Just a Heads Up

March 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Pastor John Hagee of the the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio – which is also called Six Flags Over Jesus – has been warning us about this.

UnknownWe’re having four complete lunar eclipses six months apart.  Hagee warns that this fulfills the Biblical prophesy of “blood on the moon.”  Total lunar eclipses are called blood moons because the moon turns red during them.  It’s not, you know, actual blood.

The first two eclipses were on April 25, 2013, and April 15, 2014.  Nothing major happened, much to Hagee’s  chagrin.  However, it did give him time to sell more books.  The next one is scheduled for April 4th.  That’s the day before Easter.  Woo wee woo.

“I believe that the heavens are God’s billboard, that he has been sending signals to planet Earth,” he explained. “God is literally screaming at the world, ‘I’m coming soon.'”

Hagee predicted that the four eclipses were signaling a “world-shaking event that will happen between April 2014 and October 2015.”

Well hell’s bells, John.  That’s like, I dunno, over a year or something.  It’s 18 months to be exact.  Damn straight something will happen in 18 months.

Anyway, John has two full pages of books about blood on the moon, which seems kinda like he needs an intervention.

The last of the four blood moons is on March 23, 2016, so I seriously doubt anything major is gonna happen until then because, think about it, why would God reserve the billboard space if he knows it ain’t gonna happen.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Just a Heads Up”

  1. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    I drive by this mega-temple every other day. They have one of this electronic billboards that advertises who will be preaching next Sunday. It’s always one or the other of the male Hagee’s. It’s a family franchise, don’t ya know.

    Daddy Hagee was my wife’s high school swim coach. (Before receiving the calling.)

    Just saying…..

  2. I bet this loon will never believe that there have been endless “blood moons” over the millennia where nothing untoward happened. How the bleep does he explain that? God went on vaca?

  3. If the heavens are God’s billboard, then that must mean he believes in astrology. His birthday is April 12, so that makes him an Aries. Here’s his horoscope for today:

    “You’re not a slave to logic today; no one will be able to talk you out of your plan if you want to do something. Nevertheless, you can be overly obstinate about an idea once you convince yourself that it’s worth pursuing. Keep in mind that fantasy plays a role in your mental process today. Although dreaming can spur you on to greater heights, it can also lead you down a garden path. Remaining open to the feedback you receive from others can help you reach greater heights.”

  4. SteveTheReturned says:

    “Six Flags Over Jesus.” Serious bullseye, there.

    Always entertaining to hear the latest from Reverend Glow-Ray (that’s how Hagee pronounces the word “glory”). Yet another wealthy evangelical who is passing the cash cow down to his son.

  5. e platypus onion says:

    and the lord sayeth to me,John Hagee,do as I say and then cash in verily and then passeth the word of gawd untoeth your son so that he may cash in verily.

  6. daChipster says:

    Lunar and solar eclipses happen on an entirely predictable schedule, so “God” pretty much sent this message 4 billion years ago. The only people still surprised by this type of phenomena are gullible fools who believe the fairy tales about the magic, cosmic, invisible daddy figure who will spank you with natural disasters, or send you to hell without any supper, if you don’t financially support and mindlessly obey the professional charlatan class who claim to speak for the Great and Powerful Wizard of Gaza.

  7. Marcia in CO says:

    Texas TP Trash: LOL Does that horror-scope hit the mark or what? Hagee certainly fits and oozes into all the niches for that one!!

    daChip … someone’s “god” is working overtime but I don’t believe it’s the God that I tend to hold dear to my heart!!

  8. a picture of hagee attached to my frig door helped inspire me to lose those extra pounds

  9. Fool, they’re eclipses. They happen often and we can predict them. We don’t run around screaming “MOON-EATER!”

    Well, most of us don’t. Just the ones who flunked science in junior high and the ones who are peddling fake religious crap for big bucks.

    Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. (Matthew 19: 21-24; Mark 10:21-25; Luke 18:22-25)

    Say, bubba, what was your income last year?

  10. Rhea, you aimed right at his heart with those verses and hit the mark. The Rev. must think science must not be part of the Big Plan, except that it IS the plan. Please people, put your money back in your pockets and back away from the false prophet.

  11. Sandridge says:

    Y’all should know that the enormous Hagee operation (San Antonio Cornerstone Church, television/radio networks/media, real estate, etc.) is based on nepotism, and extends to most family members, not just the Cornerstone minister son (JH is still there often, but ‘retired’). The Rev. John’s brother, wife, and children are key players.

    An investigation into the extent of the Hagee corporate church empire would make for some most interesting reading (and perhaps legal action, if a willing DA could be found).

    The tentacles of the enterprise also extend far from San Antonio, deep into Austin, DeeCee, over to the Middle East, and Israel (CUFI).
    It, and others of its ilk (Joel Osteen, etc.), have a tremendous influence over OUR nation’s politics and policies, and not for good.
    Their ‘faithful’ are indeed fanatics, an American Taliban, beware.

    Look around the link JJ provided to Hagee’s own website, and then the Cornerstone Church one. Lots of interesting stuff (and since I’ve been observing them for years, some things have been removed/hidden/changed, since it’s pretty scary stuff).

  12. “I believe that the heavens are God’s billboard, that he has been sending signals to planet Earth,” he explained. “God is literally screaming at the world, ‘I’m coming soon.’”

    Actually, John, I believe that God is literally screaming at the world.” “Even dogs don’t sh** where they sleep. What is wrong with you people”?


  13. Lorraine in Spring says:

    To paraphrase our own President Barack Obama:

    On any given day, somebody is doing something stupid somewhere.

    IDK why but, for some odd reason, that comforts me.

  14. How odd. I’ve always thought that the heavens are not God’s billboard, nor any sort of billboard at all. But then, I’m sane.

  15. Rhea, he also missed the verses that say to be ever vigilant because *you will not know* when the end will come. But of course, some of us are a lot smarter than that socialist Middle Eastern Jew, huh?

  16. When Pastor Lardbutt predicts his own demise after giving all his possessions to the poor AND follows through with it, then I might believe him. But you can still keep his invisible sky demon.

  17. UmptyDump says:

    When those upcoming lunar eclipses occur, how’s about everybody driving over to Hagee’s place to moon him?

  18. Sandridge says:

    UmptyDump says @17

    UD, Hagee, et al., live (principal residence, there are others), appropriately, in a very upscale area on the northside of San Antonio called “The Dominion”.


  19. My Pandora feed just played this highly appropriate bit from Ray Stevens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drMMBE6KRbI

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Didn’t Rev Haggis fall from grace (euphemism for stumble out of the closet)? There needs to be a scorecard somewhere to keep track of all these forgiven grifters.

  21. elise von holten says:

    I love you guys.

  22. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    That clever God — he has learned a few tricks from Loki. He goes to all the trouble of building the entire universe, sets all the stars and planets and moons in motion and calculates out to the last nano-second what will be needed to make those 4 eclipses occur just in time for the resurgent neocons to start a nuclear war in the Middle East so that Jesus can come back and slaughter us all. But first He is gonna take some of his special friends — like Haggis — straight to Heaven without troubling himself to kill them. Whatta guy.

  23. Marge Wood says:

    Hagee STILL around? sheesh.

  24. There are a couple of things every San Antonian knows. Jim Bowie was married at San Fernando and Hagee puts out a new $50 book every couple of years that says the world is going to end next Tuesday. People buy them, a lot of them apparently.

  25. Marge Wood says:

    When I was a kid, about a half million years ago, there was always a revival across the street from our church in the summer. Our windows were open; this was BAC (before air conditioning) and we could hear all the screaming and singing and general carrying on. Some of those folks periodically announced the end of the world was coming My parents were very uppity about it. All I know is, my parents were right and those folks weren’t. It’s exciting to anticipate it, long with obvious car wrecks coming and the disasters related to the GOP running things.

  26. epo, don’t forget to throw in at least one “Lo” next time you quote holey scripture. The “verily” was a nice touch.

  27. Mark Schlemmer says:

    He is non-Prophet, not non-profit. Boy Howdy, you gotta’ get that little detail right when you set up these big church cons.

  28. JAKvirginia says:

    Let’s see, according to the Bible:

    – God TALKED to Noah and gave him detailed instructions about the Ark.

    – God TALKED to Moses and gave him some stone swag to take back to the Israelites.

    – BUT when it comes to these yokels God uses phases of the moon? Sheesh.

  29. And April 4th is the second night of Passover (this year). Is that a good thing for the Jews, or not?!

    Delighted to report (from here in So Cal) that the family-run Chrystal Cathedral crashed and burned a few years ago…the edifice is now a Catholic church. So perhaps Six Flags Over Jesus has a future, after all.

  30. The coolest thing about lunar eclipses is that the color – the red/orange – of the moon during totality, is the color of all of the sunrises and sunsets on earth cast onto the reflective surface of the moon. So very cool.
