Handy Clip-And-Save Voter Guide

June 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The American National Election Study polled voters and came up with some not-breaking non-news.

You can ask just one simple question to find out whether someone likes Donald Trump more than Hillary Clinton: Is Barack Obama a Muslim? If the answer is yes, 89 percent of the time that person will have a higher opinion of Trump than Clinton.

All evidence of this poll says that economic status, age, ideology, education or gender have little distinguishing factor to Trump supporters.

What does?

Here ya go:


Screen Shot 2016-06-02 at 11.45.06 AM

In short, they are racists.  Like I said, that’s non-breaking not-news.

I heard today that Trump promises to attack President Obama if Obama campaigns for the Democratic nominee.  That’s not going to get Trump any undecided voters.  It just shores up his base.  And he’ll use race to do it.

I just thought you’d want to know that what you thought is scientifically true.

Thanks to HeyZeus for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Handy Clip-And-Save Voter Guide”

  1. Wonder if this will persuade some folks not to vote at all?

  2. Annabelle Lee says:

    Trump spent six years attacking Obama, who finally shut him up by releasing his birth certificate. What’s he got left?

  3. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Trump’s racism & sexism aren’t going to budge his fans a hair away from him–that’s why they like him. That became obvious last fall. And the Clinton haters will happily believe any lies about her, because they *want* to hate her–they aren’t looking for truth, but justification.

    Of course Trump will attack Obama. He’s *already* attacked Obama–he started last fall and has continued to pound on what a bad leader Obama has been. The question for Obama is whether his support will help the candidates he supports, and in some areas that’s probably iffy, despite his higher approval rating.

    I would hope Obama’s support could counter some of the insane dislike/hatred of Clinton that is going to cost her at the polls (esp. among those who are Sanders supporters.)

    Sanders has now completely lost what respect and approval I had for him last fall, due to his increasing similarities to Trump (not in his core values, but in the way he interacts with his base.) He’s an inspiring speaker, an enthusiast who is good at “firing up” a crowd, but he’s not a good leader (in any executive sense, which is what a President needs to be.) Leadership requires more than enthusiasm and slogans, which are Sanders’ strong points; Sanders is not able to keep his base aiming toward what he claimed was his goal. And he is not able to explicate a coherent plan for going forward toward that stated goal. Too many sound bites, not enough meat.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    I’ll vote for whichever Democrat gets nominated. I’m glad I’m not going to any big conventions.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “I heard today that Trump promises to attack President Obama if Obama campaigns for the Democratic nominee. That’s not going to get Trump any undecided voters. It just shores up his base. And he’ll use race to do it.”

    Donnie Drumpf may be even dumber than I thought him to be. In 2010 and 2014 several decent Democrats lost due to ‘running away from’ President Obama. Attacking and lying about the President won’t earn any ‘new’ votes for Donnie. But it sure will be fun watching Donnie wonder what hit him, after Obama squashes him like a bug. ROFL I can’t type now; not with the thought of Donnie engaging in a battle of wits with the President.

  6. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    Do you think President Obama will actually battle an unarmed man?

  7. Unfortunately 22A prevents President Obama from running and defeating Herr Drumpf for POTUS on November 8, 2016.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    W. C. (Pete) Peterson, count on President Obama to do whatever it takes to be sure the Democratic nominee is elected. He will be most effective against Hair Drumpf in the third week of the campaign for the general. That will be three long weeks of sleepless nights for Hair Drumpf as he attempts to think up some zingers to land on the President and fails. While President Obama will be well rested. He’s a natural comedian and will deliver his lines with class, thus pulling the rug out from under Donnie without getting a drop of mud on himself.

    Micr, if President Obama was eligible for a 3rd term, we’d already be rid of Donnie. Donnie would be suffering night terrors at the thought of debating Obama. He’s still stung from the zaps he took at the Correspondents Dinner. It’s only his hubris that makes him think he can trade quips with Obama.

    😀 Can’t wait for VP Biden to enter the fray!

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    Elizabeth Moon, I totally agree with you on this point:
    “Sanders has now completely lost what respect and approval I had for him last fall, due to his increasing similarities to Trump (not in his core values, but in the way he interacts with his base.)”
    To begin with, I said I’d easily vote for Bernie or Hillary … whomever the final nominee ended up being. Now … I’d still vote for him, if it came to that, but it would not be happily. And, sorry to say, I’m not all that keen on Jane either.

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    And, PKM … you are so right … Drumpf and Obama … LOL No contest at all!!

  11. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    At what point will Trump have to put all his business dealings and “great wealth” into a blind trust and start to campaign full time? Or will he simply mot comply, like he’s doing with his tax returns?

  12. Annabelle Lee says:

    IIRC Drumpf’s original “let’s run for President!” buzz started when he went full birther and got all kinds of attention for it. Pure racism, from the jump.

  13. “Is President Obama a Muslim?” is one of several questions I would use to filter out people who should not be allowed to vote because they have no idea what’s going on– for the same reason we don’t let three-year-olds vote.

    As someone else pointed out– can’t find it now– people tend to want the opposite of whoever was just president. Obama is intelligent, knowledgeable, suave, tactful, has a good sense of humor, respects other people including those who aren’t like him, likes and respects women, and has a good grasp of reality. And the opposite of that is… well, Trump.

    A debate between the two of them would be like watching Neil deGrasse Tyson debating astrophysics with a bratty toddler.

  14. @PKM

    Well my thought missed the mark. Drumpf acts like he’s running in 2016 against President Obama. He’s not. President O can’t run again. Drumpf probably, likely, knows that factoid but I suspect it is lost on Drumpf’s supporters. They just want Drumpf to dispatch the Muslim black guy from the presidency. They dont realize that, since 1951, a third term has been a constitutional impossibility.

    It saddens me though if Drumpf gets even one vote by seeming to run against a guy that can’t run against him.

    It saddens me too to think that Obama would likely defeat Drumpf head to head in 2016 as well.

    Of course all this is the taffeta of conjecture. The reality is that there will be an election on November 8th 2016, for us and on January 19th for any Drumpf supporters who might be reading this. And as Dems we need to pull together the morning after the Dem nomination and work to ensure this short-fingered dictator is not elected.

  15. Attacking Obama likely will shore up Trump’s base, but it will also shore up the Dem base.

    I sadly agree about Sanders. I like him much less now than I used to. He is reminding me more and more of Ron Paul–not on beliefs, but on style. Both men decry their parties, but use the label when it is politically expedient. Both are career politicians who have ardent followers but have accomplished little legislatively. Both seem to be acting from ego as much as from principle.

    But for me the last straw is that I believe that Sanders is actively helping Trump. Clinton should not have to be expending resources fighting Sanders that would better be used against Trump. It sometimes seems that Sanders is more eager to hurt the Dem party than to attack the Repubs.

    I hope I’m wrong and that Sanders will join other progressives (like Warren) in fighting Trump, but I’m just not sure any more. If he were to get the nomination I would certainly vote for him, but I’d have to hold my nose.

  16. Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel says:

    “Those who believe Hillary Clinton is a Muslim…” is how I misread the post at first glance.

    Methodist, Muslim, what’s the difference?

  17. maryelle says:

    Secretary Clinton just gave the hardest hitting speech of the campaign in San Diego, both showing how ill-suited Drumpf is for the presidency (using his own ridiculous quotes) and her own outline for leadership of the country. One particularly effective scenario involved the care taken by the Navy Seals who went after bin Laden to get the women and children in the compound to safety, in contrast to Drumpf’s call to kill the families of terrorists. Worth watching.

  18. OT of course and I might have heretofore ranted on this matter within these august walls, but…

    a biological relative posted on Fb that defeating “Billary” was crucial to continuing life on Earth or some such. After my bp got under 200 along with my pulse, I posted back to her. Momma’d be so pleased that I didn’t predicate my remarks with “you ignorant $lut”, although I was sorely tempted.

    Yeah it’d be terrible if Clinton 45 called on Clinton 42 as an economic advisor, a national security advisor and for crib notes on whichever world leader 45 never worked with as SecState. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Bill, Clinton 42, is a yuuuuuge reason to vote for Sec Clinton as POTUS. Plus I suspect even though President Carter has a full-time gig, he’d be willing to answer Hilary’s phone calls. Jeeeesh “Billary”, if it comes to pass, is a win for Dems and a home stinking run for the USofA.

    Rant over. Merry Christmas.

  19. Mrs. Tarquin B reminds me of a cartoon by Horsey from the last campaign. Clinton is saying, “Hello, I’d like to talk with you about my Methodist faith,” and the boy who’s answered the door is yelling behind him, “Ma, it’s the Antichrist!”

  20. That was Hillary Clinton. Autocorrect….

  21. Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel, because Hillary is a woman, in the world of the Scumpf, she is not a Muslim. She is a Muslin. The latter is the feminine in Scumpf World. Muslin.
