Mr. Prissy Pious

April 07, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I don’t know if you know Tom DeLay personally like I do, but the guy is prissy.  He’s the only man I know who can strut sitting down.  He is also deeply evil, but I suspect you’ve already guessed that.  It would take a three day conference to tell you all the evil things this man has done.

Screen Shot 2015-04-07 at 4.55.40 PMHe has the morals of a tom cat, earning the name Hot Tub Tom while he served in the state legislature in Austin.  Nobody else could drink liquor for a year in Texas because Tom drank it all one time.

But, oh how those things are forgotten now.

He went on the electric radio and denounced the governors of Indiana and Arkansas for adding LGBT protections to their bills.

“Religious liberty is the foundation of this country, and what they’re trying to do is undermine religious liberty so that they become an accepted sexual orientation,” the former House Speaker continued. “And we have got to fight this battle to the bitter end because when you let the government dictate to you what you believe and what your values are, this county is finished.”

Yah, Tom, let’s talk about your bitter end.

Slimy sumbitch telling me about about values.  A jury of his peers convicted him of a crime of moral turpitude and he skated only because a Republican judge overturned the conviction.

Hell, we had to hire special decontamination units in my county to clean the trail he leaves behind.

Thanks to Kathleen and Irene for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Mr. Prissy Pious”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “accepted sexual orientation” … whatever that means. Don’t know and don’t want to know what Tom’s fixation is on what happens between two consenting adults in the privacy of their own home. All I know is that every individual is guaranteed the same rights under the US Constitution. Except in 12 or so states that need fixing. No federal funds for those moochers, until they join the union and embrace equality.

  2. legion357 says:

    “what they’re trying to do is undermine religious liberty so that they become an accepted sexual orientation,”

    Umm. who is? The Governors or who?

    Religious gay people or straight religious people or maybe both or maybe just people that believe in civil rights?

  3. PKM, it’s more than 12 states that deny equal rights to LGBT folks– I think it’s about 30 or more. In some states you can get same-sex married one day and legally fired for being gay the next.

    Saw this great thing online:

    If you think gays don’t deserve “special rights” because they “choose to be gay,” why do you think you deserve special rights for choosing to be Christian?

    Though that ignores the fact that Jesus never said one word against the gays. If someone objects to making a wedding cake for two gays, but they’ll do it for a divorced person’s remarriage, point out to them where Jesus condemned divorce and remarriage: Matthew 5:32; 19:9; Mark 10:11-11; Luke 16:17. So refusal to support gay marriage is pure prejudice.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, that same sex marriage and equal rights for everyone is an issue boggles my mind. We so need a major 2016 victory, so that the SCOTUS can be filled with honest people. “States Rights” is one flipping bullhorn of a smoke screen and dog whistle for voter suppression, LGBT discrimination and a crapload of Dominionist/Theocrat crazy.

    Same sex marriage in no way impacts my marriage. But it sure as hell embarrasses me that there are still citizens waiting for the full privileges/rights that come with being a citizen.

    The GOP/Christo/Taliban are so full of contradictions. Silly people are so worried about ‘moochers,’ yet they have no problem with taxpaying citizens being fired from their jobs due to ancient superstitions that are conflated for one reason only: discrimination. They make no sense.

  5. PKM, great comments!

  6. BarbinDC says:

    I’m gettin’ real worried that the Rethug meme “this country was founded on Christian priniciples” is starting to set in.

    Um, no it most certainly was not. Exactly the opposite, in fact.

  7. The 1797 Treaty of Tripoli includes the clause that “the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” This was to indicate that there was no reason why they couldn’t have a treaty with an Islamic state.

    This treaty was written at the end of Washington’s presidency, signed by new president John Adams, read aloud in the Senate, a printed copy given to every senator, and unanimously passed by the Senate. And a fair number of them had been involved in getting the Constitution passed, so they had a good idea of the basis of the American government.

  8. Sancho Pantha says:

    I’ll never forget.

    I live in Austin and we won’t ever forget how he has deprived us of democratic representation. I live in one of the most obviously liberal cities in the country, and certainly in the state, yet my U.S. Congressman is selected by oil industry suburbanites in North Houston every year. I’m served by Michael McCaul, the richest member of congress, heir by marriage to the Clear Channel fortune.

    This is not who I and my neighbors want representing us, but we cannot decide for ourselves, and talk with our friends and neighbors because of DeLay when he personally oversaw the carving of the Austin area into 6 snaking, computer generated pictures of gerrymandering. Austin is now the 11th largest city in America, yet we don’t have a congressional district that’s based here. (

    The outright racist gerrymandering and the money-laundering laws this Syltherin broke may or may not land him in jail because of his GOP connections, but in a just world, they would.

  9. Hot tub? Knew all the other stuff about this specimen but never knew that one. Don’t like hot tubs. Never will. Remind me too much of someone getting cooked in a broth filled pot over an open fire and then eaten.

  10. Aggieland Liz says:

    For those of you that occasionally look into the Bible, take heart and remember this little nugget: “Not everyone who says “Lord, lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven!” Mr. Tom Delay and his ilk just conveniently gloss over that one. And Barb, I am with you all the way-this holier than thou crap that has swept our poor nation is a catastrophe. It reminds me of kindergarten, and adult carryings-on that remind me of kindergarten cannot be a good thing (you’ll remember! “You can’t be MY friend because YOU are/aren’t so-n-so’s friend!” And this is all based on the existence of Someone or Something that can’t be proved!)

  11. @BarbinDC
    This “Christian nation” crap sets me off faster than just about anything else the T-sheeple do. Besides promoting the idea that non-Christians are second class citizens, this rwnj idea is also just plain untrue.

  12. Today’s Tom Delay’s birthday. Somebody make him a cake.

  13. Bob Boland says:

    I take some small (very small) comfort in my readings in history. The Christian world went through this same uber-religious hysteria around the time of the first millennium AD. From about 950 to 1050 AD there was a huge increase in the more extreme forms of Christianity created, in part, by the certainty that the end of the world was at hand and everyone needed to get right with G*d. As the realization that the end of the world was not happening, the hysteria died down.

  14. One of the sweetest, kindest, most real persons I have ever known was talking about a fellow church member who was known by all to be so very HolyPious(TM). In reference to said HolyPious person she exclaimed, with a gleeful grin — He just Piouses me off. That is now a favorite family expression. 🙂

  15. e platypus onion says:

    I like Bob Boland’s comment,but,one should never underestimate this bunch of religious dingbats. These guys will never let their hysteria die down until the world ends in about 5 billion years when the sun burns up the last of itself and implodes. Then,and only then,can they pat themselves on the back and proudly proclaim we told you so.

    Dickhead Delay won’t last that long.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Mary K-can one hope it is made by a Gay baker and spring the joke on Delay after he has quaffed his cake?

  17. Corinne Sabo says:

    Being known for getting drunk in a hot tub is good?

  18. Marge Wood says:

    What Sancho said, except I have Rep. Lamar Smith due to the three redistrictings in one ten year period.

  19. maryelle says:

    Those who use religion to mistreat others are the worst hypocrites on this earth. They used it to enslave millions in this country and abroad, to kill, to deny voting rights, to deny interracial marriage and to deny American citizens who happen to be born gay as their Creator made them, their rights under the constitution. Let the false prophets know their time is up.

  20. @innerlooper, thanks for the link. The last quote by Madison really says it all.
