Case Closed
Just in case you were waiting until tomorrow to decide if Bill Barr is a good guy and honest broker or evil as Satan with a headache, you don’t have to wait.
That sumbitch must love cages and spending your money. He overruled decisions made in immigration court.
The attorney general announced late last night that migrants who come to this country seeking asylum may wind up jailed indefinitely while they wait months or even years for their claims to be considered. Barr’s 11-page decision applies to migrants who have already established “a credible fear of persecution or torture” in their home country.
You don’t want to be tortured or killed by your government? Hey, we’ll do it for you right here in the good ole USA!
Why hold asylum seekers at taxpayer expense when they can be let go on bond? If they jump bail, they lose their case and be deported. This is just being mean for no damn good reason.
But, then again, that’s Trump’s base. Mean people with no damn good reason.
And it’s only going to get worse as Trump campaigns for reelection.