No, No, It’s LIBERTY University

March 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, the Irony Imp has made his appearance.


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Okay, let me think this through.  It’s Liberty University but students were required to attend?

Hummm …..

Also of note:   After announcing he is a presidential candidate today, Cruz will have 10 days to file a Statement of Candidacy with the FEC. That means he can delay filing until April, which in turn means his presidential campaign committee won’t have to file any FEC reports (disclosing any testing-the-waters activities to date) until July.  Cute.

And my current favorite suggested Ted Cruz campaign slogan:  (Close your eyes, Momma.)


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0 Comments to “No, No, It’s LIBERTY University”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Not that I was ever sufficiently crazy to attend Liberty or any of those theofascist institutions, had I “found” myself there today, would gladly have paid the $10 fine to spare my sanity the invasion of a Daffy Cruz, Jr. moment.

  2. Sandridge says:

    The very name of ‘Liberty’ U is just another example of the Repukes lexicographical trickery of naming things the opposite of what they really are or represent.
    As they invariably name laws they propose, groups such as the ‘Patriotic’ Teabaggers waving their Constitutions without comprehension, etc., etc.

    Too many ‘Murikans are fooled by such bullshit too.

  3. Perhaps he will file on April 1, which would be extremely appropriate.

    Though I’m afraid the joke’s on us.

  4. They wave Jesus around all the time too, despite knowing virtually nothing about what he’s supposed to have said. Just like the Constitution. It’s just “Scroll to the bottom and click ‘accept’; you don’t have to read it.”

  5. Rhea, they’re fine with Jesus. They just have the George Orwell/Ayn Rand translation of the Gospels.

  6. UmptyDump says:

    So religious freedom is a relative thing.

    The choice by Ted Cruz to announce his presidential candidacy at a fundamentalist Christian educational institution sends a clear and strong message to religious fundamentalists in our American republic.

    The choice by Ted Cruz to announce his presidential candidacy at a fundamentalist Christian educational institution sends an equally clear and strong message to all others who are not fundamentalist Christians in our pluralistic American republic.

    We should dread the thought of someone with Cruz’s value system ever achieving a position of executive authority in the United States. He would be America’s version of Nouri al-Maliki. Religious persecutor, thy name is Cruz.

  7. Ted Cruz wants to be Nehemiah Scudder.

  8. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    I just read that Teddy’s wife, a vice president at Goldman-Sachs, has been laid off for the duration of her husband’s campaign to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest. That means she loses her generous health insurance among other benefits. And since the Senators all have to purchase their health insurance through Obamacare, it pleases me immensely that Senator Cruz will finally have to avail himself of a program he so passionately hates.

  9. UmptyDump says:

    @Mike – Interesting thought, if for no other reason than the timing!

  10. I guess Liberty University couldn’t afford to hire seat fillers like the Academy Awards, so when the camera pans across the crowd the auditorium always looks full.

    Then again, maybe they tried. And couldn’t find anyone.

  11. Oh, snap! A full auditorium of indentured students? I think that means somebody somewhere – Cruzer’s camp or the LU – learned a lesson from Mittens standing in front of just a few people in an empty pro football stadium giving an important speech. Remember that fiasco? And that wasn’t the only one. They liked the major flub so much they did it again somewhere else! Well, Cruzer is not off to an auspicious start. He’s been sagging in the ratings and needs money. May it ever thus continue!

  12. Corinne Sabo says:

    Hey, it is Pat Robertson’s university…..

  13. maryelle says:

    Those poor kids are already brainwashed, so being forced to sit and listen to the Snake Oil Salesman spew his sleaze ain’t no biggie.

  14. Maybe one of those “kids” could teach Teddy a thing or two about social media/mass communications. Check out

  15. Nancy Yates says:

    Funniest thing today:

    He is so stupid he didn’t even acquire his own name’s domain.

    This will be fun.

  16. Wa Skeptic says:

    Don’t these guys get to use any of that money donated by the PACs for anything they want? When the Koch Bros. publicized that they’re going to spend almost a Billion dollars this election cycle I’m sure that number attracted Teddy’s attention.

    Cruz has no shame.

  17. Y’all patrons of the salon remember when Pat Robertson was elected president by all those good Christians rushing to the polls to vote? Me neither.

    @Corinne – A minor correction. Liberty U is Jerrah Falwell’s baby.

  18. Liberty University, aka Theofascist U.

  19. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Do you think the brightness of the flames kept Jerry Falwell from looking up at Cruz?

  20. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I can remember when Jerry Falwell (a.k.a. Jerry the Jerk) called it “Liberty Baptist College” and I think it may have been “Lynchburg Baptist College” before then. I learned a lot of that when I responded to an ad in a copy of Parade back in 1981 or so — it was going to send me a free copy of a book telling the truth about the remarkable birth of the planet earth complete with Noah’s flood making the Grand Canyon. Though the names have changed, not much else has:

  21. Great tweet, and is hilarious. As for the tweet and momma: JJ, read it to Momma, and pronounce it bat guano.

  22. Angelo Frank says:

    Ted Cruz is just following the script of chief adherent of Christian Dominionism, his father Pastor Rafael Cruz, who has already anointed Teddy King of the coming Christofascist state.

  23. Can somebody smarter than me explain how a non-profit can legally hols a political rally for one specific candidate? If the House weren’t so busy with The Banghazi maybe they should look into that.

  24. Henry, I suspect it’s the same way churches can keep their tax-exempt status when their preachers in the pulpit tell people who to vote for, some of them openly announcing that they’re giving the IRS the finger. Organizations tell me that my donation is not tax-deductible if they work to influence government policy, but this is America, where anything goes if you claim you’re religious.

  25. UmptyDump says:

    Henry, to supplement Rhea’s comment, let me put it a slightly different way. There’s a difference between the tax situation of nonprofits that lobby legislation and the free speech prerogatives that provide First Amendment protection to nonprofits, where people have the right to peaceably assemble and express their opinions.

  26. PattiCakes says:

    I watched the proceedings this morning at Liberty U with interest, since my husband’s niece was probably sitting at that event, mandatorily taking in every single word. Her older brother is also a graduate of ole Liberty U. They’re good kids, but incredibly naive, having swallowed the Jesus Bullet hook line and sinker while being home schooled. Of course the niece had to change majors from nursing to something else last year, since her math and science skills weren’t sufficient to pass the curriculum. A few years ago our nephew was proselytizing to Arabs in Jordan on weekends, while under the guise of “studying Arabic language and culture” for a semester. My husband and I were afraid he’d end up without a tongue, or worse. My sister-in-law said Jesus would protect him, and I guess they are convinced that He did. His now-wife at the same time was working in a Christian orphanage in northern Iraq, which of course is now toast. The fervor that institution elicits in its student body is pretty interesting. Good ole Teddy Crudz knew how to choose his audience. I’ve had acid reflux all day since watching that performance. YUK.

  27. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    PattiCakes – don’t watch him any more! He’s not good for a lot of things, including your esophagus!

  28. Liberty Oxymoron has had a pretty good women’s basketball team. They’ve played in the big NCAA tournament several times but they’ve never survived the first round. Hmmm. God must be saying something to them through women’s basketball, since God controls every single predestined detail. Since the Liberty Oxymoron boys have rarely, if ever, made the boys’ NCAA, God must be telling them women are better and must dominate and lead the way.

  29. Whatever, it’s going to be fun to see a sociopath flameout which will have limited corporate media coverage!

  30. BarbinDC says:

    I just was gobsmacked at all those under-26-year-olds clapping wildly at the thought of “every word of Obamacare will be replealed.”

    Like all of them aren’t getting to stay on their parents’ health insurance for NOTHING.

    I wonder how their parents feel about this.

  31. If you haven’t seen Ted’s website yet, stop by:

    Too funny! 🙂

  32. The hypocrisy of trying to fit 21st century North Americans into the words of 4th century Aramaic speaking Jews is just… sad. Up until the last century everyone understood the Bible to be metaphor, or at least subject to translation error. Now, somehow, the whole chain of history that gave us languages, tools, weapons, and mindsets vastly changed from the time of Jesus delivers THE WORD OF GOD?!

    Yeah, that kind of disbelief is just what we need to fire up for opposing these vile manipulators of theocracy and pseudomorality. Where do these people espouse caring for the hungry, the poor, and the incarcerated? (Though they do seem intent on creating more of the latter with *smaller* government).

    I haven’t the stomach to view the actual proceedings…

  33. Not all the students were thrilled to be required to attend. At the bottom of this article are some pretty entertaining tweets about it.

  34. I Kathy Kelly says:

    Libert is Fallwell; Robertson’s is a Regent. Birth have accreditations and heavy online presence. I live in that Commonwealth!

  35. BarbinDC: Hey, the parents think that when the kids are a certain age and/or graduate, God will take care of them. Its that Magic Bubble stuff all over again. God is already taking care of them with the existence of the Affordable Care Act. Its up to them if they want to partake as individuals, either on their own or via an employer. Of course, there’s that built-in nooge thingy about a monetary fine but it is coupled with guvmint backed help if you can’t afford a health insurance policy. Now, if you want to do a dance about hell no I won’t go, then you really are on your own, no matter how many xtofascist supporters you can find. And good luck to yah!

  36. very good point (30) all those kids 21 to 26 would not be covered under their parents health plans

  37. I guess it’s liberty for a given value of liberty.

  38. Linda Phipps says:

    Re Sandbridge’s take on the usurption of the word (and concept) of Liberty to infer the organization bearing that word is somehow more American, and you know, godly. I make it a habit to steer clear of anything that uses “Liberty”, “Patriot”, “Family”, “Core”, “Value”, “Family Core Value”, “Faith” and “Foundation”. One exception is PFAW.

  39. innerlooper says:

    All this time since 911 i thought liberty was a Frat/Sorrity for deplorable/Matic govt. positions of rebuilding Iraq under baby’s foreign policy umbrella.

  40. e platypus onion says:

    thousands of Liberty grads stay in Virgin land and become or stay active in wingnut politics.

  41. e platypus onion says:

    innerlooper-a bunch of Liberty law grads( i just threw up in my mouth) found work in dumbass dubya’s lack of justice department. I remember a couple who were not well versed on either federal law or how the gubmnint was supposed to function.

  42. Kinda funny that a lot of the Liberty students were wearing Rand Paul T shirts.

    Talking about funny Rand Paul is going to announce his candidacy at a battleship, I could be wrong but I always thought the Pauls were against military intervention of any kind. Also
    to my knowledge none have ever thought about serving in the military.
    Cannot wait to find out where Perry will announce.
