Every Time Devin Nunes Gets His Feelings Hurt, A Precious Baby Kitten Learns to Meows Sweetly

April 09, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Devin Nunes got his feelings hurt again.

You know that Nunes is suing a Republican consultant, Twitter, and some anonymous people on Twitter for hurting his feelings over things they said about him.

Now he’s suing his hometown newspaper for a headline that says,



The accompanying story, oddly enough, is about a winery partly owned by Nunes putting on a fundraiser that had a yacht, cocaine and prostitutes and one of the people at the party is suing the winery.

They reported the fact that a lawsuit had been filed and the basis for the lawsuit.  All of that is public record.

So Nunes sues the newspaper.  He knows he cannot win, but suing people makes him feel better about himself and the unethical things he does.   .

Okay, Twitter went wild.  You can click right here to read some of the funniest things said about Nunes and his lawsuit.  They are trying to make it trend and they are #1 now. Nobody likes Nunes.

Especially Twitter.

Thanks to Kyle and SGray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Every Time Devin Nunes Gets His Feelings Hurt, A Precious Baby Kitten Learns to Meows Sweetly”

  1. AK Lynne says:

    He just steps in cowpies every time he turns around.

  2. BarbinDC says:

    He is sooooo deserving of this. His lawyers must have graduated from Joe’s Body Shop and Law School out behind the train tracks. They give 2 for 1 law suits and lube jobs.

  3. Devin is evidently a slow learner.

  4. A little whiney panty waist like Nunes shouldn’t be in public office if he can’t take the heat.

  5. bernie Spencer says:

    Most of us thought the tea party and the re-emergence of American ignorance were laughable until they became the norm. Fox news picks this up, talks about the tragedy of fake news, blah blah, and pretty soon McConnell’s judges find for Nunes.

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    OK, all of us old folks can sing the Coasters song:

    Devin Nunes – he’s a clown
    He’s gonna get in trouble, just you wait and see
    “Why is everybody always picking on me?”

    And for you youngsters: https://youtu.be/_UnPzp2lmNk

  7. And every time he whines, an angel gets her wings!

  8. RE: “Nobody likes Nunes.”

    Yet, the voters in his district continue to reelect Nunes by +6% to +24% of the vote since 2002. He’s the Louie Ghomert of California. If that’s even possible. In any case, 53% of Nunes’ district’s voters in 2018 approved of Nunes’ performance, as evidenced by his re-election.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    More udder nonsense from Devin Nunes. WTH is wrong with voters in that Fresno, CA district?

  10. I DON’T KNOW IF IT’S TRUE, but people are saying Nunes might have an interest in more than the wine on the yacht? I don’t know it it’s true… people are saying…

    See what’s it’s like when the BS is on the other foot? Or in Nunes case right now, both feet.

  11. daChipster says:

    Nunes’ lawyers are as dog-dump dumb as he is:

    They apparently did a search in Twitter for “woman”, “devin” and “cocaine.” Twitter dutifully returned the matching tweet, with the search terms bolded.

    The lawsuit accuses the reporter of bolding those words in her tweet, which actually reads:

    “A woman who worked for the winery (listed as a primary asset of Devin Nunes’) sued after she said she was stranded on a yacht with its top investors who were using cocaine and underage sex workers. The cruise was auctioned off as part of a charity event.”

  12. SteveTheReturned says:

    So glad I’ve never bought—nor will I ever buy— any Alpha Omega wines.

  13. Winery? I thought Nunes was part owner of a whinery.

  14. A yacht, cocaine, and under age prostitutes = a GOP family cruise.

  15. maryelle says:

    Oooh, Karma, you are one sweet vengeful lady!
    Nunez’ time has come, the lying snake.

  16. Nunes partner in crime gaetz from florida has suggested that he will move to aladamna to run against Sen. Doug Jones.

    I wonder how they will take to a new carpetbagger trying to fleece them again.

  17. Just gotta ask. Devin, what was so bad about being a dairy farmer that you wanted to be a politician? You would be in less **it if you had stayed on the farm!

  18. Sounds to me like little devin is trying to keep The Weaselheaded F**knuggett’s attention as much as possible. Like a grubby sniveling child trying to show the older, bottom feeder that he idolizes how much they’re alike.
    Step 1.
    Somehow get the “Yachts, cocaine, and prostitutes” story on Twitter that he probably thinks is what Warren Zevon woulda called his song if he’d had the gonads. Remember Trump’s John Miller?
    Step 2.
    Immediately blow up the internet with claims of fake news! Conspiracy theories involving the most despicable persecutions. EVER!!
    Step 3.
    Sue. No chance of winning? Who cares? It makes the news.

    After all, sooner or later the Golgothan’s gonna decide that he’s actually entitled to an actual Minister of Propaganda. I mean Secretary. And Stephen Miller’s gonna be just swamped devising new ways to dehumanize Hispanics.
    What better way could little devin stay at the top of Donnie Douchebag’s Mini-Me list?
