Mandatory Press Coverage

August 28, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Brian E.

I know we have Freedom of the Press, but I think every newspaper in this country should be REQUIRED to print a quote or article from some of the leaders in the Republican Party EVERY DAY.  I want to have everyone hear words of ‘wisdom’ from the like of Gov. Brewer and others every day.  Like this.

A new law was signed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and went into effect on Thursday that has abortion advocates up in arms. The new law, titled Women’s Health and Safety Act deems a woman pregnant 2 weeks before conception.

Steinberg explained the law by saying, “The law defines pregnancy in a way that bans abortion two weeks before the other seven states who have similar laws. It calculates gestational age starting with the first day of the last menstrual period rather than the date of conception.”

Keep talking Jan.  Just keep talking, Honey.

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0 Comments to “Mandatory Press Coverage”

  1. Oh my you can aways count on Jan to one up the crazy.

  2. OldMayfly says:

    So if a girl raised on “just say no” sex non-education gets pregnant before her first period (and it can happen), guess she isn’t really…

    Better get back to the drawing board, Jan.

  3. And all these years I believed life began with the erection.

  4. Corinne Sabo says:

    Nice to know her crystal ball can show when a woman will conceive.

  5. That is just pitiful … Jan Brewer is just a sad, pitiful, ugly human … and I use the term “human” loosely just like the skin on her jowls!

    Well, the Romney/Ryan ticket is a sure thing at the Convention … I could just cry or thow up … which ever comes up first! Tears or lunch!!

  6. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    So if the egg isn’t fertilized, then it’s a miscarriage? Every month? Please tell me I’m wrong. Please.

  7. This is kind of like Henry VII declaring that his reign started the day before the Battle of Bosworth…
    (And he wound up turning England into a police state.)

  8. I don’t see a problem here. If Mitt can leave Bain, retroactively several years back – why can’t someone be pregnant retroactively? It’s a Republican thing – all that retro stuff.

  9. does that mean I am 5 years pregnant?

  10. TexasEllen says:

    Somebody needs to send copies of “Ladyparts for Dummies” to these ardent deniers of science and sense.

  11. Jan believes in the “Life Begins at Erection” Theory (sorry Momma)

  12. so, all those times I had my period, God gave me an abortion?? Wow, God did that???

  13. Sounds like Brewer attended the same biology class as Todd Akin.

  14. My mother taught me that if I couldn’t say anything nice, to say nothing at all. I have something nice to say about Jan Brewer (otherwise known as George Wallace in a dress). She is TERMED OUT in 2014 and can’t run again…for anything.

  15. aggieland liz says:

    Every sperm is sacred, la la la…

    O thanks be for MONTY PYTHON!

  16. daChipster says:

    Jan just hasn’t been the same since they dropped that house on her sister.

    Lol@Marcia… Oh, SNAP!

  17. Marge Wood says:

    I wish Texas had term limits.

  18. My question today is – Now that Benjy Quayle lost his primary bid – does ANYONE think the sign I stole while visiting my sister in Scottsdale in June has any value? Better check E-Bay for REPIG MORONIBILIA!

    Yep, Benjy went to DC to “knock the hell out of the place” and got sent home without throwing as much as a pebble.

  19. I have to chime in here, and point out that, if one happens to believe that God is in charge of these things, then this makes God the biggest killer of babies EVER.

    Seriously, there is a real biological issue here which these simple-minded policies just don’t deal with — the fact that somewhere in the region of 60-80% of all *fertilised* eggs either fail to implant at all in that first week, or else spontaneously abort. There is a decent discussion of this at .

    But then, sadly, the usual way these morons deal with inconvenient scientific facts is by ignoring them.

  20. Does this mean menstruating women in Arizona are – BY LAW – are aborting a baby every time they have a period?

    All these many years I’ve wanted more women representatives, assuming they are much smarter & more practical. I take it all back!!!

  21. Those girls in Arizona need to visit my friend’s farm in Nebraska & stay awhile so they can learn a little biology the old-fashioned way!

  22. Okay, being a retired lawyer, I couldn’t believe they were that damn dumb & just had to look this up. Someone took this out of context for whatever it was worth politically.

    Arizona HB2036 – Ch 250 – amending the Arizona statute governing abortions contains these definitions (which should clear up misunderstanding of how a physician calculates probably gestational age by determining ovulation – and thus conception – as 2 weeks following the FIRST day of the last menstrual period. However, most physicians – primary care & OB-GYN especially – know this is the most accurate way to determine the date of conception.

    Section 36-2151. DEFINITIONS

    3. “Conception” means the fusion of a human spermatozoon with a human ovum.

    4. “Gestational age” means the age of the unborn child as calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman.

    9. “Pregnant” or “pregnancy” means a female reproductive condition of having a developing unborn child in the body and that begins with conception.

    10. “Probable gestational age” means the gestational age of the unborn child at the time the abortion is planned to be performed and as determined with reasonable probability by the attending physician.

    REF: Arizona Legislation —

  23. Elise Von Holden says:

    I woke up a few days ago with a surprise–my menses had occurred. it had been a few months–I am 60 for crying out loud…and it made me wonder, since there was a lot of pain and cramping (not unusual for me) and when my partner said, “good thing you are not pregnant.” I realized that that idea had been so far outside my reality that a child at my age would be a terrible thing, because of the daily stresses of medication I endure (including weekly chemo) and the age of my eggs–to be a forced incubator with those kind of odds, I over here with the big girls, capable of making the best choices necessary for a child of my body conceived in love, but having too many strikes against it at such a fragile time, that this mother would not have the zygote, embryo, or child suffer over its lifetime, because I am old, diseased and fragile myself, and could not in good faith do such possible great harm to that which should be welcomed and joyous.
