Caution: Loud Backfire

August 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so remember when the Nominee of the Republican Party (another name for Trump so people don’t forget about the other Republican candidates who support him) anyway, remember how he just had himself a conniption fit because the father of the Orlando shooter attended a Hillary Clinton rally?

Well, as he was saying that, lookie who was sitting right behind the Nominee of the Republican Party —


Screen Shot 2016-08-11 at 11.53.46 AM

Recognize that guy?

I’ll be damned if it isn’t Mark Foley, the disgraced Florida congressman who was forced to resign his seat in 2006 when it was discovered that he had sent lewd text message to teenage congressional pages.

Oh well, maybe they had a Dirty Ole Men get-together afterwards.


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0 Comments to “Caution: Loud Backfire”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Well, everyone has to have SOME kind of friends.

  2. No matter what your position, there are always people on your side that you wish were on the other side.

  3. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I can’t quite read what his sign says because someone who looks a bit like Bill Clinton is blocking it but I think it says “Make America Grope”

  4. Why the bleep am I not surprised?

  5. Rhea, I suspect the Drumpf is proud to have that one as a supporter. Birds of a feather and all…

  6. Lunargent says:

    Rhea – too true.

  7. Plus Trump knows Foley personally and has donated a lot of cash to his elections…

  8. djw: Hmmmmm … Drumpf does seem to love his daughter a lot, but at least (see Rhea) we don’t know how he feels about his sons.

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    And… if you can get the photo on the web without the spotlight effect, you will see a young, good-looking black nan to Mr. Foley’s right, and a young, good-looking white man to his left. Ebony and ivory. Yep, he’s got it covered. I’m just sayin’…

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    Um… black man. (Damn phone.)

  11. Charly Hoarse says:

    I recall that as Foley was disgraced Fok Snooze ran the story with a screen crawl that ID’d him as a Democrat.

  12. Even Foley looked embarrassed when trump started on the isis bullsheeet…..he did not clap……or maybe his hands were busy elsewhere…… has come to this???

  13. These campaign speeches are become the battle of the undesirables. Next look for John Hinckley or Anthony Weiner.
    So many to choose from, especially from the RKlan.

  14. If there’s going to be someone like him there, can’t they at least keep them out of prominent camera shots? Cereally, doesn’t a scumbag Foley have the right to attend? Personally, I think he should be in a jail cell with Big Bad Bubba for a roommate.

  15. Well, I’m guessing they’re going for the all-important Republican Pedophile vote…

    And I absolutely thing one of the things leading to the Obama wave was the outbreak of sick Republican Closet Cases, like the MN Senator I’m too lazy to look up, and the general obvious debauchery of the party of Robe and Abramoff…
    “Beware ye of Publick Moralists: for they speak as Angels, and yet live as mere Men.”

  16. “absolutely THINK”…or maybe I have a cold.

  17. The father of the Orlando shooter suddenly turns up in camera view at a Clinton rally. I smell a paid rat.

  18. two crows says:

    Ms. JJ, I can understand why you needed to wait for the next story to do it – – after all, the title of EVERY SINGLE story here can’t include some reference to karma . . . .

    Oh, why the hell not? Why not don’t you just label every dam one of them “Something Something Karma” and be done with it?

  19. Mary Lennox says:

    What’s he doing behind that sign in his lap?

  20. Myrna, who is MN’s Senator Pedophile? Doesn’t ring a bell for me. It’s not either of our current ones, Amy Klobuchar or Al Franken. Norm Coleman is a sleezy person, but not a pedophile.

    MR. Bill, are you referring to a state senator? Or are you thinking of the Idaho gay guy, Larry Craig, who was trying to pick up a man in a bathroom in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport?

  21. Elizabeth Moon says:

    There are not enough petards in the universe for Trump to hoist himself on.

  22. Patricia McCarty Stevenson says:

    Is it November yet?

  23. Are you rock yet?

  24. Yup, Debbo, Larry Craig…senility is a dreadful thing
