
January 05, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Glen says they are working their tails off and turning out voters one vote at a time.





These are two of our guys taking low propensity voters to the polls.  I overlooked Glen’s message from last night —

Twenty four hours from now I’m sure we will have found considerably more than the 11780 votes Trump is looking for. Democrats are on fire tonight. Everyone pray, do a dance, take a shot, or whatever brings the good juju.
Tomorrow I’ll safely be driving around Savannah soaking up the smell of a new Georgia and what I’m hoping will be a happy kickoff for 2021!

Everybody is required to stay tonight so they drive home safely tomorrow.


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0 Comments to “Georgia”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    MSNBC … Steve Kornaki doing his doing his thing right now!

  2. Please tell them we said thank you and to stay safe!

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    Good luck! I’m keeping my fingers crossed

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    May every contact the Team had be a twofer and sometimes a tenfer! The final poll results deserve to reward their efforts. For each person they contacted, let’s hope that person took a few family members and friends to the polls, too.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Early returns are showing how well the Team did! Both candidates are UP by over 150,000 and the early returns are supposed to favor the ‘Cons.

    Are Loeffler and Perdue ready to concede? A confirmed rumor is that they’ve removed media from their HQ; interpret that as one will.

    But we like the early signs … a lot!

  6. john in denver says:

    Washington Post paint by numbers charts show Savannah is light blue — and the state showing Warnock up by 0.2% and Ossoff down by 0.4% — 66% of the expected vote in.
