Dershowitz Clears Nixon

January 30, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Impeachment, Trump

In a truly jaw dropping moment during the question period at Trump’s impeachment trial, Alan Dershowitz spewed some pretty outrageous assertions, especially when he tried to defend arguing the opposite side of what he argued for the Clinton impeachment trial in 1998.  But the breathtaking moment came when Dershowitz actually said that if the president believes his reelection is in “the public interest”,  he can do ANYTHING.  That’s right, folks, Alan Dershowitz, of OJ Simpson and Jeffery Epstein fame, has now debased himself completely by actually claiming that the president of the United States is immune from all oversight and consequences as long has he/she BELIEVES their reelection is in “the public interest”.  The “public interest”?  Dershowitz has cleared Richard Nixon of the crimes he committed because he believed his reelection was good for America.

This is the logical result from Trump’s “if I deny it, I didn’t do it defense”.  Now, denial is not even needed; if the president believes his actions are in “the public interest” he can just do it and no one can do anything about it. Trump has actually declared himself monarch, and HALF of the Senate is enabling that.  I wonder how they’ll feel about their position when he suspends the Constitution and disbands the Congress if he wins (or even loses) the election.

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0 Comments to “Dershowitz Clears Nixon”

  1. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    I watched that with three lawyers – one of them a constitutional law expert – and all three of them banged their heads against the wall. They all also agreed that if you combined the legal knowledge of all of Trump’s lawyers, they couldn’t win a small college moot court competition.

  2. Just like Lindsey Graham, he’s suffering from a retrovirus. That is, the values they held from years ago, have long since mutated
    into fool’s fatuous rhetoric which is always fatal to reason.

    “Time will say nothing but I told you so,
    Time only knows the price we have to pay;
    If I could tell you I would let you know.”
    ― W.H. Auden

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    One for the textbooks, if how not to do things is still a valid teaching method. Roberts’ ‘legacy’ will be how to ringmaster a Republicon rehabilitation circus. If he is impeached from SCROTUS in 2021, he’s a fine candidate to replace Ollie North on the History Channel. Imelda Marcos has volunteered to be his season première image make-over.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    BTW Senator Kamala Harris was superb! She really “put the words” in John Roberts mouth. Liz, Joe, Pete, anyone … if this lady doesn’t become US AG, one of you is nuts and it isn’t her.

  5. I completely understand that under our Constitution even the obviously, admittedly guilty have the right to not be railroaded. However, your average non lawyer could probably make better arguments than what is coming from Trumpworld. Their strongest argument is that this doesn’t warrant removal from office, and they’re just mailing it in for anyone not of their base.

    On the other hand, Schiff and Harris in particular are what I hope to be when I grow up.

  6. Dershowitz’s claim is similar to the GOP’s “sincerely held religious beliefs” claim that they use to justify discrimination against gay people who want to marry, women who want abortions, and just about anybody else where it comes in handy. How convenient…

  7. Dershowitz is a prime example of why all those lawyer jokes exist.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    Mr. I Wore My Underwear as well as Mr. BJs Are An Impeachable Offense need to head off to the lawyers rest home – maybe even locked into the memory care unit. Miss JJ, can you recommend one for them?

  9. Jeopardy answer.
    O J Simpson, Jeffrey Epstein, Donald J Trump.
    Jeopardy question.
    Name three people represented by Alan Dershowitz.

  10. He used the right word…BELIEVE ANYTHING… don’t need evidence or proof when you BELIEVE!!

  11. He doesn’t want to be a monarch. You don’t see Queen Elizabeth behaving like this. What he wants to be is a dictator.

  12. AlanInAustin ... says:

    First off, let me say that I’m ashamed to share the same first name as Alan Dershowitz and want to assure everyone we’re not like him.

    Second, as the even the feeblest political naif knows, Trump believes “Trump interests = National Interests.” With that and Dershowitz’s argument, nothing and nobody is safe.

    Third, I have marginal legal training and would dearly love to engage Dershowitz in moot court because I believe I’d kick his ass.

  13. We are witnessing the demise of democracy.
    The Republican Party, heretofore known as the American Fascist
    Party, would ascribe to the President, absolute power, with Congress unable to check that power. With Trump’s acquittal, we are no longer a democracy. We are a fascist dictatorship.

  14. Under Dershowitz’s logic, Trump could arrest and execute Alan Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and anyone else he wished as long as he ‘believed’ it was in the country’s best interest. I’d like to know, though, how you can determine to the satisfaction of an actual court of law what a person truly believes.

    OTOH, if you belong to the group that inexplicably calls itself the Grand Old Party, that doesn’t really matter… at least as long as Trump and you claim to believe the same things. It probably also helps if Putin has compromat on both of you.

  15. And Dershowitz likes to hang around with Jeffry Epstein and underage girls and Dershowitz thinks it’s ok because it was in Dershowitz’ interest except that there are videos so now Dershowitz is forced to further degrade himself in front of the whole world.

    Guys like this go to hell. For eternity.

  16. And he’s a law professor at Harvard. What does that say about their moral compass?

    They should all be thrown in jail. Forever.
