God, Guns, and Golly Gee, My Clothes Fell Off and I’m in Bed With a Man Not My Husband
“Christian mother of three” Holly Fisher spent plenty of time in front of the camera lens posing with her Bible and her gun. She also posed with a Hobby Lobby behind her while holding a Chick-Fil-A cup.
She was all the rage of the religious right for her Christian values, including this picture where she weights in the values.
Glass houses and stones. Again.
She ain’t what she appears to be. She had an affair. But not just your normal one. Oh no, she had a Tea Party affair.
The affair allegedly took place during the Restoring the Dream event, a Faith and Freedom conference, and on Election night.
She had an affair with Joel Frewa, then a video editor with the Tea Party News Network.
Well, hell, it was Faith AND Freedom. She got half of it right.
Thanks to Deb for the heads up.