Dershowitz Clears Nixon

January 30, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Impeachment, Trump

In a truly jaw dropping moment during the question period at Trump’s impeachment trial, Alan Dershowitz spewed some pretty outrageous assertions, especially when he tried to defend arguing the opposite side of what he argued for the Clinton impeachment trial in 1998.  But the breathtaking moment came when Dershowitz actually said that if the president believes his reelection is in “the public interest”,  he can do ANYTHING.  That’s right, folks, Alan Dershowitz, of OJ Simpson and Jeffery Epstein fame, has now debased himself completely by actually claiming that the president of the United States is immune from all oversight and consequences as long has he/she BELIEVES their reelection is in “the public interest”.  The “public interest”?  Dershowitz has cleared Richard Nixon of the crimes he committed because he believed his reelection was good for America.

This is the logical result from Trump’s “if I deny it, I didn’t do it defense”.  Now, denial is not even needed; if the president believes his actions are in “the public interest” he can just do it and no one can do anything about it. Trump has actually declared himself monarch, and HALF of the Senate is enabling that.  I wonder how they’ll feel about their position when he suspends the Constitution and disbands the Congress if he wins (or even loses) the election.

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