How You Know They’re Dumber Than Bean Dip
I gotta tell you that nothing – not one damn thing – more easily proves that right-wingers are dumb than their reaction to things they want to protest.
I am told that we shouldn’t call them dumb because it makes them feel bad. Crap, them being dumb makes me feel real bad. They are destroying my country for one reason – they are dumb.
Look, if I don’t like Chik-fil-a’s political views, I don’t go to Chik-fil-a to eat. What I don’t do is go to their restaurant, buy something to eat, and then take it outside and burn it or stomp on it or some damn thing. I understand that means they got my money and I got diddle-squat. I’m not dumb.
Remember when Yeti got crosshairs with the NRA and the dumb sumbitch NRA members went out and shot up their very expensive Yeti coolers? Those things cost hundreds of dollars. They shot them full of holes and put it on YouTube. Yeti got the money and the dumb people got fame that lasted, I dunno, maybe 36 hours? Hell, Yeti coolers have a lifetime guarantee and that’s generally more than 36 hours.
Well, now they are all hacked-off at Nike for making Colin Kaepernick their poster man. So, they are burning their shoes. I know the pictures of the man burning the Nike shoes while they are still on his feet is fake but it’s a testament to how dumb Republicans are that millions of people believed it. They are that dumb.
I’m still not going to buy Nike shoes because they are made in sweatshops. But, I will stand in awe of the amount of stoopid that can be housed in one group of people.