Holy Crap: I’m Not Saying That People In East Texas Are Mean, But Damn … Edition
Montgomery County is dangerously close to Houston and they take their roads very seriously.
So seriously in fact …
Montgomery County Judge Craig Doyal opened Commissioners Court Monday morning at 9:30 and asked for a volunteer in the audience for an opening prayer. Again like last week Mary Hammer Menzel volunteered in the opening prayer. Like last week she brought in the road bond as part of the prayer expressing how it was really needed in Montgomery County. However then she referred to the ones against it as “Tools of Satan”.
Yes, Satan is a well-known anti-transportation advocate. It’s easier for him to grab you when you’re not a moving target.
The prayer did cause some consternation.
Laura Fillault came up moments later and announced she was speaking for the road bond. “First off I want to say I am not a tool of Satan, I didn’t appreciate that part of the prayer, I do believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior”. she said and said she believed he was worried about other things besides a road bond. Fillault said it is a road bond not a satanic ritual.
Well, since both women are for the road bond, we can safely say that cement is the paving choice of the angels.
And not everyone found the prayer to be out of line.
However, Precinct 1 Commissioner Mike Meador said Menzel should not be criticized.
“She does a great job when she is called on,” he said. “To criticize a personal prayer is wrong; it’s offensive.”
You’re offensive if you’re offended. Got it?
East Texas, I love yew.