Friday Toons

November 06, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized























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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    As always thank you for all the best toons, Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself. The toons this week really sum up both the election and the past four years.

    Rat in the Attic and Those Guys Look Nuts especially speak to experiences here in NV. So again, thank you. Your toons and witty columns help keep all of us tuned and focused on what matters.

    Keep on keeping on, Ms. JJ. You and Mr. Maxey will have your way with Texas yet!

  2. Rich in Fla says:

    HERE ! HERE! to what the lady above said.

    So we all have known Biden has won since this morning
    but no one – state voting office or media outlet – wants
    to be the one to pull the trigger here and set off the orange

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The state repugnantican parties in WI and PA are taking the cartoon #2 to heart- that vote counting is the enemy of the people. Expect the same now in several states. PA is asking the supremes to do an emergency injunction. This is getting crazier by the hour.

  4. Sam in Superior says:

    I heard that Trump’s lead got so small it was giving Stormy Daniels flashbacks

  5. I don’t know how Trump got my email, but I’m getting “stop the count” spam for the last few days.

  6. I’m betting the dime in my pocket that there are hundreds and hundreds of great cartoons out there about this end to the tRumpian soap opera. Where can I see them? Anyone know?
