Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My

August 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Trump was playing Sim America and just when things got fun …


… he gets up and goes to play golf.

Here’s where I get hurricane information.

I live 35 miles west of Houston.  My family lives in the middle of Houston.


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0 Comments to “Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Stay safe in this Trumpf weather. Like many, we won’t be watching the news or certainly the “con-rally” con vention this week. As someone commented to El Jefe’s piece below, it will be a full week of shit show.
    We will be depending on you, JJ, and El Jefe for the news.

  2. The Surly Professor says:

    Having been through Hurricane Karla (why yes, I *am* older than dirt) in that vicinity … RUN LIKE HELL! It’s a great time to go visit the Hill Country, or San Antonio, or maybe Fort Worthless. And take your family with you, so you don’t have to go back and get them.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Steve@ 1, it’s time that we party and invite Ms. JJ and El Jefe to join us in a virtual hurricane party. There will be nothing in this convention soap show that hasn’t already been offered ad nauseum in the all too many Flu Klux Klan rallies held by Covidiot 45 under the guise of press briefings.

    Gack. If there’s anything we don’t want to hear less than Kimberly WTF were you thinking Gavin Newsome, it would be Dimwit Jr. Well, maybe Cha Chi and the rest of the C listers who never were.

    Everyone stay safe from California to the Gulf. If you have time Mon-Thurs maybe check in at the WMDBS to share the messages that are being offered by the Democratic side of the equation to keep it sane and safe while giving Ms. JJ and El Jefe a well deserved break.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Jane&PKM- we’re all in- I’d stay up past 9 for that. Can you set that up? Anyone? Maybe we can do it again on 11/3- no matter how late!

  5. Looking at that map, I think James Taylor should be appointed Singer Laureate. He can only play ‘Fire & Rain’ which won’t necessarily accomplish anything, but we’d feel better, with the added satisfaction that we live in a reality based America again.

  6. Hurricanes and fires. Ugh. I’ve got family and friends in CA and TX. Stay safe, y’all.

  7. I live between four fires burning on the Central Coast. Three caused by dry lightning, one (Big Sur Dolan Fire) caused by arson. It is a horrible, horrible time here. As if stuff wasn’t bad enough between the ugliness the orange shitgibbon unleashed the last four years; COVID; dealing with the grief of my only sister dying of late stage cancer in January; and now my home state burning. There are moments it’s hard to feel lightness and hope. But, Gabby’s speech last week awakened that feeling that had lain dormant for the past four years. My unemployed self has begun taking online college course (women’s health and gender/women’s studies). I will continue to move forward, as will my state, and my country. Please, in honor of my sister-the toughest, smartest, most tender inside, staunch progressive Democrat you would have ever met-get out there, and vote, vote, VOTE!!!
