He’s Coming to the Flood

June 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It appears that Governor Greg Abbott is coming to see our flooding tomorrow because … I dunno, he likes the book better than the movie?

I suspect he’s coming to tell us that this is not flooding, this is little baby Jesus tears crying that Barack Obama is destroying America.  And his solution?  Prayer. More prayer. Lots more prayer. You’re not praying hard enough, dammit. You’re all going to hell for the sins of homosexuals and liberals.

I hope they warned him about the unisex bathrooms at Jaime’s Dairy Mart and that our Planned Parenthood has condoms. Oh, we are so going to hell.

If I can find my waders, I want to ask him about this.  Abbott opened up a deceptive trade practices case against Trump University.  Did any of the students in Texas get their money back?  Nope. Wanna know why?

The office of then-Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, a Republican, opened a civil investigation of “possibly deceptive trade practices.” Abbott’s probe was quietly dropped in 2010 when Trump University agreed to end its operations in Texas. Trump subsequently donated $35,000 to Abbott’s successful gubernatorial campaign, according to records.

It’s not that I mind that the Governor is for sale.  Hell, we’ve gotten used to that around here.  What I mind is that he’s for sale so damn cheap.


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