God; Guns; Gays; Prayer in Schools; War on Christmas; Politically Correct; Death Tax; Illegals; National Anthem; ACORN; Benghazi; Massive Voter Fraud; Stop the Steal; White Genocide. These, and dozens of other bumper sticker talking points are all fodder to whip up fake outrage in the base to keep them wound up and angry over non-issues. The latest is Critical Race Theory. Virtually unheard of before March of this year, it is now the key topic on Fox Noise, OAN, social media, and Hate Radio all over the country.
What’s going on? What’s going on is what always goes on…whip up an issue to piss off the base, flog it until it becomes ingrained in conservative DNA, then find another fake issue to piss off the base, flog it until it becomes ingrained in conservative DNA, rinse, repeat. They use the tactic to drive the base to the polls and for fundraising.
Media Matters has been following these tactics for years and have publish a new review to the Critical Race Theory outrage. Now, to be clear, Critical Race Theory has been in academia for over 40 years. It was developed back then, primarily in law schools, including Harvard, to frame the approach to legislation in an effort to understand how racist policies from centuries ago have become ingrained in our laws. It’s not political and has not been taught in schools to children. This issue was dredged up as Trump started flogging the fake issue by banning discussions of race in the military and in government agencies call it “sensitivity training” and other pejoratives as part of his campaign in the 2020 election.
To show how these issues are flogged, Media Matters tracks the number of mentions of certain key words. Here’s their recent tracking of Critical Race Theory on Fox Noise.

Media Matters did a great exposé a couple of years ago about how Bill O’Reilly and Lou Dobbs whipped up the War on Christmas in 2004 which is now resurrected and marched down Bullshit Street every holiday season. Bullshit is the proper descriptor for all of this, but it’s worse than that. It’s corrosive and undermines people’s confidence in government, has destroyed all decorum between political ideologies and is a common tactic in totalitarian governments like Russia. The proliferation of this bullshit makes truth unknowable. Normally rational people spout said bullshit on social media in a continuous stream, destroying civility between digital and even actual friends. This is how you get a HUGE proportion of Republicans actually believing Trump is still president and how whites are being systematically eliminated from society. It’s all bullshit, but it’s also ingrained in the belief systems of millions of Americans. Even in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary, people still believe this bullshit.
It’s tragic and seriously threatens our democracy.