Holy Damn Words

October 16, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, he’s full of so much crap and leaving such a damn mess behind that he’s like a hurricane with a dictionary.

Trump’s letter to Erdogan.


Click here to see the big one.

Okay, okay, who the hell wrote this B Grade Mafia movie?  Don’t be a tough guy.  Don’t be a fool? Who talks like that?

However, the best is: I will call you later. (to apologize?)


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0 Comments to “Holy Damn Words”

  1. I don’t think Putin dictated that one.

  2. Speaking of weird letters.
    Today received a plain white envolope that states on out side that
    “Do Not Destroy Official Document”.
    On the “cover letter inside Is Titled “2019 Congressional District Census” in bold letters and in much smaller print it states it is “commissioned by the republican party”
    I am aware of scams that attempted to take advantage of either weaker eyesight or automatic responses to documents that are purported to be “official documents” of older citizens.
    This appears to be an example of that.
    The questionnaire enclosed that appears to be a “Census” form (having been a census taker some 20 years ago have some familiarity with forms) that is asking questions using the word “Census” ending up with request for contributions.
    The return envelope is addressed to the Republican National Committee.
    It appears to me that this mailing is at best misleading with its emphasis on the Census that is Constitutionally mandated every decade and has been heavily reported on.
    Because this appears to be a clumsy attempt to extort information and money from me with the suggestion that it is an “Official Document” for the “Census” I am concerned that this may be illegal.
    I doubt it will do much good but am reporting it to the USPS fraud investigation.

  3. A 2 for.
    The POTUS is a moron AND sounds like an idiot.

    Republicans should be consigned to the deepest part of hell for unleashing this man on the world, AND not working with the Democrats to get rid of him.

  4. Nobody in their right mind would sign their name on that.

  5. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    That is so embarrassing I have no words. Sad!

  6. Ron in VancouverWA says:

    Unbelievable! Even after I vetted it. It’s real, and I can’t understand why someone would send such a letter to another leader of a country. I guess he did it in “his great and unmatched wisdom” for the benefit of “us” namely him. I can’t wait for a changing of the guard.

  7. How much farther is it to talking to portraits of dead presidents, or in this case, tweeting dead presidents?

    Brian Klaas


    Honestly this letter from Trump to Erdogan would make more sense if it were written in crayon on lined practice paper rather than on White House letterhead.

    This after his meltdown: The House speaker added that Trump was “very shaken up” because the House agreed with a huge 354-60 bipartisan vote — with two-thirds of Republicans joining the Democrats — to condemn the president’s recent decision directing U.S. forces to abandon the American Kurdish allies. That decision triggered widespread outrage in Congress, including from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The Democrats called on McConnell to take up the House’s resolution of condemnation and pass it in the Senate.


  8. slipstream says:

    Rick: exactly.

  9. Note the letter is dated Oct. 9, or one week ago. Yeh, that did a lot of good.

    As Chris Hayes tweeted: “That bizarre letter was sent a week ago, FYI. Meaning it was…basically thrown in the trash by Erdogan.”

    And now trump is melting down, according to Schumer, Pelosi and Hoyer. Great. I hope the nuclear codes are well protected.

  10. The thing is, Erdogan IS a tough guy. Dotard is just a bully.

    And everybody knows bullies are fundamentally cowards at their core…

  11. Kathleen Dungan says:

    Hannah, the codes need to be changed to pi.

  12. The only way he could have made it better is if he had cut and pasted letters out of the newspaper or a magazine to form the words…so many words…the best words….

  13. “Don’t be a tough guy. Don’t be a fool? Who talks like that?”

    I’ll tell you who. A guy who thinks he’s a tough guy.
    And a fool.

  14. Also, it looks like he’s signing his name Drumpf again.

  15. K @2:
    I heard they did the same thing 10 years ago. And they didn’t have the advantage of it being the year of a presidential vote that time. But hey, it would bring in some money to go after President Obama two years later.

  16. Karen Hall says:

    I’m hoping he just strokes out.

  17. WA Skeptic says:

    Donnie is not accustomed to being confronted about his behavior by someone who is not intimidated by his bluster and verbal abuse, let alone someone who isn’t beholden to him for their salaries. Good.

    Go Madame Speaker, go.

  18. Sandridge says:

    For a further example of Comrade Trump’s ‘genius, we’re now having to task bombing missions to destroy some military assets [ammo caches] that we just abandoned on Der Fuhrer’s orders of just a few days ago.
    Yeah, our military retreated so fast on this POSOTUS’ orders that they left behind many tons of paid-for military hardware!
    These missions are both dangerous and expensive, to blow up materiel that we paid millions[?] for originally!

    Can we get RAT45 to ride up a snowy mountain on a big white horse like the DPRK’s Lil’ Kimmy just did? Just don’t bring him back down…

    I made several comments about this ‘$$abandoned military stuff$$’ here:

    The last, detailed comment about the air strikes is here, w/story link:

    “Like I wrote above, an even worse example [poorly written, link below]:
    We’re even spending money on DESTROYING our own left behind junk!

    We left behind an ammunition cache [and/or more?] in the rush to ‘obey’ Der Fuhrer’s orders to abandon the peacekeeping mission, and hastily retreated, leaving behind millions of dollars of military equipment.
    Now we’ve tasked some [expensive] air bombing missions to attempt to neutralize these valuable jettisoned military assets.
    The missions of course are triply dangerous from a week ago for the crews because the area is now wide open to the many factions and forces now active; including an expanded Russian and Iranian presence.

    Comrade Donnei sure is a fucking “stable genius” in military and diplomatic affairs, yes he is…


  19. Forgot:

  20. It’s not that Con Man Donald T Rump is a total fool, but . . . oh never mind, yes it is. A third grader could write a more intelligent and diplomatic letter.

    Trump needs to be back on TV in “No Way You’re Smarter Than A Fifth Grader.”

  21. Who talks like that? Unfortunately the leader of the free world.
    Because he’s the “elected” leader of America.
    Largely made possible by convincing millions of our fellow citizens that America hasn’t been great for decades.
    And only he can make it great again.
    This letter is him demonstrating how he’s doing it
    What would be hilarious if it weren’t sickenly disgusting, is how perfectly everything that’s happened for the last 5 years has gone towards making Vladimir Putin great again.

  22. P.P. @21, Comrade Bonespurs has only ‘lead’ his regime for 1000 days, today. That’s all, less than 3 years, doing more damage to America than all 44 previous Presidents.
    Although the treasonous Rethugs have been abrogating their sworn Constitutional duties for more than 5 years, since 20 Jan 2009, when they all swore to subvert President Obama in any way possible.
    An adjudicated firing squad end would be too good for the lot of them.

  23. Precedent is not just a domestic legal thingy.
    The whole world is watching how we honor our international commitments and treaties that donald f**king trump is wiping his ass with.
    Leaving allies to die.
    I guarantee that in the future when normal American Presidents try to build an international coalition to counter aggression, foreign leaders will remember that America, who could for the most part be counted on to honor it’s commitments no matter the swing of the political pendulum, can no longer be trusted to do so.
    Every 4 years all bets are off.
    Damn, I’ve finally found something that f**ker said that I can agree with.
    I’m tired as HELL of all that winning

  24. Sandridge:
    Roger that. But I’m talking about the timeframe including the campaign, and probably way before that. And yeah, most repugnantcans are guilty for taking advantage of the propaganda, while staying silent about the constant barrage of malevolent lies coming from the alternative reality infrastructure.

  25. This isn’t real, is it?

  26. I think the only way this country recovers some standing and good will in my lifetime is to remove Trump from office, try him, and jail him. Then, some other countries may accept that we fixed the problem.

  27. @twocrows #15
    When I dropped my complaint off at the Local post office the clerk told me I wasn’t the first and yes it was considered to be a scam by the USPS

  28. People should start comparing demented donnies actions as being even dumber then the twits war of conquest unleashing a baby merc force to rape, pillage, torture and murder with impunity createing even greater disorder and oppression in iraq.

    Considering how badly moscow mitch reacted to that monoker and the demented ones repeated asseration that he is better then the twit (a low bar indeed) this might worm even further under his sensitive hide.

  29. Linda Phipps says:

    K … I got a similar letter in 2000 or maybe 1999 … again “official” and “do not destroy”… a blatant Republican SURVEY posing as a census. The kicker was at the end … something like “we will be tracking your response”. So they have been up to these sordid tricks for a long time. BTW, is destroyed it, and I am still alive.

  30. Linda Phipps says:

    Sandridge: What does “ITGDMFBN!” mean? Many years ago, my mother’s mother would send a typed message when she hadn’t gotten letters for a while: “qabn9h8viqjne3lkik7”

  31. Linda Phipps says:

    RE: Trump’s crazy letter.. did Mulvaney write this thing?

  32. Elijah Cummings died last night. And the abject shame for us is that we as a people allowed a POTUS in office that could send A JOKE of a bullying, blustering, and moronic OFFICIAL REPRESENTATION OF THE WILL OF OUR NATION. And the fact that such a good and honorable servant of our country had to be lost in the 24 hours of release of such an example of idiocy makes the loss agonizing…

  33. Linda Phipps @30

    I’m guessing ITGDMFBN! means: “impeach the g-damned m-f**king bastard now!”

    Or something similar but in the same vein.

  34. Sandridge says:

    Linda Phipps @30, It’s an extended, obscene version of a now common acronym.
    Sort of– ImpeachTheGolDarnMotorFordBarkerNow!, but using bad words ;] .
    The original is ~ITMFA!, ImpeachTheMoFoAlready, or variations on the theme.
    You can even buy buttons, tshirts, bumperstickers with it. But where I live showing stuff like that, actually anything ‘Democratic’, would be suicidal; some of the local MAGAots are raving RWNJs [even if I’m a better marksman and better armed]. Your home or vehicles would be trashed ASAP if not worse [there are many ‘paper’ ways they can make you miserable too, BTDT].

    If you live in a sane blue area, get a button or something, we need a massive national effort to get rid of these vermin.

  35. Sandridge says:

    LizzyMom @33, Bingo! ;]

  36. Mueller is responsible for TRASHING Hillary and has partial responsibility for the mal-election that resulted in Low IQ stealing the election!

    Yes, Mueller still has a lot for which to atone!
    He abetted in electing low IQ.

  37. I have received a number of official documents, all from the Dept of Commnerece, who inform me to go to my computer and hitch into the site for a survey. Lotsa luck, guys. I have a MAC and its browser doesn’t like about half of the stuff I get so I can’t open it! After be threatened with penalties someone will inevitably call me and take two bits of information over the phone. When I tell them not to email me because my equipment is incompatible with theirs, I get a blank response. They don’t know what I am talking about. It is only since this administration that I have received these things and they are asking for too damn much info from what I can see on their initial hard copy mail!

  38. @Dan #36:

    Mueller? Or Comey…

    @Maggie #37:

    Are you using Safari? Have you tried Firefox or Chrome? Also what do you have for ad blockers and security settings? I know that browser compatibility used to be a thing, but geeze.

    It’s 2019…

  39. @Maggie #37
    Sounds like you have found an elegant solution to them harassing you.
    After having worked on Mac’s for over 20 years I would be checking OS version, Java, Flash ( the source of much digital evil) and other settings etc. (plus what Old Fart #37 mentioned) Blocking Pop-ups often has the result you cited.
    But since this is serving a positive function for you why bother?
