I Know You’re Gonna Feel Real Bad About This, But …

August 05, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Mitch McConnell fell at home in Kentucky yesterday and broke his shoulder.  Now he doesn’t even have a shoulder for the victims to cry on.

I did not know until this very day that getting hit by lightning could break your shoulder.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.



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0 Comments to “I Know You’re Gonna Feel Real Bad About This, But …”

  1. Liberty Belle says:

    Seems extreme to avoid calling congress into session.

  2. Are you sure this isn’t a ploy to avoid reconvening the Senate for a vote on (oh, horrors!) GUN CONTROL?

  3. Isn’t it great that #MoscowMitch has taxpayer funded Federal Health Care?

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Right or left? Under the right circumstances I could be willing to shake Old Scratch’s hand.

  5. This shouldn’t keep him from voting on restrictive Gun legislation.

    Yeah, right, it would be more likely if the NRA goes bankrupt (fiscally)…

  6. Thoughts and prayers.

  7. As much as I hate everything this man stands for, I wish him a comfortable and speedy recovery. As someone getting up in years, a fall is the thing I fear most. So, as a preemptive strike on karma, all I can say is, “get well soon.”

  8. @Malarkey: +1

    @Moscow Mitch: thoughts and prayers.

  9. ChefJoe @ 3,

    That sounds like a great phrase for a roadside bill board in KY “#MoscowMitch has great taxpayer funded health care. Why don’t taxpayers have the same?”

    Malarkey @ 6,

    May #MoscowMitch live in interesting times.

  10. They say the Lord acts in mysterious ways.

  11. Sandridge says:

    Yeah, ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Mitch; that the next time it’s a hip [y’all known how that often works out with old f—-olks, yeah ‘folks’.
    Meanwhile, the DJIA is down 800 points, -all- global market indices are down 1.6-5%. Major market cratering in progress worldwide. Crude down, gold up.

    I was wondering last week with RAT45’s slapping more tariffs on China if “they” were setting things up for a shortselling killing, guess so.
    “They” being the tRump crime family, Ross, Mnuchin, etc [when there is no transparency, disclosure, legally-required divestiture, etc., WTF do you expect?].


  12. The Surly Professor says:

    [Not my bon mot, but one of my student’s about Massacre Mitch’s shoulder]: So at last McConnell has brought something to the floor?

  13. Sandridge says:

    Yeow, DJIA almost 900 points off, the other US indices are worse; all nearing 4% down and falling. Crude down near $1 [@~$54 now, was ~$66 a few weeks ago].
    Farm commodity futures falling into a crevasse. Make sure all those ag peeps who vote ‘R’ keep hanging on to SOBOTUS’ ass, all the way to oblivion.

    This could trigger something like the Cheney-Bush Meltdown. Or maybe it’s just another Trumpian staged diversion…

  14. Was it Trump, Putin, Koch Bros. etc. or the NRA that sent the goon over with a little ‘persuasion’ reminder about who pays his bills?

  15. Buttermilk Sky says:

    A shoulder? So close to his neck, and yet so far.

    As for the Dow Jones yo-yo, any of y’all seen “The Hudsucker Proxy”?

  16. Buttermilk Sky @ 15,

    Not close enough…not close enough.

  17. twocrows says:

    I just read a Daily Kos diary about what Mitch is facing in his foreseeable future. In detail. I recommend it.
    So many consequences wrapped up in the words, “fractured shoulder.”

  18. Gary R Van Ess says:

    looks a bit too convenient to me. now the poor old turtletwit
    won’t be able to attend those constituent meetings and be booed off the floor…..

  19. Sandridge says:

    twocrows, That’s…uh…errrm…absolutely delightful reading ;] .
    Sounds excruciating, actually worse than a hip fracture, for a 77y/o SOB…
    IOWs, MoscowMitch is in all likelihood, gone; real soon, one way or another. Yeehaa.

  20. Wellll from bio class, the reptile metabolism is quite slow. He’ll heal pretty slowly. So with mcturtle being so old, this injury may be the end of him. Certainly gives the voters of KY something to think about. Assuming he does not retire.

  21. And by pure coincidence, their other senator, Paul Rand, is recovering from lung surgery this past weekend. KY jelly?

  22. How bad is his replacement?
    Think ahead!
