He Just Couldn’t Resist

August 23, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Trump

The Narcissist in Chief (you know the name) just couldn’t stand it – four nights of national prime time television during the Trump National Convention?  Irresistible.  Trump has decided to speak all four nights of the prime time convention.  That’s right, every night.  Trump’s advisors are afraid that he’s over exposed, especially after he has resumed his nightly soliloquy’s masquerading as a COVID briefings, so Trump’s solution is MORE exposure.  Add this to nut jobs like the St. Louis gun toting couple and Scott Baio, combined with the banishment of the few Republicans left with a shred of credibility, and it should be a hell of a show.  I won’t be watching, of course, because I don’t want to put my shoe through the screen, but I can’t wait for the video of his gaffs and childish insults the following mornings.

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