Every Time Devin Nunes Gets His Feelings Hurt, A Precious Baby Kitten Learns to Meows Sweetly

April 09, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Devin Nunes got his feelings hurt again.

You know that Nunes is suing a Republican consultant, Twitter, and some anonymous people on Twitter for hurting his feelings over things they said about him.

Now he’s suing his hometown newspaper for a headline that says,



The accompanying story, oddly enough, is about a winery partly owned by Nunes putting on a fundraiser that had a yacht, cocaine and prostitutes and one of the people at the party is suing the winery.

They reported the fact that a lawsuit had been filed and the basis for the lawsuit.  All of that is public record.

So Nunes sues the newspaper.  He knows he cannot win, but suing people makes him feel better about himself and the unethical things he does.   .

Okay, Twitter went wild.  You can click right here to read some of the funniest things said about Nunes and his lawsuit.  They are trying to make it trend and they are #1 now. Nobody likes Nunes.

Especially Twitter.

Thanks to Kyle and SGray for the heads up.

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