He Just Couldn’t Resist

August 23, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Trump

The Narcissist in Chief (you know the name) just couldn’t stand it – four nights of national prime time television during the Trump National Convention?  Irresistible.  Trump has decided to speak all four nights of the prime time convention.  That’s right, every night.  Trump’s advisors are afraid that he’s over exposed, especially after he has resumed his nightly soliloquy’s masquerading as a COVID briefings, so Trump’s solution is MORE exposure.  Add this to nut jobs like the St. Louis gun toting couple and Scott Baio, combined with the banishment of the few Republicans left with a shred of credibility, and it should be a hell of a show.  I won’t be watching, of course, because I don’t want to put my shoe through the screen, but I can’t wait for the video of his gaffs and childish insults the following mornings.

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0 Comments to “He Just Couldn’t Resist”

  1. I’ll be reading about the GOP flaming sh!t show rather than watching it.

  2. I am content to get the condensed version as well and do my small part to limit his viewing audience.

  3. RepubAnon says:

    It’s be fun to ask Trump whether, say, making up insulting nicknames for one’s political foes makes Kamala “nasty” – as one could then observe “Kamala doesn’t do that – but you do, Mr. Trump. Does that make YOU “nasty”?

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, please save your TV, your shoes and your sanity. There’s nothing to expect beyond four nights of the f cking moron in a metaphorical trench coat exposing the same shortcomings that have been public knowledge for 40, 50 maybe more years as to what a lying putz and conman he is. The ‘bonus’ guests are enough to make a person play quickdraw with the TV. But if any of you have a seriously old TV set in the basement or attic you’re thinking of sacrificing – don’t. Damn klystron tubes shoot back as learned by an old Marine former acquaintance who was never too tightly wrapped.

    If Lady Karma loves us all the networks will have nothing available to repeat except the “technical difficulties” screen shot.

  5. When did ‘Jump The Shark Week’ start immediately after ‘Shark Week’?

  6. thatotherjean says:

    I’m planning to filter all my RNC viewing through MSNBC’s convention-watching crew. It’s too late to get Nerf balls to throw at the TV screen, but I don’t want to miss the multitude of “point-and-laugh” moments.

  7. Ormond Otvos says:

    There’s no klystron in an old tv, but there’s a damn big picture tube with a vacuum inside and a thick leaded glass face. Don’t mess with them,
    Klystrons are in microwaves.

    Late night TV clips are all over Youtube.

  8. I’ll wait for any Sarah Cooper videos. And maybe watch the MSNBC convention watchers on occasion.

  9. Four rallys he doesn`t have to pay for .

  10. Brad in Dallas says:

    “Trump thinks the solution to any problem is more Trump.” — Tommy Vietor, Pod Save America

  11. I’m feeling spectacularly unqualified to experience the RNC this year. I shall do maximum screening defense (only DVR political programming) for the simple reason that Hair Furor’s voice makes me ill. And I don’t need to *hear* his blithering to encounter it.

    I will be perfectly happy to let stronger stomachs deal with the filtration, because I’ve got other important things to do (so I can’t be knotted up with rage belly)…

  12. I am seriously concerned that I will go into A-fib if I watch the Trumpf Show, even though I have a pacemaker, so I will confine myself to Netflix and Prime or read my John Grisham book.
    Next day clips will suffice, and may need muting when Individual One’s face emerges.
