Joni Ernst Spills the Beans

January 29, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Biden, Trump

Remember during the 2012 and 2016 elections when Republicans admitted (on television) that their strict voter ID laws were not about fictional “voter fraud”, but about suppressing Democratic voter turnout?  Well, in 2020, it’s happened again.  This time, right-winger, Joni Ersnt of Iowa, said (on television) that the Iowa caucuses were coming up and mused about how smearing Joe Biden using the Trumped up Ukraine conspiracy was going to hurt him by keeping people from caucusing for him.

The shocking thing about how conservatives talk is that they say this crappola so much amongst themselves that they blurt it out are the worst time – for them.  The jig is up.  Not only was Trump trying to smear Biden with a fake conspiracy theory and associated fake investigations, the GOP is continuing that strategy by saying “Biden” as much as possible during the trial about TRUMP.

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0 Comments to “Joni Ernst Spills the Beans”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    (R) —> <—(R) The Republicons have turned their circular firing squads into linear Cheney skeet shoots. Biden is their boy. They've been aiming at him since Hilz 2016. Now half their team is in Iowa to discourage Democrats from nominating Biden. ok

    Liz Warren says: "thank you." We say thank you!

  2. I disagree.
    These statements are not mistakes they are just an example of raw power and how they don’t have to care about ethics, morality, law or oaths.
    What they are making clear is that They have the power and no one can stop them.
    This appeals to the bullies and thugs that are their supporters.

  3. @ Jane – There is a reason Team Trump is targeting Biden. They’re looking at the same numbers we are. Biden is the strongest candidate against Trump in the swing states. They’re trying to damage Biden sothe Dems do something stupid like they did in 2016.

  4. slipstream says:

    Jefe @3, with respect, I think you meant to write “they’re trying to damage Biden . . .”

  5. The stupidest thing the d’s did in 2016 is allow DWS to rig the nominations for Hillary who, improperly in my opinion, had been slimed for so long that her baggage was overwhelming.
    Sorta like how ex senator from mastercard and delusionalist about thuglican cooperation biden would be a sitting duck.
    Espiacially after they have so much video now of biden telling people to vote for some one else whenever asked about immagration, fracking and other thuglican lite sacred cows.
    Boy won’t the video editars have a field day with his arrogance.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, looking at the numbers. Yes, sir. Just like in 2016 with the unbeatable Hilz. That’s their plan; substitute Biden for Hilz and voilà, once again Democrats managing to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. Been there. Didn’t like it. And if possible not wearing the damn t-shirt. Not this time. Not again.

    Voted for Hilz in ’16. Vote for Biden in ’20. Screw the DNC. At the caucus will be with Liz next month. If she’s doesn’t have the 15% to be viable, it’s just a table hop to Bernie. But not jumping the shark for uncle Joe. If the other 49 states go for Joe, ok then will vote for Joe in the general and F the DNC. Won’t need to wait until midnight for another kick in the teeth.

    Would love to be wrong. Will make a reservation to apologize post election, but not holding my breath.

  7. If they see Biden 2020 as the Hillary 2016, and Biden gets the Dem nomination – – Trump supporters will sit in the stands chanting “Ukraine! Ukraine! Ukraine!” with not a hint of irony, sarcasm, or hypocrisy throughout the campaign season.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    K, it won’t require video editors. Slow Joe is stuck in a still picture from over 20 years ago. We’re still waiting for his response to Clarence Thomas’ “it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks.” He lost in a battle of wits with Clarence Thomas.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Rick, if Biden is the nominee, we may as well sit around waiting for Martin Van Buren’s response to “”Tip and Ty.” Just change out those elephant and donkey logo to a great shark swallowing a seal pup.

  10. G Foresight says:

    RE: “how conservatives talk” — Admission without consequences is apparently now part of the R brand: “Trump doesn’t want to get caught and be punished, but he delights in being caught and going unpunished.” — Sarah Kendzior, Feb 23, 2018

  11. The jig woulda been up in the same situation even 10 years ago, when more folks got their news from news.
    But the right wing has turned whatever passed as a jig in the past into some kinda burn-it-all-down isolationist/nationalist mosh pit stomp.
    That generates it’s own contemptuous, hangrily pissed-off music, via social media.
    I don’t think it even needs faux news anymore. It just enjoys it.
    These people get righteous satisfaction from offending, and scaring people. And to them, anybody offended or scared deserve it. Because they’re snowflakes for not doing it first.
    For these people, the jig ain’t up.
    It’s getting Jager Bomb interesting.

  12. slipstream says:

    Meanwhile, a newly built section of Trump’s border wall blew over. Wind was 37 MPH.

    That wall is almost as flimsy as Trump’s impeachment defense.

  13. Yeeeesh! The GOP in its entirety is as weak as Trump is! Not surprised it was Joni who blew the cover. Remember he tag line when running for the Senate seat? Gruesome, and gutless.
