He Won’t Go Quietly

November 06, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Corruption, Trump

One of the most chilling statements made by any of the players in the Trump drama was when Michael Cohen, in Congressional testimony, told the committee that, should Trump lose the election, “he won’t go peacefully.”  How prescient was that statement.  As of this moment, Biden is leading Trump 264 to 212, and there is a strong case that Biden will easily get to 270 and possibly as high as 306 should he land GA and PA.

Last evening, Trump took to the podium in the WH briefing room and spewed such nonsense, lies, and conspiracy theories about the vote count that every single major network pulled away from him documenting the lies he was repeating and pointing out that he was making completely unsubstantiated claims of massive voter fraud.  Fat Elvis was singing My Way for the 300th time.  It seems that this moment was the tipping point.  After his tirade, some Republicans FINALLY began to pull back from Trump even as Lindsey Graham was full on brown nose.

As Trump’s red mirage dissolves, expect him to get even more outrageous.  Why?  Two reasons: 1) He’s a toxic narcissist who cares about NOTHING but himself; 2) He sees jail looming in New York and years of legal battles over his career-long corruption.  Both the State of New York and the City of New York have already built a portfolio of charges against Trump, his family, and his cronies and it ain’t going to be pretty.

How will this end?  I expect him to fight until the last gasp and last lawsuit is exhausted.  Then, he may try to seize power to keep in office (I believe that will fail massively) or he’ll do a deal with Pence to get at least federal pardons for him and his people and then flee.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he even tries to get out of the country to avoid prosecution.  At any rate, I certainly don’t expect to see Trump at the inauguration of Joe Biden on January 20, 2021.  The painful thing is that we had several opportunities to rid ourselves of threat of Trump and we blew it.  Can you imagine what a different conversation we would be having today had Senate Republicans grown spines and convicted Trump in January?  Maybe fewer people would have died in the pandemic.  Maybe wouldn’t be leading the world in cases.  Maybe 10 million Americans wouldn’t be unemployed.  Maybe some of our diplomatic ties and alliances could be repaired.

Trump’s infestation of the WH has cause untold and long term damage to our democracy, our system of governance, our alliances, and our standing among nations.  It’s time to start building back.

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0 Comments to “He Won’t Go Quietly”

  1. notjonathon says:

    Not so sure Covid response would have been any better under Pence. He is in charge of the response team that doesn’t bother to respond.

  2. PA now! Joe leading 5,583 at 8:55AM Easter

  3. If the Trump person gets a federal pardon, it’s New York’s turn. It makes me happy to think that instead of a relatively comfortable federal pen, he could be looking at 20 years in Riker’s.

  4. G Foresight says:

    He will likely refuse to leave. “The vote was rigged” is already the theme he has orchestrated.

    The worst case scenario is 45 will say “F it” and destroy the world before admitting defeat. As “commander in chief” He can order nuclear missiles launched within a few minutes and no one can stop him — unless the military refuses to follow that order. 50 / 50 on that military conscience thing happening.

    The best case is he somehow is forced to leave office. But then we have him rampaging through the country holding in-person “you love me” rallies with the ~70 million (!) Americans who actually voted for that man. Unreal but real.
    It seems more Americans have voted for him now than voted for Obama in each of Obama’s campaigns, based on a news blip I just heard.

    You know if 45 does somehow get forced out he could set up “The Donald” media network to do a Rush Limbaugh type thing to keep the rabid base whipped up. He could make millions of dollars off that operation. Simultaneously keeping the lawyers and courts tied up for years.

    Like a bad infection, the US won’t be healed easily from the gop/dRump illness. Reportedly Graham (who S. Carolina just reelected for 6 years!) has now donated $500,000 into a dRump “Legal Defense Fund.”

  5. The Surly Professor says:

    I see no reason for Trump or anyone else to trust Pence. That alleged choirboy is fully capable of promising Trump a get out of (federal) jail card in return to get to be President for a day, and then turning around and NOT pardoning him as Ford did Nixon.

    Oh sure, Pence would claim that he only withheld pardon after hours of prayer and after God Himself told Pence to let the jerk get torn to pieces by lawyers. But if Pence’s word of honor was on sale at the Dollar Tree, then it’s overpriced.

  6. Best news I’ve seen is that the networks called out his lies and cut him off. I think his nightmare is about to start.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    For those of us needing a diversion during the weeks and months waiting for the Orange Mandemic and his crime family to proceed to the trial phase, there are two Senate seats open to Democrats in Georgia. Support Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, and help Stacie Abrams with the voter registration ahead of those run off elections. Do it! We know you want to tell Moscow Mitch where to stow it. TIA


  8. One thing I was looking forward to was no longer having to make campaign contributions…which I was more than willing to do and did quite often, but it did take a bite out of my budget. However, I won’t neglect Ossoff and Warnock even a tiny little bit. If we can get them elected in January, our joy will be complete.

  9. Nick Carroway says:

    Someone needs to tell me how someone would rig the election for themselves, but neglect to take the Senate with them. Just like in 2016, the cheating is somewhere on the level of 1990s Baylor football. If the Democrats cheated again they are the least effective cheaters ever.

    Besides, when you win the popular vote by upwards of five million it really takes a lot of stones for the other side to try to sell to us that they were cheated. This is especially after Democrats have won seven of the last eight popular votes.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Can you imagine what a different conversation we would be having today had Senate Republicans grown spines and convicted Trump in January?

    El Jefe, “spines” are not the problem with Senate Republicons. Sheer lack of ethics, a human conscience, and total adherence to failed policies as if intransigence, rinse and repeat would change any of those policies for the better or make them successful.

    While most of us entered the 21st century, conservatives embraced fascism to maintain racism, sexism and an unsustainable and unbridled brand of capitalism.

    Maybe our campaign slogan for 2022 and going forward should be: FOCUS!

    Here’s the history we are up against stated way more succinctly. Here’s the focus. Our history of racism and patriarchy summarized.


  11. Grandma Ada says:

    gOP office holders aren’t the problem – it’s the voters who elected them. Texas is screwed for another ten years because Texans sent a majority of GOP to the State house, who will make gerrymandering even worse. We will continue to die from COVID because GOP voters sent Governor Dithers to Austin two years ago, along with others, who have no idea how to do the right thing for the people. If a dog barks and acts badly, it’s because its owner didn’t train it. GOP voters are happy with the barking dogs they’ve elected – don’t blame the dogs!

  12. There is talk that Trump will run again in 2024, so we’re looking at four more years of wankfests…I meant “rallies”… with his adoring fans. Ugh.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    TexasTrailerParkTrash @12 suspect the intent behind the concern trolling of that threatened ’24 run is a distraction technique to remove focus from the fact that it’s prosecution time for the Orange Mandemic.

    He’s an unhealthy 74 now, and should he survive he’d be a dramatically unhealthy 78. Moscow Mitch might not be ‘done’ with Donnie, but the young guns have been for some time. Remember how they treated John Boehner or who? Dubya? Little traitor Tommy Cotton is apt to be first in a long line with shivs for Donnie.

  14. Gerrymandering is a self-sustaining problem. It can only be solved by a supermajority of voters such that it’s impossible to gerrymander districts to guarantee a majority.

  15. Texas Expat in CA says:

    Is a lot of the current tantrum in the WH setting the stage for 2024? After all, much of the Rethugs’ appeal to their base is white grievance, their fear of replacement by people of color. Trump has stoked their sense of victimization from day 1, and if they believe they were robbed in this election, they’ll certainly turn out again in 4 years. And if the Orange One isn’t available, I hate to say it, but Don Jr. might be seen as his anointed. I shudder to think.

  16. Fellow patrons, yall must read the linked article. I’m printing a copy and stowing it on my night stand. Reading it makes me as happy as Good night moon or Where the Wild things are.

    As the joke goes, like all his ex-wives, a whole bunch of folks and entities have the same name: Plaintiff.

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    Micr, good buddy @ 16, if you love the list of plaintiffs with names all ending in Trump, more frame worthy gifts for you. The next collection have as their epithet “members of the Trump maladministration.” It’s a lovely interactive map with their names, crimes and agency titles under which they dealt themselves from our tax dollars. It’s been my favorite site for where to look to scratch back what has been stolen from us.


    Forgive and forget? Uh no. Had enough of that after Bush2/Cheney. Time for a return of the $billions and a few scalps.

  18. @Jane & PKM

    Great link! Thanks

  19. the White House will need to be thoroughly fumigated, before the Bidens/staff can safely move in.

    there still remains the long slog to rid ourselves of the GOP in its entirety, the nation won’t be safe, until that’s accomplished.

  20. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Lindsey Graham was on Fox every day panhandling, and now he’s got half a million to give to a lost cause? I wish I was a corrupt senator.

  21. My thoughts:
    1. Who cares if Trump concedes, do all the steps in he order they need to be done and have the Sgt at Arms escort his flabby ass out.
    2. Melania will be long gone so we don’t have to pack her up.
    3. No work or transition will happen on a meaningful basis as Joe and co. just need to know how fucked up everything is.
    4. Swearing in? Let’s have Barak and Hillary up on the stage.
    5. Joe needs to start deciding on what kind of SS coverage his orangeness will need and what is covered – none of this $300,000 to rent out golf carts.
    6. Joe needs almost every damn position filled before the New Year.
    7 Review everyone of the Executive orders and “deals” with companies and countries and cancel as many as possible on day 2.
    8. Form the special “Grifters” task force that will have take back American dollars from the Trump mob. LEt’s not forget prison terms 🙂

  22. Nick Carroway says:

    I’m tempted to punt all of the legal stuff to the state of the New York. There is more than enough there to put plenty of the Trumps behind bars for a long time and the Justice department would be minimally involved. They may provide some evidence, but otherwise you can credibly claim that the Justice department didn’t actively participate in political prosecutions.

    Furthermore, you wouldn’t have to wait until the new AG gets sworn in. Legal proceedings could begin January 21st. You could start investigations now so that indictments can come as soon as they are out of office. Senate Republicans can’t block that and you can go to them with a straight face and say you want to put the past behind you and work with them.

  23. @Sharon Greiff:
    Forensic audits of every single appointed person who has worked for the White House in any capacity during this administration.
    The only reason Scott Pruitt was ousted as EPA director was myopia when it came to grifting.
    Pursue every single one of them.
    Investigate, Prosecute, Incarcerate!

  24. i really feel for the WH staff: butlers, cleaners, cooks, et al that have served our presidents for years. the last few yrs have not been pretty for them and it will get worse unless Frump decamps to mar-a-lago (or russia?). they have seen and heard some stuff we will never know. wishing we could send them all a spa day or nice big bottle of the adult beverage of their choice. i know the Bidens will be a refreshing change!

  25. Fred Farklestone says:

    Inquiring minds want to know, where is Pence?

  26. Jane & PKM says:

    Fred Farklestone @25 tempting to make jokes about the Vice Poodle snapping his leash and visiting fire hydrants while Mother roams the alleys searching for him. Speculation would be he’s sick with covid and/or keeping his powder dry out of the fray in case Donnie goes full psyche ward rabid before 1/20/20.

  27. El Jefe says: ” It’s time to start building back.”. No shit.

    The Democratic ‘leadership’ needs to be shaken vigorously, it’s been doing a piss-poor job for years.
    The absurdity of Biden-Harris squeaking into the Presidency against the slimiest piece of shit to ever hold an American political office says volumes about the so-called Dem leadership. Not to mention losing or treading water nearly everywhere else.

    An example below, which I’ve pointed out numerous times, and the MSM is finally noticing: The Democrats are slip-sliding away in what used to be a bulletproof Democratic region in the Texas borderlands, 80-99% Hispanic/TexMex [where I spent most of my life and am just a short distance from now]. :


    “Joe Biden’s struggles along the Texas border raise questions about Democrats’ outreach there

    …Democrats once again won a large number of counties along or near the Texas-Mexico border, but by a much narrower margin than in recent elections. And that underperformance played a big role in disappointing results up and down the ballot for the state’s Democrats.

    In 28 counties in South Texas or near the border, Biden won by a combined 17 percentage points, according to election night returns. That’s about half of Hillary Clinton’s 33-point margin over President Donald Trump across those counties four years ago. Biden’s underperformance was even more pronounced in the Rio Grande Valley, which comprises the four southernmost counties in the state. Biden carried those counties by 15 points after Clinton won them by 39 in 2016. ”

    The Rethugs taking the majority in Zapata County even merited a separate news story on at least one TV station [can’t find the ‘main’ story]:


  28. Hiding Mike Pence away while all this hanky and panky goes on leaves him unsullied and clean enough to replace and pardon the Mango Molester. I wonder if Mikey is hiding in his AIDS proof bunker in Indiana ?

  29. #5 IIRC reading in abook on Pence he consulted with his god for a year before not pardoning an inmate sentenced because of the usual incompetence of the leagel beagles.
    Pence’s successor signed the pardon within several days of swearing in.
    So yes Pence is a ?? When it comes to ethical, moral decisions.

  30. Should watch my spelling, legal beagels.

  31. john in denver says:

    Sandridge says @27 —

    Maybe I’m missing it … but what sort of high profile appeal to any of the various Hispanic / Latinx communities was Biden pushing? Biden has much MUCH longer history with the Black communities of the East Coast and South. He did not have solid support in the primaries. He selected Kamala Harris as VP — she identifies as Black, has Indian and Jamaican ties. He promised a Black woman nominee for the Supreme Court. He had a “senior adviser Symone Sanders”– but I don’t know of an equivalent Hispanic or Latino advisor. As far as I can tell, there was no explicit policy on ICE or CBP, nothing more than returning to the Obama policies on DACA and immigration.

    Meanwhile, Trump was making some inroads with “Some of this ‘law and order’ stuff, about having safe streets for your kids and your family, works with Latino men.”

    Short version … the Biden campaign missed chances to connect, to listen, to commit to Hispanic / Latino priorities. It came late, or not at all. In a strategic, well run campaign, there were mistakes made on outreach to Latinx and Hispanic communities.

  32. Streganonna says:

    I simply can’t understand why Pence, a “minister” can couple with such a monstrous liar (over 16,000 according to the Washington Post) and I am fearful that if he became acting “President,” we’d still be in deep doo doo!

  33. i have a vision of tRump leaving skid marks on the marble floored halls of the White House as they drag him out – preferably in handcuffs. One good reason why losing the Oval Office scares him: the Southern District of New York prosecutor has all his legal ducks lined up in a row and there is special pair of handcuffs with tRump’s monogram on them. His move to legal residence in Florida won’t help him a bit, especially since DeSantis is aware that if he does help tRump avoid the law, he too will go to jail.

  34. It could also have ended with Pence as president for the next four years. We may have actually gotten off easy — once Trump is out.

    Can you imagine a President Pence for 6 or even 10 years?

  35. Linda Phipps says:

    Let’s all shout out a BIG YeeHa for Stacy Abrams for motivating voters in Georgia, and to ALL the poll workers who tirelessly tabulated the returns, checked them rather than tossing them, and stayed on the job. They are also front line heroes.
