Centerfold Dick

March 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh yeah, Dick Cheney is doing a Playboy interview.  I guess he wanted to be among all those other boobs.

I really don’t know what else to say.

I thought it was one of those satire things.

No, siree, he’s blameless, flawless, and as judgmental as ever.

“I look at Barack Obama and I see the worst president in my lifetime, without question — and that’s saying something. I used to have significant criticism of Jimmy Carter, but compared to Barack Obama and the damage he is doing to the nation — it’s a tragedy, a real tragedy, and we are going to pay a hell of a price just trying to dig out from under his presidency.”

Dick!  Dick!  Get a damn mirror, you cloistered son of a motherless goat.

cheneyI cannot begin to imagine what rattles around in his empty head.  In August of 2011 he said his book was going to have “heads exploding” all over DeeCee.  That did not happen.  Everyone said, “Crazzzzzy Uncle Dick is bloviating again.”  He thought the “last throes of the insurgency” was just around the corner where “we will be welcomed as liberators,” so who cares what he thinks now.

When Cheney left office his approval rating was 13% and it hasn’t come up one damn point since then.

He’s a damn criminal at home and abroad.  I am certain that President wears Cheney’s disapproval as a badge of honor.

Sumbitch.  He’s a sumbitch.

Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

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