Crazy As Trump
Ted Damn Cruz is lecturing us again.
He’s the self-proclaimed leader of the plot to overthrow the duly elected president before that president even takes office. Cruz is going to challenge the vote on January 6th in front of God and enemies foreign and domestic.
Apparently several senators have challenged Cruz about his own nest – maybe sedition or treason?
“I think everyone needs to calm down,” Cruz said.
Tell me, Senator Cruz, what is the proper amount of calm in the face of someone trying to overthrow your government?
“I think we need to tone down the rhetoric. This is already a volatile situation. It’s like a tinderbox and throwing lit matches into it,” Cruz said.
Who made the tinderbox? Let me ask again: Who made the damn tinderbox? Cruz built large fire and then accuses us of wanting to put it out by getting rid of the arsonist.