Everybody Stand and Salute Attorney General Eric Holder ….

August 28, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

…. because that man just made a damfool out of Rick Perry and Greg Abbott.


Thank you!

You can see the whole thing right here.  I especially liked that the three-judge panel pointed out that Black and Hispanic districts were redrawn to exclude the district offices of Black and Hispanic Members, but Anglo districts were redrawn to include specific country clubs (see page 40).

The opinion is a hot little mess all over the top of Rick Perry’s head and I love it!

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0 Comments to “Everybody Stand and Salute Attorney General Eric Holder ….”

  1. 1toughlady says:

    Three cheers for the Court!

  2. LOL … I just read about this on-line … someone is getting mighty tired of the lies, the scheming and finagling, the prejudice and finally drawing a line in the sand! I hope we NEVER see another election period like we’re seeing with this one! It’s disgraceful! I say Hooray for the Courts, too!

  3. Eric Holder vs. Alberto Gonzalez? H-m-m-m-m. Ah, no contest!

  4. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Ooohh! That’s gonna mess his hair up tonight.

    Bless his heart.

  5. I will indeed stand up and cheer for Mr. Holder. Bravo!

    Congratulations Texas Dems. You have a moron for a governor but you all fight with the hearts of lions to make sure Perry & Co. doesn’t make Texas the armpit of the nation.
    That’s Jan Brewer’s charge.

  6. Go do something about your hair, Rick–your roots are showing!! 😉

  7. Sorry, but hard to cheer for Holder. I trust that man about as far as I can throw him. At least he got this case right.

  8. aggieland liz says:

    Lord, Lance he’s a politician! The only one I’ve ever known to be trustworthy is Ronnie Earle! Jimmy Carter tried hard though. I’ll take nominations from the floor if anyone has any suggestions for me-and this IS NOT a slap at the Prez, who is a very sharp cookie and a pragmatist and is making the most of a very bad hand stacked with deuces and jokers!

  9. gabberflasted says:

    Eric Holder is missing the bus when he DOES NOT take these financial industry before the bar.
    I personally do not care if a guilty verdict is had. Bring it to the courts where the complete picture can be viewed by ALL of us who footed the bill for these ***wipes. The fact that many have repaid the bailouts is not enoough. They made a damn mess and should be held accountable.

  10. By golly the decision of those 3 judges is great stuff that needs to be dissected by national evening news folks or at the very least, Sunday morning round tables. I doubt David Gregory would do that, but Bob Schieffer might… or maybe Brian Williams will investigate & showcase it on Rock Center. Who else besides me is going to ask them to do that???
