Somebody Finally Figured It Out!

July 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

From our friend Kary in Spain.



Now he’s got his minions going after Fauci.  After the “docuspiracy” has been kicked off YouTube and Facebook, the Sinclair Broadcasting Company will air it.  Sinclair owns all the local stations that Clear Channel doesn’t.

By the way “docuspiracy” is a word I just made up this morning.  If you’ve got a better one, please suggest it because I’m not thrilled with that one.


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0 Comments to “Somebody Finally Figured It Out!”

  1. weakgrip says:


  2. Crapocracy???

  3. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Dr. Fauci, his wife and their daughters are getting death threats. This country is certifiably insane.

  4. Crapumentary.

  5. “Faux”cimentary

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    KissingTrumpfsAsspiracy network. Their news smells like Trumpfs rear end when he’s being interviewed on a hot day. Really smelly.
    Quit watching the local Sinclair station in January 2017 when their parent company made a deal with the devil for favorable coverage in exchange for access to the orange emperor.

  7. maryelle says:


  8. Laurel in California says:

    Sinclair, Trump, and the complicit GoP are beyond bat-crap crazy and into flat-out evil. I had the honor of working at Harvard on AIDS clinical trials, the national effort directed by Tony Fauci, years ago. He is dedicated, brilliant, and absolutely honest. He has stayed in the same position, leading NIH’s NIAID, because it is the best possible place for his knowledge and wisdom, and he is the best person in the world to be leading our fight against infectious diseases including coronavirus. That he and his family are under siege from these pieces of sleaze is beyond appalling.

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    Started reading the linked article, and ran across “Bolling also spoke with Mikovits’ attorney, Larry Klayman” and stopped reading right there.

    When will Klayman’s relatives commit him to the Nut Farm? And where does he get the money to keep bloviating and filing insane court cases? The SPLC has the best two-sentence summary of that twerp(*):

    ‘Larry Klayman is a pathologically litigious attorney and professional gadfly notorious for suing everyone from Iran’s Supreme Leader to his own mother. He has spent years denouncing Barack Obama as a crypto-Communist Muslim, convening meaningless “citizens grand juries,” and railing against an endless list of enemies.’

    (*) with apologies to the great Icky Twerp and his Slam-Bang Theater that aired in Ft. Worthless decades ago.

  10. @The Surly Professor
    +1 to you sir.

    Loved Bill Camfield. Quite by accident around 1989 he was eating with a group of equally old guys at a restaurant in Fort Worthless/Fart Worth while my kids and I ate at a nearby table. He was generous with his time while I hero-worshipped about growing up with Slam Bang Theatre, Three Stooges short films, and the ape characters, Ajax, Delphinium, and Arkadelphia and their irreplaceable place in my pre-teen tears. Bill, Mr Camfield, passed a few months later.

  11. Jim Steffen says:

    I love “Docuspiracy”
