Just Wondering

August 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Leader of the Republican Party (my new name for Trump) has repeatedly said that Leader of the Democratic Party (President Barack Obama) founded Isis.  And that Isis was co-founded by Hillary Clinton.

I think George W Bush ought to sue Trump for giving Obama the credit for his work.


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0 Comments to “Just Wondering”

  1. Cheryl Ann says:

    What is so sad, that this babble that he spews is believed by a good number of his loyal followers. I worry about our education system.

  2. two crows says:

    Obviously, this is a ploy to get the talking heads to stop talking about his call to assassinate Clinton. Or maybe to justify it. And it could be working.

  3. TrulyTexan says:

    What? Who is this George W. you keep talking about. No, Obama caused all the trouble we are in now. And Hillary. All of it. Now lets get back to the issues. My hands are huge.

  4. “W” ain’t that dumb. He killed Bin Laden, ya know.

  5. Marge Wood says:


  6. Trump wouldn’t know the truth if it kicked him in the ass, which it frequently does. The WashPost has a page 1 article today showing that he can’t tell the truth even under oath.

  7. Cheryl Ann honey, do stop worrying. Its not good for you at all. The believers are chumps and there are a lot of them who never saw a second in public education. They were privately schooled in a deep pockets institution, given a diploma and even “colleges” in an elite school and are still chumps!

  8. JJ, you’ve got to work on this some more so you don’t have to use his real name in the entry. I’d suggest the Leader of the Party of Republicans (LPR), but that makes lepers look bad. After all, they have a disease that we can cure, but you can’t cure stupid and apparently not hateful.

  9. Lunargent says:

    Well, Daesh did rise in part due to the power vacuum created when Obama kept killing off the Taliban’s leaders. Other than that, not so much.

  10. Actually when you think about it, this is completely consistent with the repugnantcan M.O. For years now anything going wrong is blamed on what? OBAMACARE!

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    Y’know what’s gonna be funny. When we start getting tweets from ISIS saying something like:
    You American devils steal everything! Obama created us? Ha! Stupid, tangerine dog!

    I wonder how the Trump campaign will walk that one back!

  12. My current theory is that the LeaderoftheRepublicanParty is trying to say as much bat-s**t crazy stuff as he can so the more or less saner republican voters will all vote for Hillz, and then he can use the voting data as *PROOF* that the whole election was rigged. Hilarity ensues.

  13. BillR, I just copied this because I’m too lazy to type it out, kay?

    LeaderoftheRepublicanParty is using this bs to dog whistle his adoring fans. They are dog whistled far beyond “the point of no return”, (Kansas song) and now he’s alienating even more snacilbupeR. LeaderoftheRepublicanParty just can’t imagine that we all Do Not Love him. In fact, most Americans are repulsed by the LeaderoftheRepublicanParty

  14. Pretzelogic in Philly, PA says:

    Well, like any good Rape-Public-CON, their latest nominut for Presidunce is less concerned with truth than truthiness. It doesn’t have to actually be right, as long as it FEELS right to them (and the farther right, the better, ja wohl!).

    AFAIK, ISIS/ISIL/DINE&DAESH started using their current nomenclature ~2003 in reaction to the war in Iraq, which basically would make them another one of Dumbya’s unintended consequences. Most analysts that popped up in my quickie web search, though, date the group’s “founding” to 1999, when the group out of which they evolved was originated.

    So get it reich, Rape-Public-CONs – it wasn’t Obama that created ISIS, it was Billary! /sarc

    – “If two wrongs don’t make a right, try three.” – Laurence J. Peter (also formulator of the Peter Principle!)

    Keep America Great Again!
    Clinton/Kaine 2016

  15. Do you think any of the Drumpfers realize that every day, near every word out of Deadbeat Donnie’s brain causes people outside of the US to ridicule us more? If they laughed at us before (unlikely), what must they think of us now, having a Presidential candidate accusing the wrong previous President for founding ISIL.

    Well Duh!

  16. Or should I say:


  17. Sandridge says:

    tRump’s whole style is pure Bullshit, there is even a fairly new descriptive “law” that covers Donnie Dollars, the world’s most prolific ‘Bullshit Artist’ MO:

    It’s “Brandolini’s Law”, more formally titled “the Bullshit Asymmetry Principle”.
    Stated as:
    “The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it.”

    That pretty much explains most of his tactics and strategy. Not that it’s particularly original, it’s been SOP for the Rethuglicans for decades, honed to a fine edge by the Cheney-Bush regime.
    Catapult the bullshit, always keep your enemy off balance.

    A very fine, much older term perfectly fits the Orange One too: a “Four Flusher”.
    Donald J. ‘Four Flusher’ Trump!

    “A four flush (also flush draw) is a poker hand that is one card short of being a full flush.[1] Four flushing refers to empty boasting[2] or unsuccessful bluffing,[3] and a four flusher is a person who makes empty boasts or bluffs when holding a four flush.[1][4] Four flusher can also refer to a welcher, piker, or braggart.[5]”

    Is there a better description of The Donald anywhere else? Empty boasting, bluffs, WELCHER, piker, or BRAGGART, it’s absolutely perfect for the SOB.

  18. Excellent, Sandridge. FOUR FLUSHER it is. That is the most precise term yet to describe Drumpf’s character.

  19. I love it!

    Trump’s new name: PUTIN’S BITCH!

    (No offense meant to female canines)

  20. Some Faux News type “reporter” talked to Scumpf about this and tried to take care of his boy by saying he understood that Scumpf was saying Obama and Hillary “created the conditions that gave rise to ISIS.” Oh no, the short fingered vulgarian and LeaderoftheRepublicanParty insisted. “I mean they founded it.”

    What an a$$hole.

  21. Tilphousia says:

    And I thought slander was against the law. How come all those jackass republicans believe lies that are so outrageous? Oh wait! None of them completed any grade that taught reading so they can’t read! And can’t find out that all the dates are incorrect, the people are wrong and little twitty trumpers is a pathological liar.

  22. Sandridge says:

    Donald J. ‘Four Flusher’ Trump, Four Flusher Donnie, etc., Bullshit Artiste to the max.
    It does fit the crooked, lying, double double dealing bastard perfectly.
    And the fact that a random sperm got lucky and nine months later little Donnie was born wealthy, was gifted and inherited a fortune he hadn’t worked for (and per financial analysts has mismanaged below basic index fund returns), and has likely run it into the ground, possibly now ‘owned’ by the Putin-Russian Mob, is something he’s running from. Almost everybody knows one of these ‘entitled’ creeps (maybe not quite at FFD’s level).
    It captures those four major company meltdowns too, and all those cheated in Donnie Four Flusher’s many scam ventures.

    Ties in with something we all do everyday too, flush the crap away; whooosh, buh-bye Donnie… (although I remember my mom’s parents had an ‘no-flush’ outhouse, just a ‘plop-in’ kind of place).
