Did You Ever Think?

July 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yesterday I would have bet you a fresh ten dollar bill that I would never cheer for Michael Cohen.  Never.

Well, if you had taken that bet, you’d be ten dollars richer.

Thank you, Mr. Cohen, for asserting your constitutional rights and winning.


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0 Comments to “Did You Ever Think?”

  1. The book is gonna be a doozy. Unfortunately, it won’t sway the true believers

  2. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Doesn’t have to sway the true believers, it just has to energize OTHER voters.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Cohen is a goofy goombah. Not quite a loveable rogue but far more likeable than his client, Flynn or Manafort.

    But another book about Commander Clorox*? There cannot be one remaining scrap of detail about Donnie* worth digging through 200 or 300 pages to ‘discover’ it. And, no. Please no. Praise and beg the deities, no. If Vlad Putin publishes a book with video cassette, y’all with a penchant for buying gag gifts, please remove my name from your list this year. Donate the money to charity, hand it to a passing wino, … I dunno … maybe roll it up to light a cigarette for a covidiot.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    There have been so many researched books as well as tell all books. Trump was shown on video with audio debasing women before the 2016 election and he still won. The only thing we need to know about him is to go vote for Biden and take ten people with you!

  5. I think his book will be very revealing.
    He knows where the bodies are buried

  6. Ormond Otvos says:

    I’m only interested in details that lead to impeachment/conviction.

  7. You know, JJ, I have to agree with you. Trump loses one score settling attempt, and Cohen won the round. That pleases me.

  8. I feel a little guilty about assuming Cohen had arrogantly overplayed his hand.

    Didn’t know about the looming book. Maybe something will also surface about his other high profile client, Spawn Hannity.

  9. Is it too much to ask that the Coen Brothers pick up the rights to the Cohen book, and adapt it into a screenplay starring Jeff Bridges as the bumbling President, caught up in circumstances beyond his control, sipping Diet Cokes as he moves from one indignity to another?

    The Bigly Trump

  10. @opinionated hussy

    True. The Useful Innocents/Idiots and True Believers will not change. However if enough Fellow Travelers can be persuaded that the green grass across the fence is not atop a leaking septic tank, this abomination in the White House can be defeated magnificently.

  11. @Rick

    The Dude does not abide.

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    As a member of the Church of the Latter-Day Dude (https://dudeism.com/), I agree with Micr. Let’s not pollute The Dude with The Orange Toilet Stain’s manners.

  13. twocrows says:

    And thank you Trump and Barr for seeing to it that, when it’s published, Cohen’s book FLIES off the shelves! He couldn’t have done it without your help.

  14. twocrows says:

    John @ 8:
    Oh, don’t give yourself a hard time. You can certainly be forgiven for assuming the worst of Cohen.

    I may be remembering wrong, but wasn’t his original sentence home confinement? Right up till he was caught, out with friends, eating at a high end restaurant?

    Somehow, assuming arrogance and overplay is, in most cases, right on the money. But hey, you know what they say about stopped clocks, right?

  15. Old Fart says:

    It wasn’t until Elijah Cummings allowed Cohen remorse that I could see him in a favorable light…

  16. I really wonder if all these exposé books really have any effect whatever on Trump’s prospects. The behavior and illegalities are now fully expected. It would be news if they showed anything different.

    Nobody who was paying attention in 2016 and cared even a tiny bit about the outcome can at this point dismiss the possibility that some new “miracle” will occur that will stay in office but it is certainly not going to happen if all the votes are counted.

  17. Harry Eagar says:

    I am plowing my way through Mary Trump’s book. It is not a page-turner and the first half is hardly about Donald.

    I liked the vignette of Trump’s mother driving around Queens in her Cadillac convertible collecting the coins from the apartment laundries in coffee cans. Not so amusing was that those coins were all that kept Mary Trump and her family from going hungry.

    Fred Trump was truly a monster.

  18. Buttermilk Sky says:

    The only thing that will get trump re-impeached and removed is sixty Democrats in the Senate — maybe sixty-one, I don’t trust Joe Manchin.

    Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

  19. jrkrideau says:

    @13 twocrows

    “And thank you Trump and Barr for seeing to it that, when it’s published, Cohen’s book FLIES off the shelves! He couldn’t have done it without your help.”

    Long ago in Canada, Toronto was known as “Toronto the Good” (This was not a compliment)

    Banned in Toronto was the prayer of every cinema owner in Montreal. It guaranteed sellouts.

  20. twocrows says:

    Alan @ 16
    “it is certainly not going to happen if all the votes are counted.”

    Speaking of news, if that happens it will make major headlines all over the country.

  21. NicaBrian says:

    I support Michael Cohen being released from prison, publishing the damn book and returning to complete his sentence.
