I Know The New Pope is Liberal But There Might Be Some Limits

March 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Fairbanks, Alaska’s Father Sean P. Thompson has got himself in a bit of a pickle.

He got arrested for DUI.  He was stopped by state troopers for speeding and erratic driving.

But, it doesn’t end here.  No, sireee, whoopee.

Screen Shot 2014-03-27 at 2.33.39 PMBitz asked if he was carrying any weapons, the complaint said. Thomson reported a .357-caliber handgun in the back seat but not a 9mm pistol he carried in his back pocket, Bitz said. Another pocket revealed a bag with a small quantity of marijuana, Bitz said.

Thomson blew into a hand-held breath alcohol test machine and it recorded a breath-alcohol content of .247 percent, Bitz said. The legal standard for intoxication is .08 percent.

It appears he was triple drunk, which means there will be no communion wine at the parish for a looooong time, had enough weapons to take on a small country or several large bears, and was stoned out of his mind.

Unless he’s the reincarnation of Hunter Thompson, he’s got some ‘splainin’ to do.

Thanks to Dean in Alaska for the heads up.

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