Woodward’s New Book

September 04, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The internet machine is spitting glitter over Bob Woodward’s new book, but this recorded interview between Trump and Woodward tells you exactly what you need to know about this heap of batcrap sitting in the White House.

Crazy on the phone.  I think it’s better if you listen rather than read the transcript.


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0 Comments to “Woodward’s New Book”

  1. Actually bat guano is decent fertilizer.

    What comes out of both orifices of the Rump are toxic.

  2. And yet they will get full ownership of the judiciary branch so they will have built in protection from any legal liabilities because they literally OWN the judges.
    Wonder if they had to sign NDA’s before being nominated?
    Part of difficulty of dealing with the thuglicans is that they have no principles or philosphy other then might makes right and that the rich and connected have a god given right, not just to govern, but to rule unfettered by anything but their febrile imaginations.

  3. The transcript was enough. I can’t listen to Trump’s obnoxious voice.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Yes. What we sane folks have known before Donnie ever descended his gilded escalator. Question is will this be sufficient to wake up Congress?

  5. Jane & PKM, people who have been conned, suckered, seduced, converted, or wholly given themselves over to an unworthy object rarely thank you for pointing that fact out. Their almost invariable response is to double down on their devotion to the unworthy object.

    There are exceptions, as witness the falling off of adherence to the Catholic church after repeated exposure of their covering up sexual atrocities against children. Some things really are unforgivable. But Donnie doesn’t fall into that category… yet. I think he will once it becomes obvious that he’s dragging the GOP vote totals down, and then they’ll dump him into the latrine. Then we’ll be stuck with Pence the theocrat.

  6. Just read that the demented one is going to “chair” a meeting of the Security Council about Iran with an Iranian Official ( PM Foriegn Minister?) scheduled to speak.
    I hope Mueller drops a couple of indictments the night before and the NY AG serves him papers to appear at a hearing about his “foundation” on the way in the door and Avenetti ( stormy’s lawyers) get a schedule interragation with him for immediately afterwards.
    Sell your stocks because after he makes a complete fool of himself, shames the country and possibly starts a war all in an attempt to salvage his petty and over inflated ego with a greater demonstration of his stupidity the markets will crash.

  7. Linda Phipps says:

    Not sure if this would “wake up” the senate. They are too busy slobbering over how much of a family man Kavanaugh is (gaaaah) and preparing to give him the go ahead without looking at any of the (invisible)paperwork.

  8. I think the country is more ready to deal with a Theocrat now. Read Quora, or type “atheist debate” into Google or YouTube…

  9. I just read the transcript of the phone call. To say that Trump has the brain level of a 5th or 6th grader is way too generous and a slap at middle school children. In a way it is kind of comforting to know that the grown ups are handling his blue in the face rages to make sure he doesn’t blow up the planet, but seriously, it is not comforting to know that someone this unqualified (nice word but a really rotten situation) is still in the White House. Cannot wait for Mueller to do his thing! And as for Pence -IF he does succeed Trump – the first time he raises his arms to heaven and actually calls down a plague on someone or something, he should be shuffled off somewhere he can’t hurt himself or anyone else. And frankly, I am not kidding about the “God”like behavior. The weasel is capable of this!

  10. Rachel Maddow had a lot on her show last night about Kavanaugh’s position on abortion. Not good.

    I am rereading and passing on a lot of books I collected over the years as an obsessive book hoarder, so I am not buying any new ones but using my local online library for that. I was amused to find I am 124 out of 124 holds to read the one copy they plan to acquire. I suspect they will rethink that and get more than one.

  11. WaPo had an excellent article on this book, as you might expect. The people in the White House also know he’s truly insane and treat him like a toddler.

    I hold the Pootiepublicans just as responsible for the current debacle as Wankmaggot because most of them are sane. They are madly enabling out of their own greed and lust for power. The way they are allowing Pootie to hack our election is the worst. Of that bunch, I think Chinless Wonder McTurtle is even worse than Lyin Ryan.

  12. Linda Phipps says:

    I bit the bullet and ordered the Kindle edition.

  13. Awful as the recording is, you should listen to it, in order to appreciate just how adroitly KellyAnne covers her bony little ass, ironically by lying it off.

  14. Our local Mueller response team rep sent a list of folks still on the Kavanaugh fence (as of last week) and suggested that USPS mail is the most effective means of contact. While I remain totally pessimistic, it did feel good to send off a few postcards. The only ones I had in the house are from Postcards to Voters, with a blue wave on the front. Think they’ll mind?

    Here’s the list:
    Doug Jones(D)
    Lisa Murkowski (R)
    Jeff Flake(R)
    Bill Nelson (D)
    Joe Donnelly (D)
    Susan Collins(R)
    Claire McCaskill (D)
    Jon Tester (D)
    Catherine Cortez-Masto (D)
    Heidi Heitkamp (D)
    Joe Manchin III (D)

    I imagine in my fertile brain a scene like the courtroom scene in Miracle on 34th st, with bags of postcards piled on their desk. Just dreaming, I know.

  15. “Trump Conducts Witch Hunt Of WH Staff To Sniff Out Woodward’s Sources” (TPM and other sites)
    Visions of the demented one doing his bogart imitation of Captain Queeg.
    Maybe we should all send him ball bearings and a couple of quarts of strawberry’s.

  16. As a followup to mentioning that I am 124th on the waiting list at my county library for the online book. I checked, and they have increased it to 38 copies on order.
