Crazy As Trump

January 03, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Damn Cruz is lecturing us again.

He’s the self-proclaimed leader of the plot to overthrow the duly elected president before that president even takes office. Cruz is going to challenge the vote on January 6th in front of God and enemies foreign and domestic.

Apparently several senators have challenged Cruz about his own nest – maybe sedition or treason?

“I think everyone needs to calm down,” Cruz said.

Tell me, Senator Cruz, what is the proper amount of calm in the face of someone trying to overthrow your government?

“I think we need to tone down the rhetoric. This is already a volatile situation. It’s like a tinderbox and throwing lit matches into it,” Cruz said.

Who made the tinderbox?  Let me ask again: Who made the damn tinderbox? Cruz built large fire and then accuses us of wanting to put it out by getting rid of the arsonist.


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0 Comments to “Crazy As Trump”

  1. Cruz may be the biggest hypocrite in the party of hypocrites. Thanks, Texas Republicans.

  2. GOP: Don’t trust the election! It was rigged!

    Also GOP: People don’t trust the election and we need to figure out why.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    DetesTed Teddie Crooze … is it too late to recount his 2018 re-election?

    As for any rigging of the 2020 election, think of it as the Karl Rove reaction – Republicons cannot believe they didn’t stage enough voter suppression and other dirty tricks to have won. They have a point – let’s recount those Kentucky and South Carolina Senate races. Those results do stink.

    The question they won’t answer is if the ballots and voting machines were a problem how did Republicons hold the Senate and gain a few House seats. Biden/Harris smacked down the fu king moron by something in the neighborhood of 81 million to 72 million. Yet there was no apparent downdraft on the Senate races.

  4. Jane & PKM, are you expecting them to use some logic when hysteria and accusations work so well?

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The party of lies is going thru this so they can be on record as supporting Trumpf and can use it in their next campaign with his cult. My guess is many of them actually hate his guts, but can’t go against him. They’re willing to do lasting damage to our democracy in order to get re-elected. Democrats need to use this against them forever. History will not be kind to them and the word “statesman” will never be used when describing their legacy. Racist will be used.

  6. RepubAnon says:

    Ted Cruz translated: “Although Republicans should remain free to stir up hysteria, Democrats should not be allowed to point this out.”

    Has anyone yet pointed out the similarities between how Venezuela’s President Maduro runs Venezuela’s elections and how Trump wants to run US elections? Both want one-party rule, both deny their opposition can ever win an election…

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    I just listened to the recording of Trump trying to talk Rafensbuger to change the Ga vote to his favor. It is disgusting and Cruz is supporting this horrible man. Why my fellow Texans couldn’t rouse themselves enough to cast him off in 2018, I don’t understand!

  8. Fellow Patrons of Juanita Jean’s:

    I would like to introduce to the record that I am in no way related to, nor support Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz. He is not a true Ted, and demeans the name.



    And that is my full, legal, first name.

  9. That nuclear bomb drop–otherwise known as the phone call to Raffensberger–came just in time to embarrass the bejesus outta the Rethugs. I wonder what Crooze will have to say about it.

  10. Still cannot figure out how this guy even got through kindergarten let alone undergrad and law school and then clerk for a SCOTUS justice! 1.) Who the heck is his “angel?” or 2.) what does he have in his files on anyone else in his party?

  11. If “their side” wants to subvert the constitution over this, “our side” can choose an amendment with which we can ignore.

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    So is Cruz going to chastize his fellow Texan, Gohmert, for advocating street violence on Jan 6? Will he publically call for Loopie G. to “calm down”?

    No matter what: BarbinDC, please stay off the streets on Wednesday and avoid the PBs.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    AK Lynne @5, nevuh we promise you that we’d expect “logic” from oozy Croozie or any of the wingnuts. However, if actually faced down with the facts that would surely bring their own election into question, perhaps it would silence them. Or, not.

    More like thinking to turn their projection(s) back onto them. The more they howl and specifically what they howl about is an indication of their cheating. They “believe” the fu king moron one because they knew the fix was in – except they failed to consider the fact that 81 plus voters would turn out to negate their voter suppression and general election rat molesting. They seriously nee to see Karl Rove for how that happens.

  14. @ Ted: Clarification duly noted.

    Thanks for the chuckle! (My grandson is Theodore but goes–so far–by Teddy…)

  15. Sandridge says:

    DetesTeD Cruz’s and Comrade tRump’s MAGAots are crazier than you can imagine.
    They have a growing-like-wildfire website called:

    The insanity over there is off the charts, makes their other, older websites look tame [like britefart, drudge, wnd, noozmax, townhall…].

    I was primarily sloshing through the website’s ‘buttlines’, looking for their takes on mob boss Donnei’s latest tape recording with the Georgia SoS Raffensberger [off the planet weirdness…they’re lapping up Rump’s excrement].
    Way down, this bit of batshit idiocy kinda stood out, new old stuff, they just can’t get over BHO:

    “Malia & Sasha Obama Were Loaned By Their Real Parents To Barak & Michelle, So America Would Accept The Fake First Family, And Not Realize Michelle Is Really A Man.
    posted 2 hours ago by 21stCenturyPatriot”

    Y’all have a look there , the trumpanzees scampering around flinging caca cover a lot of ground, you’ll find something insanely amusing, I guarandamntee it.
