Archive for the ‘Border Catastrophe’

And Then There is This…

October 25, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump

If you work hard enough, you can make almost anything funny.

Tarrant County Sheriff Shows Ass on National TeeVee

October 10, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Border Catastrophe

Holy Jesus.  Today, for some unknown reason, Tarrant Country Sheriff, and Guy Who Listens to Too Much Rush Limbaugh, Bill Waybourn, was asked to address the nation from the White House press room about immigration.  Before I discuss his shameful tirade, I’ll give him a little advice about one bad habit that he, and many other ignorant big tuff guys from Texas have…


If Ol’ Man Papa Jefe were alive today and in that room, he would’ve slapped that silly Cavender’s-Made-in-China Chamber Pot off his head telling him he had no manners wearing his hat in the house. He would ask loudly if he was raised in a barn, which apparently Waybourn was.  I learned that lesson early and well.

Now, onto said Waybourn’s hateful statement – during his rant, he had some choice things to say about those dark skinned people coming across our southern border.  Among his remarkable claims were that “they are drunks who will run over your children,” and “they will run over my children.”  He ranted on and on about a “California judge making law,” and other nonsense.

What an embarrassment.  Using the platform of the White House for these kinds of screeds in uniform is nothing short of shameful.  Here it is if you can hold your nose long enough.  The screed starts around 46:00.

Trump Claims 20 World Class Climbers Tested his Wall – World Class Climbers: “Huh?”

September 22, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump

During Trump’s silly visit to his wall south of San Diego last week (the one where he tried to reveal secret sensing built into the wall), he made the remarkable claim that 20 world class mountain climbers tried and couldn’t climb it.  The claim was bullshit, of course, like the virtually all of his claims.  The press immediately tried to confirm Trump’s claim by…wait for it…talking to world class climbers.  Said climbers said they had no knowledge of any climbers participating in any test of Trump’s wall, and even added that would help even if asked.  They also gave the parting shot that the wall could be easily scaled.


UPDATED: The King of Gaslighting

June 08, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump


We all saw it last week, Trump suddenly tweeting that he’s going to slap tariffs on all Mexican imports if Mexico doesn’t immediately stop illegal immigration into the US.  He tanked stocks from manufacturers to grocery distributors, probably after he leaked the announcement to his cronies so they could short those stocks to make a tidy sum.  Remember Carl Icahn dumping steel stocks just before Trump announced the steel tariffs?

Anyway, negotiators between the US and Mexico were supposedly in feverish negotiations to come to a border security deal, and yesterday, with great fanfare, Trump announced on the Twitter machine that he has cut a last minute deal with Mexico.

Then he announced that Mexico has committed to purchase large quantities of American produce:

All that is great, except for one thing.  The deal he breathlessly announced yesterday was negotiated with Mexico…wait for it…last March.  Some provisions in the agreement date back to December.  This negotiation has been completed for months.

So let’s recap – Trump creates a gigantic economic crisis by demanding Mexico do what it has already agreed to do.  He costs the US economy billions of dollars (probably creating a profit opportunity for his buds).  He ratchets up the rhetoric during the D-Day commemoration, even while sitting in the US cemetery in Normandy. He berates Mexico, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, and even Bette Midler (I still haven’t figured that one out).  Then, with great fanfare, he announces that he’s saved the day by forcing Mexico to agree to a deal that had already been done.

Folks, this is gaslighting in its purest form.  Lie and create a problem that doesn’t exist.  Then lie again, claiming to have fixed a problem that really wasn’t a problem in the first place.  Then take credit for fixing the problem that didn’t exist.




Three Mexican officials say, nope, no farm deal was negotiated; in fact, Mexico has no agricultural conglomerate to even do that.  Another day, another lie.

Trump Pushes His Border Wall Myth – at the Mythical Easter Egg Roll

April 22, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump

In true form, Trump made an ass of himself (again) today by pushing his border wall bullshit;  he pushed said bullshit in front of children who just wanted to find Easter eggs and frolic on the South Lawn of the White House.  The Easter Grinch showed up, and his name is Donald.


“Our Country is Full”

April 09, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump, Uncategorized

In one of the latest entries into the Encyclopedia of Gleeful Cruelty and Dickishness, Trump announced last week that he is stopping immigration at the southern border because “the country is full; sorry”.  He can’t do that, of course, and the courts will stop him (again), but this is his campaign strategy for 2020, keeping the entire country whipped up into a lather while Heinrich Himmler Stephen Miller cooks up more nasty things to do to innocent people trying to save themselves and their families from the violence caused (or made worse) by US foreign policy in Latin America.

New York Times

Not only is this yet again new policy completely unnecessary and gaslighting of the worst kind,  Trump’s declaration is 100% false.  The country is not full; as a matter of fact, the work force is shrinking in many parts of the country.  As the country ages, the economy will suffer from lack of workers.  The NY Times published a story about this just this am.  This just another lie piled onto the Mount Everest of lies that Trump has built the the GOP has allowed to happen.

C’mon 2020.