A Little Pushy, Ya Think?

July 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have gotten some fundraising emails from Democrats that shocked me with how pushy they were. Generally, I’ve found that those “some secret donor will double or even triple your donation” things are gimmicks and not true.  But, the ones from Trump are the best in the obnoxious department.

Also, please note that it came to my email address but wasn’t sent to my name.  I got no text. Poor Rebecca is in big trouble now. They are probably coming for her tonight.

Click here to see the big one.


Last night I was one of the 25 Trump Patriots hand chosen by Trump himself to give him $20 – $500 and that he was going to personally inspect the list.

Here’s a picture of my butt, Trump.


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0 Comments to “A Little Pushy, Ya Think?”

  1. Halster says:

    This looks like a scam. That being said, I get snail mail from Trump all the time and they don’t have my name right either. They must have the sloppiest donor database ever.

  2. Stony Pillow says:

    ParScales is still in charge of digital. Them Florida condo taxes ain’t gonna pay themselves.

  3. Bruce in Looziana says:

    Another “Rebecca” has been trying to sell me CBD’s via SMS text spam. Take a screen shot and send/report to your provider, (772-6 SPAM on ATT). Don’t click on that link! This appears to me to be a default target name for robotexts & email phishing. Probably bounces the link through multiple proxy servers to Russian or Chinese hackers. “Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep.“ Buffalo Springfield.

  4. twocrows says:

    The GOP is still batting a thousand, I see. They couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

    Wasn’t it yesterday that the news reported that donations to the RNC and the aptly named [especially in this case] CREEP [Committee to Reelect the President] are now flowing directly into Trump’s personal account?

    Actually, this is nothing compared to the fact that the R’s can’t manage to negotiate AMONG THEMSELVES as to whether to create and how much to put into a fund to help the people weather COVID.

  5. “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” – Lyndon B. Johnson

  6. Trump, the electronic panhandler.

  7. joel hanes says:

    I fondly remember the name of your previous blog.

  8. Elizabeth2 says:

    I somehow got on Trump’s list a few months ago, and his people regularly send begging emails. I send little nastygrams in response. I’m sure nobody reads them, but it makes me feel a little better.

  9. That sounds quite gangsterish.

  10. Tedinaustin says:

    Some years back I decided to vote in the R primary to vote against Lamar Smith. Ever since I have received fundraising emails from every R under the sun. I find it hilarious to read the depths Trump and his sycophants will sink to attempt to shame me into donating to their running-scared campaigns. If not for them I would have had no idea how criminal and sinister my favorite Democrats plan to ruin our country if elected!

  11. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I get these in snail mail from both Ramp Boy and Yertle the McConnell. Unsure why they think I’m one of their biggest “patriotic Trump supporters”, given that I’m a local Democratic Party official and my husband in a Democrat in elected office, but there you go. The bell-shaped curve is a fact of life.

  12. lazrgrl says:

    I don’t get email from Trumpers, only Dems. And some of those are irritating. Especially those stupid surveys- like a random email survey is going to be consulted to make policy or pick a VP candidate. If you want cash, just say so up front.

    Two wonderful exceptions- CT Rep Jim Himes and Senator Chris Murphy send information. No money request, just information. Sometimes a request for money for someone else, but no stupid survey or calling me by my first name like we’re best buds.

  13. I just delete ’em all, mark as spam, and send donations to people when I’ve a mind to. And, boy, am I on the mailing list of every Democrat running for office in the country and a bunch of political organizations too.

  14. I know of someone who did donate bigly to one of the many tRump scams. What a pity!

  15. Here’s where some of the money is going

    Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen will love this.

  16. Poor Rebecca! Will the stormtroopers of fearless leader be in HER neighborhood next?
    God Bless us all.
    First yahoo article I read this am said Mitt Romney thinks the Orange Menace will win in Nov. Turned my guts to water.
    Again, God bless us all!

  17. The Surly Professor says:

    About a month ago I got one to donate to Trump. It had the usual checkboxes for 200, 300, 500, etc.

    Instead of my usual “donate a check for $0.01 to make them spend more keeping track of it than it’s worth”, I got creative. Put in a handwritten note of “Only God and Trump can save America, here’s my check for $132,000.00 to support him”. Then did not enclose a check.

    Of course a few days later I got a real polite phone call, thanking me and gently pointing out to this befuddled old man that he had forgotten to enclose the check. So I decided to throw another cat among the pidgeons: “no, I included the check and it’s already been cashed”.

    Then blocked their number on my phone.

  18. Marcia in CO says:

    Is that a picture of your “big blue butt” with the red lip kiss tattoo? I sure hope so … seems only right and fitting! LOL

  19. I wonder what would happen if you filled it in with a negative amount? The computer program would not necessarily know not to apply it. So a donation of $-100 would cost them $50,000.

  20. Harry Eagar says:

    Surly, I tip my hat to you. That gives me an idea, although I don’t quite know how to pull it off.

    The reply makes it sound as if the campaign is accepting/soliciting donations in illegal amounts. Could be set up for a sting.

  21. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Junior’s girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle is in charge of fundraising, and nobody but Junior seems to be happy with her work.

