For The Darkness In Your Heart
We’re getting to keep our grandbaby this weekend to try to lighten all the darkness in our hearts.
But, if you’re not ready for that, Texas is here to help.
Two Texas zoos are ready to help you with every passive-aggressive instinct you’ve ever had.
The San Antonio Zoo and the El Paso Zoo are both running campaigns through Valentine’s Day to dedicate a cockroach after an ex and have it fed to an animal.
The El Paso event is free, but donations are suggested, while San Antonio’s costs $5 per roach.
The best part? You don’t have to live in either city. Both zoos are offering the chance for people to see all the munching action on their social media streams.
If you’re feeling particularly in need of releasing some of your worst thoughts, you can name a rat after Mitch McConnell and have it feed to a snake named Donald Trump. Okay, I’m lying about the snake being named Trump but you can have a pre-frozen defrosted rat fed to a snake for $25.
Their names (downer: first names only) will be posted on the zoo’s website. But, you could email Ted Cruz and John Cornyn and have them look for their names.
This is just another friendly free service of your beauty salon.