Hoochy East Texas Style
I want y’all to meet Republican County Judge Joel Baker of Smith County. Joel is a dedicated Christian and he wants you to know it.
As a Christian with an unequivocal faith in God, Joel does his best to honor God each day through daily work and worship and service at Marvin United Methodist Church.
You know, except when he’s sexting.
Yes, sireeeee, the guy who is the county judge was sexting with a total stranger while he was in his office, sitting on the Judicial Conduct Committee judging other judges’ behavior, and damn near everywhere else.
And he even sent pictures of his winkie to a total stranger.
It’s not the first time Judge Baker, that fine Republican church-going man, has been caught doing some powerfully weird stuff.
In 2011, he was investigated for taking pictures of a young woman who rented a house next to property he owned. The police pretty much gave him an unwarranted walk on it, and the sheriff even endorsed him for reelection. This guy was screaming for help.
So y’all go on ahead and let Louie Gohmert know that we have something to add to the museum and it’s a doozy. The only thing that belongs in that museum is a whole bucket of hypocrisy.