“Our Country is Full”

April 09, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump, Uncategorized

In one of the latest entries into the Encyclopedia of Gleeful Cruelty and Dickishness, Trump announced last week that he is stopping immigration at the southern border because “the country is full; sorry”.  He can’t do that, of course, and the courts will stop him (again), but this is his campaign strategy for 2020, keeping the entire country whipped up into a lather while Heinrich Himmler Stephen Miller cooks up more nasty things to do to innocent people trying to save themselves and their families from the violence caused (or made worse) by US foreign policy in Latin America.

New York Times

Not only is this yet again new policy completely unnecessary and gaslighting of the worst kind,  Trump’s declaration is 100% false.  The country is not full; as a matter of fact, the work force is shrinking in many parts of the country.  As the country ages, the economy will suffer from lack of workers.  The NY Times published a story about this just this am.  This just another lie piled onto the Mount Everest of lies that Trump has built the the GOP has allowed to happen.

C’mon 2020.

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0 Comments to ““Our Country is Full””

  1. Our country is full?
    Our president is full… of it.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Where are the documents promised by Messy’s immigration attorney?

  3. since the country is full – no more grandbabies for donjohn

  4. megasoid says:

    Gorman Seedling’s bureaucratic anal obsessions in the film “Coneheads”, done up in nightmarish fascist fashion by a true anal retentive who, unable to control his rage, leaves an assinine body count of appointments kicked to the curb.

    More importantly though, a living nightmare of people trucked this place and that. Children caged and dying in custody. Ripping away parental rights of asylum seekers while he fights the laws of the land. This government is indeed corrupt and impotent.

  5. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Didn’t Messalina — uh, Melania — bring her parents in last year?
    “OK, room for two more, but that’s it — the country’s full.” Twelve people were murdered in Chicago over the weekend, can we have their spaces? Maybe when an American moves to Canada there’s room for one Honduran. Who’s keeping track of this?

    Seriously, the country’s full? Have you driven across Montana lately?

  6. Yes, we recognized the foul stench of Joseph Goebbels’ mini-me Stephen Miller as soon as the “country is full” quote aired.

  7. gee I guess that statement on his part means that he is 100% pro choice and closing in on adopting the Chinese model of only 1 child per couple.
    After all if we are “full” that means there is no more room for any one fom any source.
    So for all those fundie quiverfulls, fundie hasidic, fundie mormons and ll others who wish to spawn large numbers of offsprings that they will be either placed in jail or deported, no matter what their citizenship status is.
    Inane statement. Much like those who seek to criminalize Choice but refuse to answer about whether a woman who face criminal penalties for seeking, and possibily, actually excercising her constitional rights.

  8. Meanwhile d quslings are obeying demented donnies siren call of ignorance and bigotry in pursuit of economic collapse.

    Texas Rep. Cuellar rallies House Democrats to support Trump’s trade deal.


  9. WA Skeptic says:

    Note to Putin’s Puto and his “Acting” cronies: “I was just following orders” didn’t work at Nuremberg, and it won’t work here, either.

    Be aware.

  10. People are moving to the cities, many of which are indeed short of housing etc., but that means, among other things, that there are whole towns and even counties that are so depopulated that they are about to go out of business. In places like New Hampshire, you cannot give houses away

  11. maryelle says:

    Ah, I’m reminiscing about Jon Stewart’s Bullshit Mountain.
    (Sorry, but it’s got to be said) It has been growing quickly
    during the last 2 years and just catapulted out of sight, with huge increments expected every day. Higher than Mt. Everest.

  12. What a numb nuts! Ten to one he has never heard of the steamship full of Jewish refugees from Europe who tried to get asylum to this country only to be turned away. You know what happened to them. Our country is not full. The only thing full is you know what with you know what!

  13. In the meantime, Frantic Flaccid Fool is hiring more immigrants to work at his scuzzy resorts, golf courses, etc.

  14. Sandridge says:

    This whole “The USA is Full” theme is just a variation on the old, discredited, German ideology of “Lebensraum” (Living Space/room), for the “Herrenvolk” (Master Race).
    While “Lebensraum” was primarily an external, foreign, policy at that time (1901-1945, tied to domestic issues and resource acquisition), one can see how the current frenzy being whipped up by SOBOTUS is an effective interior/domestic policy theme used at this time. It will become externalized in due time, if they retain power (think Venezuela).

    Face up to it, the Rethugs, led by their VolksFührer Donnei Drumpf, are in fact a nascent right wing Nazi fascist reincarnation.
    They, the inner Repuke cliques that control and impose their twisted policies, have been using much the same playbook and propaganda techniques that were outlined by Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels (Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda), and the rest of the Reich’s finest back in the 1920’s and ’30’s.

    There’s a reason we’ve heard that RAT45 keeps a copy of “Mein Kampf” on his nightstand, undoubtedly kept with the rest of Adolf and Joseph’s literary collections as the blueprints to his fevered dreams of imperial glory.
    Are y’all ready for the coming ‘KulturKampf’, and Civil War II?
    Another aspect that the MAGAots are oblivious to is the potential loss of financial ‘social safety net’ support with an increasing cohort of aging, non-working geezers in the US population (mostly ‘them’). The 5-percenters aren’t going to raise taxes to cover their sorry wrinkly butts, and FICA requires a large working taxpaying base.
    [PS: The Mango Mussolini will be whizzing into San Antonio today on AF1 for a private fundraiser, sure would like to know who’s sponsoring, and attending, this griftfest (so I can boycott their bizs).
    I’ll guarantee that the cream of the local Rethugs, Abbott, Cruz, etc., and the local fundies, like Rev. Hagee (CUFI, and spawn) will be there.
    PSS: Canadian Bruce Cockburn wrote and performed a very interesting song in 1984 that still resonates today: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_I_Had_a_Rocket_Launcher . Quote– “…If I had a rocket launcher, some son-of-a-bitch would …”.
    Presciently, it was about the “Guatemalan refugee camps in Mexico” due to Reagan’s US destabilizing the region (remember Ollie North and the “Contras”, etc ?)… some things never change.]

  15. twocrows says:

    Full? Um — no, it’s not.
    Aamof, what’s happening now is the 1950’s and 1960’s in reverse. And the nation is — at the moment — emptying.

    I was born during the first 10 minutes of the Baby Boom. In 1952, even though the powers-that-be had known we were coming for 5 years, suddenly everyone was scrambling to find places to put kindergartens. My public school leased space in a church.

    Then, in 1953 and 1954, I attended school in army barracks erected on building sites that would, one day, be schools. We could barely hear our teachers over the bulldozers and concrete mixers.

    Fast forward 11 years and I was off to college — where universties were furiously building dorms. Once again, they’d known we were coming — this time for EIGHTEEN years but — for the first time, freshmen weren’t required to live on campus because there weren’t accommodations for nearly all of us. Our classes often held 500 people each — and getting office time with your professors was a joke.

    So here we are, 50 years later. The nation needs workers because people began retiring in record numbers over a decade ago and the pace has only accelerated since then.

    Then along come Trump and Miller who say, “Hmm, let’s see, how can we make things even worse than the nation has already made them by simply ignoring situations — like we do so well? I know! Let’s emulate the Nazis! It worked out so well for Germany, after all!”

    P.S. Trump is a Boomer too. It’s just too bad no one said to his parents, just before he was born, “Sorry. We’re full. Go back to Bavaria.”
