long as they can cower behind “just obeying orders” the baby merc force will commit any atrocity, war crime, murder or torture they are “ordered” to do.
    after all they voted for this war monger by 60+% and feel that they have the god given right to abuse, murder and grind beneath their heels any one who is not protected by the same same tin god.
    When the military obeyed illegal orders for the conquest of Iraq they surrendered any claim to being civilized, under the rule of law or humanity.
    They will visit mayhem, murder and destruction on anyone ( probably even US civilians) their golden idol tells them to.
    Eddie gallagher is the face of the us military and an example of its lack of conscience.
    For those who try to cite the kabuki of a few officials/ officers who expelled a small squeak of embarrassment at that miscarriage of justice they are being played.
    If the military had any commitment to their oath there would have been mass resignations of the joint chiefs and, with that cover, every individual who had any moral standards. The lack of those resignations shows the lack of principles in the rotten edifice of the US military.

    But always remember how “these are the best of america”, no matter what crimes they commit, and sadly that may be true as we may have sunk into that bottomless pit of inhumanity.

  18. I have to wonder if perhaps the least bad outcome for both Trump and the US would be to just pack up and leave. Then Trump can claim he bought the troops home. Iraq will be partitioned. with Iran controlling the southern half, Kurds in the North hunkered down to protect their semi-independence, and Sunnis in the West. Western Iraq will either be dominated by Turkey, or descend into complete lawless chaos with various militias and terrorists competing for control. Iran may be so busy consolidating their gains, that they don’t need to attack US interests, especially since there won’t be any US interests in the Middle East anymore. Meanwhile, Russia and China can forge new relationships across the globe, because no one outside of a few countries in Western Europe will want to be allied with the US.

    Pretty bleak as a least bad outcome, but if Trump doesn’t leave the Middle East (and he probably won’t), then I expect the US will spend quantities of blood and treasure and commit serious war crimes, while gaining nothing.

  19. Sandridge says:

    slipstream @12, yikes, how can you stand that? Sounds like you’re above the Arctic Circle, brrrr; not for me, I’ve experienced -10, -30 degF temps before, no way. But maybe abnormally warm? The poles are experiencing more extreme global warming effects than the temperate and tropical regions.
    Per my “GPS Essentials” app, the sun out current day length here is a short ~10hr, 20min, and getting longer every day now, sunrise 07:28:03, sunset 17:49:38 [almost full moon too]. First light/twilight started 45 min ago, sunrise right now.
    My lux/illuminance/insolation meter maxs out most of the day, so solar PV panels are peaking much of the day.
