
September 04, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Grassley just stated that approving Kavanaugh is a way to atone for the treatment of both Judge Robert Bork and Justice Clarence Thomas!

You want atonement for two horrible mistakes on your side?  Go to church.  You want democracy? Release his papers and give us time to read them.

Grassley, you’re a jerk.


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0 Comments to “Kavanaugh”

  1. Hey Grassley, how about atoning for letting Merrick Garland twist in the wind for nine months? “Yertle the Turtle” McConnell was very smug about that one.

  2. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Durbin gave BK hell — missing documents, appearance of perjury, etc. He challenged BK to demonstrate integrity and withdraw until relevant documents could be made available.

  3. There is nothing to atone for. Both Bork and Thomas were clearly unqualified to sit as Supremes. Looks to me like the score is 1-1 in that comparison in that the snacilbupeR succeeded in putting one of two unqualified candidates in the Supreme Court.

    I trust there is a special place in He77 for people like Grassley, who has supped at the public trough since 1959. In particular, Grassley’s imperial manner rubs me the wrong way.

  4. “Grassley, you’re a jerk.”

    You’re being way nicer than I was. I was screaming, “DIE, GRASSLEY!!” at the TV until my DH came to lead me away, sobbing and cursing.

  5. The you know what from Texas, Cornyn thinks all Democrats should be in jail!

    Now Jon Kyl will replace McCain, another toadie!

  6. SteveTheReturned says:

    Anita Hill is a damned sight more entitled to atonement than Clarence Thomas. Start telling her repeatedly you’re sorry for how she was treated, Grassley—you won’t live long enough to register anything close to sufficient regret.

  7. Having been watching this “morality” play on MSNBC. Amy Klobuchar was AMAZING!! Sasse almost sounds human but his whole reason for being there is simply to robotically vote for the nominee. No deep questions from him. Coons had an entire list of things that Kavanaugh shouldn’t have done as a judge considering what Kavanaugh has praised about himself many years ago. Kavanaugh obviously likes deeply bad boys in leadership positions. Why? Well thats the manly thing to do, you know! Hope I have the strength to watch this all play out to the voting. And the demo on the committee have been totally screwed by the White House, etc. Its not a matter of bringing butter knives to a fight. Klobuchar et al. are cage fighters. Its the cage that has changed, right under their feet.

  8. @maggie– Yes re Sen Klobuchar. Walked out of the room yelling “Amy for POTUS!” Better’n screaming about Grassley, may he grow like an onion (head in the ground, feet in the air).

  9. Every single time I turn on CSPAN, it makes me despair for our nation. Chuck Grassley should be ashamed of himself. This hearing is an embarrassing farce. Why am I surprised?
    Just saw that Brett Kavanaugh turned his back on Fred Gutenberg (father of Jamie) during the break and that speaks volumes about his pettiness and lack of character. Guess he’ll fit right in.

  10. Watched a bit this morning before heading into work. The Dems that were protesting the non-release of documents were running circles around Grassley, who I doubt is smarter than a field of Iowa corn. All he could do was read from some statement someone else wrote for him. He’s never even gone to law school, so why is he Chair of the Judiciary Cmt??? I cheered and yelled out “Bless you!” to the people who got up one by one to protest as Grassley and Hatch were speaking. But then someone yelled while Pat Leahy was speaking. Excuse me, he’s one of the GOOD GUYS so hush. ::shrug:: Not able to pay attention now as I’m at work and yesterday was a holiday and I’m behind for the week already, and I shouldn’t even be doing this much. And yes, I love me some Amy Klobuchar, and Kamala Harris, and Diane Feinstein, and Mazie Hirono. Smart women!

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Grassley is a fool, Orin Hatch is a miserable old fool, and TX Sen. John Cornyn threw his a$$ in to challenge those two fools in a biggest fool extravaganza.

    Putin has Kompromat on Donnie, but he did share his Kompromat with him on all the snacilbupeR Congress varmints. They fear Donnie. That’s an insane role reversal. They have the power to impeach his sorry carcass. So what’s up? Hurry up Team Mueller, there are some stories we all need to hear.

  12. And how is he a toning for delaying judge Garland. Now there u is some a toning needed.

  13. What the hell is with Lyin’ Condoleeza Rice sitting behind Kavanaugh at the hearing?
    Saw her in a news blurb while Kav was speaking, prominently over his left shoulder.
    Haven’t seen or heard of her for quite a while and she pops up during this. Maybe they’re hoping to ‘balance’ any Anita Hill refs?
    F ’em all, dammit.

  14. trixicopper says:

    Someone should remind Chuckles that Bork was “Borked” for damn good reasons and Clarence has been wasting space at the SCOTUS for the last 25 years. Pfffhhhttt! And that is me being “civil”.

  15. When Bork was up for the Court I was privileged to be working with a group of nurses who had all sorts of specialties. Bork scared thehell out of them. Physically, he turned them off even before he opened his mouth. He looked as seedy as the guy who slept of his drunk in the gutter. And his attitude was way past deplorable. One of the nurses actually had a doctorate and said that if he had turned up at his orals looking like a drunken bun, he would have been thrown out of the room.

  16. Grassley forwards a history rewriting lie: I was trapped in my studio working on a commission, and I watched (or listened on NPR) to the whole thing. Bork was bloody awful: rude, arrogant, fixed in his opinions, and showed himself to be an extremist. There were occasionally gasps when he delivered some outrageous answers: he was voted down by not only Democrats, but by some more sensible Republicans..his later opinions in his writings showed him to be a loon…
    And, of course, he did Nixon’s bidding to fired Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox, after Elliot Richardson and William Ruckelshouse refused to and resigned. Kavanaugh continues the grand tradition of Republican Party hacks being rewarded with high office..
