
October 17, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Yes, I saw Nancy Pelosi addressing Trump in the cabinet room.



Yes, I saw Trump’s whiny boy face.



Yes, I saw the Triad of Shame.

Yes, I saw Kevin McCarthy holding on to the table with both hands to keep from sliding under it.

But mostly I saw a room filled with white men.  Speaker Pelosi was the only hooter toter in the entire room.  There were no people of color deciding American policy.  Y’all, we just gotta change that.


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0 Comments to “Color”

  1. Well, there’s a woman in the back row behind Speaker Pelosi, and I think there might also be one at the table to her left, barely visible between the (white) men.

    But that doesn’t negate your point, it simply reinforces it.

  2. And where the bleep is Ben Carson?

  3. The Surly Professor says:

    Trump posted this photo as “Nervous Nancy’s unhinged meltdown!” on Twitter. She has now made it into her cover photo on Twitter, thanking Trump for it.

    Trump really doesn’t realize just how bad the photo makes him look.

  4. If an alien [no not a Mexican, someone from outer space] landed here and saw any number of pics of our government officials, s/he/it would conclude that:
    1] the country was made up entirely of white people [not 62%]
    2] the vast majority of the country MUST be made up of immigrants since its citizen population was 98% male/2% female and so was incapable of replacing itself.

  5. Future students of body language will get PhDs from analysing this photo. No people of color at all? You’d think the country was as white as a Kleenex.
    On a serious and sad note, RIP Rep. Elijah Cummings. We will miss him. Who will stand up in (not take) his place in working for justice? They say that the good die young. Even though 68 was much to early an age for death, if he had lived until we no longer needed him, he’d have outlasted Jimmy Carter (also unreplaceable).

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Old white men, mostly with white hair, excepting the black shoe polished head of Mnuchin and whatever yellow tinged Russian hooker substance Donnie colors his hair.

  7. msg @ 6,

    If only it was the evilest, vilest, cruelest and the most despicable humans that died young…

  8. Captain Dan says:

    When the majority of voters are STUPID of any color, we will have STUPID elected office holders.
    IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH and indict and try for TREASON!

  9. Saw this on Facebook and thought it was apt: Why is it that the only woman in the room is the only one that has any b@lls? On Mr. Cummings, so sad to hear of this honorable man’s passing – and the Orange Turd lives on.

  10. Sam in Superior says:

    I read that the only other woman there is Liz Cheney. Being just like her dad, she barely qualifies as human much less female.

  11. Linda Phipps says:

    Sadly, today we also lost Elijah Cummings, a patriot and voice for social justice. Trump send a nice note of condolence, which would be appreciated unless you know where it comes from.

  12. Suzanne Melton says:

    I think Nancy Pelosi and Michelle Obama are in agreement:

  13. I recall the video of Darrel Issa reaching over and shutting off Elijah’s mike at a committee hearing while Elijah was still speaking. That fact that Elijah did not eat him alive impressed me. And bad cess for eternity for Darrel Issa.

  14. Impeach + Remove = Improve

    Improve America.

  15. The Surly Professor says:

    I just downloaded a full sized copy of that photo, and noticed that if you look over the heads of the Three Grumpy Men, there’s a bust of Ben Franklin looking like he is really unhappy with what’s going on. JJ, you should not have cropped that out – it fits in so perfectly.

    And I gotta face it: Pelosi is a far better person than me. If Trump had thrown out the “third rate politician” line at me, I’d have responded with “third rate crook, grifter, and failed businessman”.

  16. That’s three strong, smart women making a mark the past six days: Ambassador Yovanovitch, Dr. Fiona Hill, and Speaker Pelosi. All patriots,brave, standing up for the country.

  17. The woman in the back, against the wall, is Terri McCollough, Pelosi’s chief of staff.

  18. “There were no people of color deciding American policy. Y’all, we just gotta change that.”


    And, perhaps more important, how?

    Er, given that you have an open and free franchise!

  19. @ Hannah
    Hear, hear!

    @David Duff
    “Open and free franchise”. Bless your heart, you sweet summer child.

  20. One crashed into the cuckoo’s nest.

    Trump was ‘yelling and screaming’: Reporter says GOP source fears Trump is ‘not in control of himself’ — and getting even worse

    CNN correspondent Jamie Gangel reported Thursday that Republicans at the contentious White House meeting the previous day featuring President Donald Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were deeply alarmed by the GOP leader’s behavior and demeanor.
    Citing a Republican source, who reportedly conferred with others who attended the meeting, said they were “completely shaken” and “shell shocked” by the president.
    Pelosi and fellow Democrats had tried to make that point publicly on Wednesday, saying that Trump had a “meltdown,” went on a “diatribe,” and was insulting to the House speaker. Pelosi added that she was also concerned about the president’s “health.” But at least in public, some Republicans tried to turn the tables on Pelosi, saying it was she who behaved inappropriately by walking out of the meeting. However, even these Republicans didn’t really deny that Trump was acting bullying and insulting toward the speaker.

    Trump, too, tried to accuse Pelosi of having a “meltdown” by sharing a picture of her in the meeting — but that attempt backfired.

    Now, based on Gangel’s reporting, we were given reason to believe — as we already could have guessed — that Republicans were similarly disturbed by Trump’s actions.

    “He is not in control of himself,” Gangel said, citing her source. “It is all yelling and screaming.”

    She continued: “And I asked the source, you know, who’s been in many meetings with them — has it changed? Is it worse? Because every week we talk about, is it getting worse? The source said, ‘100 percent.’ I asked, are you worried about his stability? And the source said, ‘yes.’ The source went on to talk to other senior Republicans who were in the meeting. They were also shaken up. One used the word ‘sickened.’”

  21. @MSB #20

    Alas, at 80 I hardly qualify as “a summer child”, even so, perhaps you could explain how, exactly and precisely, you would change your voting ‘rules ‘n’ regs’ to ensure that people of whom you approve get to run affairs?

    Jes’ askin’!

  22. I’m wondering if Kevin McCarthy isn’t on an atonement kick? His speech about the late Elijah Cummings was actually unexpectedly good and moving.
