Don Lemon of prior CNN fame, did a deal with Elon Musk in January to stream “The Don Lemon Show” on Twitter X doing basically what he did on cable Teevee before getting canned last year. Well, it’s the shortest run ever, as Lemon reports that he’s already been fired for asking questions of Musk during an interview on his first episode. No explanation was given and Musk hasn’t said anything so far about what happened.
Musk describes himself as a “free speech absolutist”, but anyone paying attention knows that’s complete bullshit. After taking over Twitter and working 24/7 to wreck it, he started allowing back thousands of new-Nazis, white supremacists, propagandists, and insurrectionists back on the platform turning it into one gigantic open sewer of lies, hate, threats, and all-around insanity. He even allowed the Insurrectionist in Chief back on, but he’s too busy vomiting his own bile on Truth Social.
I’ve always found Don Lemon to be mildly annoying myself and never found him interesting so it’s not surprising to me that he’s having trouble finding a new broadcast home. Having said that, though, a total series run of only a few hours has to be a new world record for rapid failure. He announced on X that Musk, apparently pissed about the interview, abruptly fired Lemon today with no explanation. Lemon announced it on X:
Despite what he says, Musk is not actually a “free speech absolutist”. Far from it. Musk is all about free speech as long as he agrees with it. He’s well known for banning reporters, social media posters who are negative about him, and others. He even falsely labeled NPR as “state affiliated media” like it’s Pravda or something.
One can only hope that Twitter X continues to drain Musk’s wallet and relegated to the dustbin of digital history with past stars like Betamax and 8 track tapes.