State of the Popeness

January 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh yeah, the Pope Hisownself is coming to speak to the Republican controlled congress on September 24th.

pope-francis-2-300He will most certainly address the social issues of poverty and income disparity.

Thelma is taking wagers on which one of them will shout “You lie!” during his speech. Send her five dollars cash American money and she will put you in the pool.  In case of a tie, a panel of distinguished  judges will declare the winner by which entry had the most creative spelling of John Boehner’s name. Other quality shout-outs considered in place of “You lie!” shall be  ….

1.  Hey, Guy with  funny hat, you’re a commie!

2.  Dude, this poor people crap is a downer.  We’re waiting for you to make Citizens United a sacrament.

3.  Hey, Pope-pa-rino, Lindsay Graham is available!

4.  Come on, say Fox News is infallible, just say it!

5.  Joni Earnt is coming after you with some pliers.

Will Mike Huckabee give the Republican response, throwing some hate on Beyonce and shouting hallelujah  about grits and gravy (both of which he needs to leave alone for a while).

The best part will be when you hear, “God said I can be a living saint right now,” followed by shouts of, “Shuddup, Ted!” from Jeb Bush.”

This is gonna be fun, y’all.

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0 Comments to “State of the Popeness”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    Can’t wait for whack-a-mole wingnuts to pop up out of their seats and accuse the pope of lying.

  2. Wyatt Earl says:

    It’s a sign of how out of touch the in-control-of-congress Republicans are that they would let this happen.

    I can’t wait to watch Jon Stewart’s coverage.

  3. The Pope will knock their socks off! All those phony KKKristians will be squirming in their seats. Better wear Depends, Repugs.

  4. Ha! And I think Louie Gohmert is the only one with enough Conservative humor to throw the proverbial shoe at the Pope.

  5. I doubt that this will be as significant as it should. Right-wingers have shown a crazy skill at hearing what they want to hear (or reading it in their imaginary versions of the Bible or the Constitution). No matter what the Pope says, the “good” Catholics in Congress will be sure he is supporting their own beliefs and agendas 100%.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    You may be right, LynnN, but supporting the beliefs of bad guys hasn’t been the Pope’s strong suit up to this time. I think he is super cool and I hope he has a security guard.

  7. Aggieland Liz says:

    Well LynnN, that sure is the way it is at St Francis where I go! Doncha know the Pope and Fr Fillintheblank are talking about OTHER PEOPLES SINS?? Because the “holy” ones are pro-life and white and conservative and freedom and Godblessamerica and they support the troops and they hate the Kenyan Muslim liar and did I mention pro life? And anti gay and pro free market and the Scriptures and inGodwetrust and underGod too, and they love babies because they are prolifedammit… and…. and……

  8. Who wants to bet there will be protesters from the RWNJ’s just outside the Capitol on that day? I found a nickel at the bottom of my purse. Let me be the first to toss it into the pot.

  9. AlanInAustin says:

    Plenty of time for GOP congresscritters to schedule a “I have something else to do” conflict which will preclude them from attending. Look for a relatively high absentee rate.

  10. I’m putting 5 on Scalia to shout, “sainthood for corporations”.

  11. This wonderful Pope could end future poverty by endorsing birth control. Otherwise, no hope for the planet, much less for the end of poverty.

  12. Can he excommunicate the whole GOP and the BlueDog’sButt Democrats?
