Have Mercy, Child. Get Yourself Together.

March 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ann Coulter used to the craziest Republican woman I knew.

But, this one takes the cake.  I was watching live last night and wanted to come through the screen and grab her and get that woman some estrogen and IQ points.

I know, I know, dammit, I know I should not take this personally, but women have worked too hard against the stereotype of victimized screaming histronic damfools.


When you can’t argue the facts, blame the messenger.



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0 Comments to “Have Mercy, Child. Get Yourself Together.”

  1. maryelle says:

    Sorry, J.J., the picture/video isn’t working.

  2. chloe bear says:

    It worked for me and I wish it hadn’t. What a hate filled, lying waste of human life. She must have been a bully in grade school because she acts like one as an adult.

    My heart goes out to her children. Poor things do not have a chance.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The face and voice of the Tea Taliban party will make for some great political ads on why Koch addicts are dangerous crazy. My wife and my Mom were aghast at the spectacle made by the first female gohmert of the 2014 elections. Can appreciate your pain, Juanita Jean. Women have worked hard for their equality and deserve better than the Republican girls who actively work against your interests and their own interests. That’s the seriously crazy part, other than screaming like a Heller monkey, Stefano is fact less, clueless and in serious need of the ACA, especially the mental health provisions.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle, JJ’s link works for me. Maybe you will have better success with this one: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/chris-hayes-afp-guest-shoting-match-obamacare-extension

    If that doesn’t work for you try http://www.msnbc.com/all

    *** BTW Once the video loads, keep your remote control and anything your can hurl at your screen out of reach.

  5. bud malone says:

    I wonder how her husband is making out?

  6. Hippie in the Holler says:

    Wander on over to her FB page. It is a hoot. Wonder how long it will take until she either has it scrubbed or starts banning people.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    bud malone, there’s an innertube full of Jennifer Crazy: http://www.youtube.com/user/JenniferStefanousa

    Husband and kids? They’re probably happy she has a hobby that takes her out of the home.

  8. daChipster says:

    This is what happens when you wake up every morning knowing you have to shill for the Koch Brothers. Hey, lady! Don’t take the dark sleepless nights of soul-searching out on the rest of us who HAVE souls.

    Don’t worry, though. Eventually the cognitive dissonance of denying reality will fry the rest of your circuitry. Then you can smile beatifically as your vacant eyes shine with the sure and certain knowledge that your soul is right where you left it: at the crossroads at midnight.

  9. This woman is batshit crazy! She must have taken lessons from Palin.

  10. maryelle says:

    Thanks, PKM. Whew! What a hateful load of crap. Apart from the rest of her inaccuracies, her statement that Tom Corbett has expanded Medicaid in PA is an outright lie.
    And hopefully it will cause him to lose reelection to one of the excellent Democratic
    candidates in the coming election.

  11. Just found a “lovely” site that tells about the interview from her point of view. It’s a very interesting twist. What they did that I did like, however, is post the entire transcript of the interview.

    For those like me who can’t watch video at work, the transcript is after the Republican rant:


  12. When you’re lying and you know it, keep shouting over the questions. If they can’t engage in a civil discourse, you pretty much know it’s all caca del toro.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    133% of the poverty level is $94,000 dollars? Must be Karl Rove math.

  14. I made it a few seconds less than halfway through.

    Just another irritatingly familiar example to remind me why I don’t have TV.

  15. I’m with you. I hate it when women reinforce those nasty old stereotypes that bring out descriptions like ‘shrew’ and ‘harpy.’ The right wingers have nothing sensible to say, so their strategy is just to shriek and yell over the interviewer and claim to be victimized. I’m sorry he took up valuable airtime with her. I’d rather hear from a sane person.

  16. Jill Ann says:

    I had to mute the teevee about 1 minute into this interview last night. Therefore I’m not going to play the video either! It didn’t take me too long to figure out this woman is an obnoxious ignorant loon.

  17. Teh Gerg says:

    There used to be plenty of reasonable and somewhat logical conservatives. It seems like they’ve all run and hidden, leaving the nut cases as the only voices to be heard. Or did they just die off like the other dinosaurs in a mass mental extinction?

  18. Nancy Yates says:

    Republican war on women: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/27/bridget-kelly-chris-christie_n_5045866.html

    Christie’s bridge scandal was all the result of a love scorned “emotional woman”. What a piece of s**t.

  19. The woman is dumb as a box of rocks. She doesn’t want a debate. She just wants to outshout him.

  20. austinhatlady says:

    I also had to switch channels last night after less than a minute. Made my ears hurt.
    I did look up the 2013 federal poverty guidelines that are being used to determine eligibility for subsidies on healthcare.gov; for a family of eight, an income of $39,630 is 133% of the federal poverty level. For each additional family member, the guidelines say to add $4,020 to that amount. That woman’s contention that $94,000 is 133% of the poverty level would be true only for a family with 21 members!


  21. Doesn’t matter how loud you yell. It doesn’t turn “lies” into facts.

    I don’t like to speculate, or assume anything. But I would speculate that there is a reason people like Jennifer shill for Americans for Prosperity.

    A reasonable woman, or one with any sense at all…… wouldn’t do it.

  22. Honestly, why did Hayes even ever think of having this woman on his show? Just look at his face when he realizes that he doesn’t have a big enough net to throw over her and get her admitted somewhere! I know this type of woman. They are in many, many ways worse than their male counterparts. They would actually make Attila the Hun cream his clout. And, yes, I fear for her children, their teachers (!!) and her husband. And, no, she is not the heir apparent to Phyliss Schlafly. I do recall one instnance on TV when Phyliss actually shut her mouth on a subject and then admitted she was not familiar enough with the subject to argue it! Stefano is just an old fashioned thrower of something highly smelly and objectionable.

  23. e platypus onion says:

    Just goes to show libs are too polite to cut off microphones on obnoxious,ill-informed wingnuts.

  24. Pretzel logic talking points spoken loudly and repeatedly does not magically turn them into facts.

  25. I watched it live, and I was waiting for her head to spin around and puke green pea soup…like the movie…This person is a representative of the World the Koch boys want us to live in…

  26. what a voice. She and c cup would make a good addition to an all male choir.
    And Stupid? she really gives stupid a new meaning.

  27. Old Fart says:

    I must say, saying that she woke to thoughts of ACA repeal WAS just a little too personal for a hardcore adversary. That just gave her a personal affront out, and she took it.

    Don’t feed the troll…

  28. Old Fart says:

    BTW she just shows what products of the Koch-ducation are going to be like, skill-wise. $23,850 X 1.33 = $31,720.5 (family of 4), NOT $94,000.

  29. if facts get in the way scream louder and to think i was once a republican

  30. Personally, I thought they were both badly behaved. He did interrupt her frequently, but she also tended to the rant and out-shout form of “interview” and yes she quoted things that seem inconceivable that she would believe as fact–like the $94,000 as 133% of poverty level.

    And I think she had some right at the end to accuse him of personalizing the attack.

    But–that is SOOOO the norm for the MSNBC pundit shows and she was a fool to think she could “look good” on one with her overshout and attack methods.

    Yes, she irritated me, but he did too. And so often the perception of politicians is that representatives of any political party seem to be showing poor and decisive behavior as the norm and very few seem to choose truly collaborative and supportive behaviors to model.

  31. Hi Star.

    “And so often the perception of politicians is that representatives of any political party seem to be showing poor and decisive behavior as the norm and very few seem to choose truly collaborative and supportive behaviors to model”.

    Its called the tea party.

  32. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Star, she was a guest on the show and behaved abominably. Chris Hayes gave her every opportunity to present her facts, but she chose to screech and shrill, because she had no facts to offer. President Obama has sandbagged the Teaanderthals. The ACA is law and the only solution is to upgrade it with a single payer option. Americans want affordable health care, it’s called empathy. We want health care for children and the elderly, too. We understand the real cost savings of preventative care, healthy children able to take advantage of educational opportunities, and a healthy workforce and population.

    Jennifer is free to opt out of having an abortion, a same-sex marriage or anything that offends her religious sensibilities. What she is not free to do is impose her religious superstitions into the homes of free Americans. She is the gohmert that begins with the letter C.

  33. Susan Yardley says:

    Okay folks. I believe that the conflation that is happening is that $94,000 for a family of four(?) qualifies for government assistance in buying a health insurance policy on the exchange. The 133% of poverty level, I believe, means qualifying for Medicare. Any one care to comment?

    I also think Jennifer is dumber than a bag of rocks because she mixes everything about the law into one vile Koch brothers lying stew and thinks that yelling over someone makes her right. Doesn’t get any dumber than that.

  34. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Susan Yardley, difficult to say whether Jenn Jenn was conflating or just ranting. However, you are correct, subsidies apply based on family size and income. While medicaid expansion is based on the 133% of the poverty figure. The biggest problem adding to the confusion are the states whose governors did not accept the expanded medicare funds. Similar to some of the dummies who rejected stimulus funds. My personal favorites were the ones who accepted the money, while slamming President Obama and pretending they didn’t accept the money.

    My wife and I have a gohmert governor, so we don’t have full access to the ACA. However, for the first time since we were married, we have a health insurance policy that did not rise in price and it is better coverage.
