Russians Call Trump’s Announcement “Propaganda”

October 27, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Lie, Trump

The Russians aren’t backing Trump on his story of getting Al Baghdadi, calling his announcement “propaganda”.  The Russian defense ministry says that Russia was not involved and even doubted that the raid killed the actual Al Baghdadi saying that Syria has claimed several times to have already killed him.  The shifting stories between the Pentagon, the White House, and His Orangeness’ mouth has added a lot of doubt to whether the entire tale is actually true or not.

Typical in Trumpland – nothing is clear, and everything is loud.

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0 Comments to “Russians Call Trump’s Announcement “Propaganda””

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Projectionist warrior Donnie running a false flag operation? Say it isn’t so …

  2. RepubAnon says:

    By Monday, Trump will be claiming that he personally led the raid, fought hand-to-hand with Baghdadi, and personally dispatched him with a special Trump-brand tactical knife that Trump personally forged from American steel…

  3. Linda Phipps says:

    Republicon, you are close. I have to mute the TV every time the “Clown in Charge” is speaking. I am back to watching old reruns of crime solving shows. At least they have veracity.

  4. Been away all day so I don’t know if this has been posted yet but it’s a real hoot. I love Carly, she provided the sound track of my college years.

  5. What’s a sadder picture, Dotard faking not golfing, or getting US military intelligence via Russia. It may even be possible this wasn’t the first time…

  6. Just a cover story baghdadi and taliban delegtion at camp david for some more of the demented one “deal” making.

    used private party of ivanka’s arranged marriage a cover for all the people headed up there.

  7. Not vouching for the accuracy of this, but probably closer to truth than anything that ever existed Liar-in-Chief’s yap.

    “Trump claims that Russia and Iraq helped the U.S. with al-Baghdadi operation.

    Meanwhile, Russia’s Defense Ministry says they know nothing about it, scoffing at Trump’s claims: “News of al-Baghdadi’’s demise come after he was reported dead on several occasions in recent years…”’

    While, Trump releases a photo of advisers and himself supposedly monitoring the operation…

    …that would have the camera person in the way of what they are supposedly watching…

    …the subjects in the photo not looking in the same direction…

    …with apparently unplugged computers in the foreground…

    …taken a hour and 1/2 after the operation took place because…

    …Trump was out golfing at the time of the operation….”

  8. Russia’s purpose is to spread chaos.

    The Kremlin is no more trustworthy than Trump; moreover, there is video from the military about the attack on al-Baghdadi’s compound.

    It serves the Kremlin’s purposes just as well to spread conspiracy theories on the left to distrust our government as it does to spread them on the right.

  9. Who do you believe? Putin or Trump?

  10. I hate to say it but I agree with the Russians. This is pure BS. The only thing we have to confirm any of this is Trump’s word. When Bin Laden was killed, there was all sorts of footage from the war room, and it was clear what they were watching. There was night vision camera footage, and confirmation by military officials, immediately and afterwards. We have none of this. Only the word of Don the Con. And to me that’s not worth much.

  11. thatotherjean says:

    Al-Baghdadi is dead. Again. That man has more lives than a cat, apparently. This is at least the third, maybe fourth, time someone has claimed to have killed him. Of course, they don’t have a body to confirm the death, because he blew himself up with an extremely convenient suicide bomb. Doesn’t everybody have one of those lying around? Maybe they can get DNA from some of the bits and pieces, and find a relative to use to confirm that they have the right person. Then I’ll believe it–maybe.

  12. Brad in Dallas says:

    Thanks to our president Russia has a whole new front in the propaganda war they can attack us through, Muslim public opinion.

  13. Captain Dan says:

    Russia is benefitting from Putin’s puppet;
    Very much so!

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    And they fed Al Baghdadi, or someone, to the fishies, so we will never know.
