I Knew It! I Knew It! I Knew It!

July 09, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I knew Fox News would find a way to blame Barack Obama for Epstein’s plea deal with Acosta.


President Obama was elected six months AFTER the plea deal. But, as we know, Obama has magical powers to make things happen even before he was born in Kenya.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “I Knew It! I Knew It! I Knew It!”

  1. Lol they don’t call them Fox ‘Lie and blame the Democrats’ News for nothing.
    Thanks Obama!

  2. If Fox’s Lawrence Jones is going to blame Obama for things he did by traveling back in time, Jones better also give credit for the good Obama did while cruising the time portals:

    * as one of the three wise men he gave Jesus the gift of frankincense
    * ensuring an orderly transition of 5th Beatles throughout the band’s career, as a previously undisclosed clandestine 5th Beatle
    * ending disco

  3. slipstream says:

    Lessee . . . President of the United States in 2008 . . . how difficult can this be?

    George W. Bush.

    Lawrence Jones, either you are as dumb as a clod of dirt, or you are as dishonest as Trump, or both. The two conditions are not mutually exclusive.

  4. They refuse to be confused by the facts.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Teddie Crooze once again does the Party before principles Batista-lite fandango on the Acosta ‘question.’ He did however drop one name into the mire. Yeah him. The other guy the Republicons go to when Obama’s birth certificate or college transcripts won’t solve the riddle.

  6. Sandridge says:

    The Republickan ‘leadership’ from RAT45, McConn-us, their state media apparatus [Fox, Limpballs, etc], on down, well know that reality, facts, and truth are totally meaningless to their legions of drooling MAGAots and Trumpanzees. Such things are merely what the Rep Party says they are, at any given time.

    Their mind-controlled MAGAot minions will believe absolutely anything that they tell them. And if the Rethug narrative is changed, even diametrically opposite, the Republicks know that their braindead zombie followers will fanatically defend the tribe no matter what.

    The only cure for this acute viral infection on the USA is an all-out victory in the 2020 elections, followed by Democratic leaders and officeholders who know how to use and retain raw, non-‘bipartisan’ power and further diminish the Rethug disease from ever having a resurgence.
    The 2020 Census, redistricting and all the rest looms ahead.

    We Dems were near-fatally wounded by an incompetent ‘leadership’ beginning with the abject electoral failures of 2010 [thanks Obama].
    If we let it happen again it will be game over.

    We are dealing with traitorous fascists [some of us have been trying to warn y’all for 20+ years].
    If they stay in power they will consolidate that power as never before done in the US. The proof of this are the many unAmerican things that they have done so far [far too many to list, like redistricting, court packing, attempting/making the Executive branch superior, etc].

  7. Sandridge:
    I agree that winning 2020 is crucial. But to me, what you said in your first paragraph is paramount.
    These facists have built the infrastructure for decades with regards to what average folks listen to to get their worldview.
    And their worldview now is that actual journalists are agents of the deep state. Fake news. Liberal liars.
    So they only get that warm fuzzy feeling when they’re listening to someone Foxplaining what liberals REALLY mean when we talk.

  8. Sandridge says:

    P.P., ‘zactly. I forgot to mention how ‘just enough’ of independents and others are often swayed by just enough fake news and distortion [as that which saturates the MSM].
    The Rethugs play it all like a symphony, while the Dems seem to be tone deaf and listening to their own muzak.

  9. Fake News talking heads? Always thought they smoked something really, really strange!
