Holy Crap: I’m Not Saying That People In East Texas Are Mean, But Damn … Edition

April 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Montgomery County is dangerously close to Houston and they take their roads very seriously.

So seriously in fact …

Montgomery County Judge Craig Doyal opened Commissioners Court Monday morning at 9:30 and asked for a volunteer in the audience for an opening prayer. Again like last week Mary Hammer Menzel volunteered in the opening prayer. Like last week she brought in the road bond as part of the prayer expressing how it was really needed in Montgomery County. However then she referred to the ones against it as “Tools of Satan”.

Yes, Satan is a well-known anti-transportation advocate.  It’s easier for him to grab you when you’re not a moving target.

The prayer did cause some consternation.

Laura Fillault came up moments later and announced she was speaking for the road bond. “First off I want to say I am not a tool of Satan, I didn’t appreciate that part of the prayer, I do believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior”. she said and said she believed he was worried about other things besides a road bond. Fillault said it is a road bond not a satanic ritual.

Well, since both women are for the road bond, we can safely say that cement is the paving choice of the angels.

Screen Shot 2015-04-08 at 8.44.15 AMAnd not everyone found the prayer to be out of line.

However, Precinct 1 Commissioner Mike Meador said Menzel should not be criticized.

“She does a great job when she is called on,” he said. “To criticize a personal prayer is wrong; it’s offensive.”

You’re offensive if you’re offended.  Got it?

East Texas, I love yew.



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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: I’m Not Saying That People In East Texas Are Mean, But Damn … Edition”

  1. Jesus is worried about the winners of ball games but not road bonds? Good to know. I’ll file that under “Useful Trivia.”

  2. The vast majority of people should not pray aloud in public. This goes double for inarticulate rwnj Texans. This is the definitive example of why.

    And just for the record, to Commissioner Mike Meador, personal prayers spoken aloud in a language others around you understand are NOT personal prayers. Dumba$$.

  3. Someone please tell me why an “opening prayer” is needed at Commissioners Court. Mary Hammer Menzel is obviously a Tool of Satan.

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Welcome to my wonderful world, folks.

    All we want is another road to get us out of our locked in area and these people are more worried about prayer & who’s calling who Satan?

    I liked this are more when it was just a one lane bridge over the creek, the wild hogs, rent cows, deer and occasional coyote. Not to mention our local alligator.

    Local RWNJs? I’d feed ’em to our alligator but he’d probably spit them out.

    Good Grief.

  5. linda phipps says:

    Being from out of state, I was curious about the picture with the story, the Museum of East Texas Culture. Definately worth a side trip!

  6. Sam in San Antonio says:

    East Texas Culture? Shouldn’t the word ‘lacks’ be part of that sign?

  7. yellowdoggranny says:

    I attended second city council meeting in West, Texas yesterday..it was started by a prayer where the pastor asked for help for the city council to help in our regrowth since the explosion..and when he was done I went to sit down..oh no..the pledge of allegiance ..I thought I was in high school again..I forgot that these are all expected rituals of the south..but even though we have crappy roads they are being fixed by fema money..thank you Jesus.

  8. They don’t allow prayer in school but they do in County Commissioners Court?

    I want a Hindu or a Muslim to stand up next week to give the prayer and say they are being denied their right of religious freedom if only Christians have the right to say the prayer.

  9. I’m with Micr. Public prayer and personal prayer are two different things entirely. Jesus said the latter should be done in your closet (Matthew 6:6, my former husband’s favorite verse). He also mentions the folks praying in public in a not too favorable manner in Matthew 6:5.

  10. Yep, Jesus said not to pray in public like the Pharisees to show off how religious you are. Dang, a heck of a lot of the Bible has been torn out and thrown away. People who think they’re model Christians have highlighted a few verses and tossed most of the rest of it. If you have a red-letter edition, go through it some time reading only the red parts (what Jesus is supposed to have said). Makes an interesting contrast with what these sanctimonious fools spout.

  11. I’m a pagan, I’d like to give the prayer next week. hope this goes thru this time.

  12. Public “prayer”: I wasn’t even in kindergarten at the time my mama and I ran into a “preacher” on the corner of one of our neighborhood streets that intersected with a huge avenue. He was praying out loud (surrounded by a crowd) that God “smite the Hun on the thigh and kill”. Mama immediately turned us both around and went home. She did tell little me that anyone saying that kind of prayer wasn’t praying. Damn! She was right! You can just about guess when all this happened inasmuch as I have been around for three quarters of a century now.

  13. Texas Expat in CA says:

    This situation is just begging for a lawsuit, which needs to be brought by someone with “standing,” i.e., a resident of Montgomery County. If someone is ready to stand up against this kind of nonsense, I’d suggest checking the website of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (https://www.au.org/) for advice and support. Go for it!

  14. maryelle says:

    Dear Lord, please smite these assholes who are complaining about public prayer at public meetings, paid for with public funds. They are denying me my first and second amendment rights, since I plan to punctuate my prayer with gunshots. BAM!
    And to hell with FEMA BAM! right after they get done fixin’ the roads BAM! Lord, help us destroy big government BAM except for the subsidies for Big Agriculture BAM with which we totally agree BAM. And please smite Obama, Tool of Satan. Amen BAM!
    Now who wants to speak against the road bill? I still got some ammo left.

  15. So “To criticize a personal prayer is wrong; it’s offensive” but to criticize a person as a “tool of Satan” is okay?

    It’s becoming increasingly clear that corporations and prayers have more rights and protections than actual people do.

  16. daChipster says:

    A reading from the Gospel of Luke:

    And the LORD said when you pray, say:

    Our Father, Who Art what I say He Art,
    Like an ATM be Thy Name.
    Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be Done
    On Earth, as I infallibly interpret it to be.
    Give us this day our daily bread,
    (but no one else, let them work for it)
    And forgive us our trespasses on BLM grazing ground
    As we forgive… well, no one, really.
    And lead us not into temptation
    Unless no one’s looking and we have an alibi
    But deliver us some guns.
    For ours is the kingdom, the power and the glory
    Forever and ever, thanks to gerrymandering.

  17. Is the sign in the picture in front of the public restrooms? And what is with the $300 admission?

  18. daChipster says:

    It feels like Mary “the Hammer of God” Menzel does a lot of prayerifying at these meetings, as the fellow allows she does a OK “when she is called on.” I’ve seen folks like that. They come to the meeting all the time and feel like they are a part of the board proceedings, and that certain things, like the prayer, or the “honor” of the first comment, is theirs by right. And they end up in a snit if someone else is called upon.

    Just for that reason alone, I’d like to show up often enough to cadge the prayer-giving gig just once, and offer a paean to Lord Satan, just to watch her head explode. As Walter Sobchak might opine: I mean, say what you will about the tenets of Satanism, Dude, but at least its an ethos.

    Sort of.

  19. Surely a “Mary “the Hammer of God” Menzel” prayer
    grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    the courage to change the things I can, and
    the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they pi$$ed me off!”

  20. Rubymay says:

    Thanks so much to maryelle and daChipster for help with my prayers. Excellent, just excellent!

    And Montag, you beat me to it — I, too, was thinking that museum wouldn’t need much of a building, but I hadn’t thought about an outhouse.

  21. Mary Ellen and daChipster and micr- terrific!

  22. UmptyDump says:

    Commissioner Mike Meadow said, “To criticize a personal prayer is wrong; it’s offensive.”

    I wonder how Meadow would feel about that if this gal said a public prayer appealing for God to strike Meadow with a bolt of lightning and turn him into a crispy critter.

  23. I fly in to Dallas for a meeting on Tuesday. I’m only there for 24hours. Do I need to wear a hazmat suit to keep the Texas crazy from getting on me?
