If You Think The Right Wing Will Calm Down After The Black Man Leaves the White House …

September 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Think again.

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I might support Hillary Clinton only because the rightwing hates her so much.

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0 Comments to “If You Think The Right Wing Will Calm Down After The Black Man Leaves the White House …”

  1. The WashPost used to be rather opinionated too. In 1876, Rutherford B. Hayes lost the popular vote for President to Samuel Tilden, but got in anyway because of a disputed electoral college award of 20 extra votes. Luckily that can’t happen nowadays. Anyway, the Post had supported Tilden. Once when President Hayes gave a speech, the report of it– not an editorial, but the news article on the front page– was headlined, “Twaddle From the Fraud.”

  2. @JJ: I’m with you.

    in 2008 I preferred Obama over Hillary. If Obama had not run I would have supported Hillary. At present Hillary 8 years older and with years of OJT as SecState is the best qualified Dem choice so far as I am concerned. That the Cons hate her so is just icing on the cake.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Hillary, as a politician is fair game, albeit I have no expectations of the right wing playing fair.

    It’s just incredible how the right wing attack dogs who claim to be the party of ‘family values’ are so quick to feast on Chelsea and baby Charlotte. Of course, Chelsea planned graduating from Stanford, Oxford, Columbia, and Oxford again, then marrying, before becoming a mother. Such evil, all planned to make the unwed and uneducated Palin brawlers look bad. Sort of like the ‘Kenyan’ dude who conspired to become president before he was born.

    If the Republicans want a conspiracy chubby, they seriously need to review their patron saint Ray-guns. Time to water board Nancy and make her talk!

  4. This is how low the conservatives have to stoop to shore up their revolting confidence. When a newborn baby is ridiculed, it’s time for the rwnj’s to throw in the towel. Gerrymandering, voter ID suppression, and purges of voter rolls…they’re already cheating and their billionaire buddies are buying what’s left.
    They are truly despicable.

  5. Just to be Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, may I suggest that perhaps the Post thought these headlines were clever and funny? It’s so hard to tell when conservatives are joking.

  6. I am at a loss for words to describe exactly how despicable that front page is. The photo is lovely. Ditto Micr @2.

  7. Angelo_Frank says:

    The N.Y. Post and National Enquirer are on the same level of disgust.

  8. I totally support anyone or anything that freaks out the Right Wing nutjobs of America.

  9. Lovely photo, despicable headline.

    Many congrats to little Charlotte’s parents and grandparents.

  10. I did not support Hillary in ’08. I don’t want her to be President. I’ve had her as one of my senators. She’s way too hawkish for me, and she won’t get my vote. But don’t take that the wrong way. I’ll vote Green (if the candidate’s good enough), to help them stay on the ballot. I’m in Blue York (NYC), which will go for whichever candidate has (D) after her or his name. I’m hoping for Biden.

  11. Clas is a foreign concept to the right-wing.

  12. The rwnj’s haven’t got zilch to show for the 2016 race so they’ve started whining well ahead of time. I know its so incredibly nauseating that they have chosen to pick on a baby but Charlotte’s tough. Charlotte will grow up to be president, too. And the fact that her middle name is Clinton freaks out the rwnj’s twice as much.

  13. You’d think that by now, I’d be used to this kind of disgusting stuff, but I continue to be surprised by just how ugly some right-wingers can be. I don’t remember a single liberal person being ugly about George Bush’s grandchild. I have to keep knocking myself on the head to remind myself that those people are Christians.

  14. doquijoterocket says:

    I believe it important to remember in this instance that the NY Post is a Murdoch operation and just like Fux Noise no one should expect either class or journalism to exist there.Finally no one believes a word this rag says and considers it bird cage lining only if animal abuse is tolerated.

  15. The headlines on this NY Post front page were so stupid I thought perhaps they were trying to be funny.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Whitey Wingnut makes it easy to vote for the Dem,but,I would prefer just about any Dem except Hillary. Unwavering and unquestioned support for Israel turns me off completely. I would much prefer Warren as a candidate.

    OTOH , Whitey Wingnut has absolutely no grounds to whine about Dem namecalling or being mean when they start making juvenile remarks about newborns.

  17. Not a Hilliary fan but if it looks like the GREENs have no real chance, then I will vote for her just to piss off the woman hating, poor hating, teacher hating rePUKEians. Another 4 years of getting nothing done is better then letting THEM aholes in. And I will continue to vote for the most opposite to THEM as I can until I no longer vote. That includes at the state level.

  18. Forgot where I read this but it was hilarious: Inaugural Day after 2016 – the day millions of Republicans turn from being racists to misogynists.

    Actually, they ALWAYS are misogynists – it will just be front and center.

  19. Too many folks have forgotten that the extreme right-wing rhetoric during the Clinton administration was almost as bad as it is now. Slander was the order of the day, conspiracy theories were everywhere, and Hillary was almost as big a target as Bill was. It was also during this time that the first major lying-SOB email propaganda campaigns hit the internet, and conservative gullibility for ridiculous propaganda (already primed by the Reagan years) dropped to new lows. Critical thinking mutated into unthinking criticism.

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, I’d also prefer a candidate with the hutzpah to reign in Israeli aggression and transgressions.

    While I am more than concerned about our current path in the Middle East, I am trying to take comfort in President Obama’s slow and deliberative approach and his gambit to make the Saudis and others own their responsibilities.

    Iraq has always been a post WWII farce with imaginary borders. Hopefully the latest Iraqi regime can deliver a truce among the Sunni, Shia and Kurds; a three state solution.

    As is most likely for the Palestinians, a two state solution is the path to peace.

    Senator Sanders is interested. It will be highly interesting, if Sec Kerry enters the 2016 race.

    Clinton, Kerry or Sanders are way better options than anyone who ‘magically’ falls out of the GOP clown car.

  21. The Borowitz Report has an article up titled “Republicans Air Early Attack Ad on Newborn Clinton” – it was supposed to be satire…

  22. The Borowitz Report has an article up titled “Republicans Air Early Attack Ad on Newborn Clinton” – it was supposed to be satire…

  23. I like Bernie Sanders. But please understand that his bite is as bad as his bark. That worked for Teddy Roosevelt but I doubt it will fit on anyone else in the world as it is.

  24. This is a rwnj tradition. You might recall that a certain [gross and offensive term] whose name rhymes with Flush once remarked on his teevee show that the Clintons had a White House cat, “but did you know they also have a White House dog?” and held up a photo of Chelsea Clinton, then aged about 14. At least this time the baby won’t hear and understand the gratuitous nastiness.

  25. I do love the radical right’s interpretation of “family values.”

  26. The NY Post is a Rupert Murdoch paper. No grace, no class, no surprise.

  27. Leftcoast Jaime says:

    I will reluctantly vote for Hilary (see reasons mentioned above)
    Just so on the Wednesday morning I can listen to Rush implode and Fox “news” go more crazy than they already are.

  28. Sigh.

    Is dignity, the simple dignity of congratulations for the blessing of a child, truly absent from the editorial staff?

    At some level I find this callousness (crassness?) horrifying. I guess I keep thinking that humanity will bloom from the former blight. And, it just doesn’t.

    Voter suppression, even rampant destruction of drinking water supplies (which, barring having the perpetrators on a payroll, should be terrorism), shows a militant disregard for the common good. You know, the stuff our parents built to give us a better life.

    Yeah, nationalizing the industries of the country was socialism, BUT it worked (WWII). Funny how that part gets dropped from their understanding. Kind of like their basic humanity.

  29. I’ve seen this despicable thing on other websites, and have restrained myself from even “clicking” on the article.

    It’s part of my own “Don’t Make Stupid People Famous” campaign.

    This is Rupert Murdoch. Not in all his “glory”, but in all his “hate.”

    She has no politics…. She’s a baby for Gawd’s sakes.

  30. A shining example of right-wing ‘pro-life’ mentality.

  31. Pardon the double post.

    @Maggie: I agree. in my imagination, I see that picture in 50 or 60 years labeled something along the lines of “earliest photograph of 3 of the 4 Clinton family presidents”.

  32. In all honesty any newborn would be a better candidate for President than anyone I’ve seen in the field the Repubs are offering so far.
