Case Closed

April 17, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just in case you were waiting until tomorrow to decide if Bill Barr is a good guy and honest broker or evil as Satan with a headache, you don’t have to wait.

That sumbitch must love cages and spending your money.  He overruled decisions made in immigration court.

The attorney general announced late last night that migrants who come to this country seeking asylum may wind up jailed indefinitely while they wait months or even years for their claims to be considered. Barr’s 11-page decision applies to migrants who have already established “a credible fear of persecution or torture” in their home country.

You don’t want to be tortured or killed by your government?  Hey, we’ll do it for you right here in the good ole USA!

Why hold asylum seekers at taxpayer expense when they can be let go on bond? If they jump bail, they lose their case and be deported. This is just being mean for no damn good reason.

But, then again, that’s Trump’s base. Mean people with no damn good reason.

And it’s only going to get worse as Trump campaigns for reelection.


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0 Comments to “Case Closed”

  1. This won’t go far. Just want until the Supremes get it. Jailing people without a criminal charge and due process is unconstitutional.

  2. @maggie – Yeah, but I would have felt better about that before they loaded up the court with RWers.

  3. I can already hear the chants at Trump 2020 rallies:

    Lock them up!
    Lock them up!

  4. Barr has already shown he’s in it for the partisan haul. So don’t expect him to suddenly show fealty to the Constitution anytime soon…

  5. Please don’t compare rePUKEian aholes to Satan! rePUKEians are not nearly nice enough! Satan has a hard enough job without being insulted by a comparison to rePUKEians!

  6. Sandridge says:

    Sure, this ‘straight to jail’-“Lock ‘Em Up!” bull plays great with the MAGAot base, but the real payoff is the Billion$ of (taxpayer) dollar$ that will be lavished on the private prison operators.
    Whether these added demands for prison slots results in either permanent or temporary additional prison construction, it’s a win-win for the Rethugs and one of their biggest lobbyist-donor groups, those private prison corps.

    It’s usually a big hit in the rural counties where these facilities will be expanded or new ones built. The job ads will be hitting pretty soon for the new staff hiring: guards, managers, clerks, medical, etc. It’s a huge move up for the stayed-behind HS-ed non-college people who can make much more than working in ag or at the feedstore and WalMart.

    These counties, at least in Texas, have tended to vote 65%+ for the Republikkkans lately. Mine went 73% for RAT45, and it’s been majority Hispanic for years, blacks are a very small minority. Even the heavily Hispanic ones (figure that out amongst yourselves).

  7. Sam in St Paul says:

    Barr has accomplished the impossible – making Alberto Gonzalez look competent by comparison.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    The Republicons bleat endlessly about “states’ rights,” particularly when they are exercising their desire to disenfranchise persons of color or deny reproductive freedom to women. On this latest travesty by Barr, it’s time for pay back. Bury the Dotard45 crime maladministration with lawsuits from as many states as have sane (Democratic) AGs. Their latest effort to prove their total dickishness violates the US Constitution, numerous federal and state laws, and a multitude of international agreement and treaties.

  9. Barr wrote his 4 page report on the really big investigation
    and now an 11 page deal on the current problem….looks to be
    a little light on former….

  10. I know it’s a wasted feeling but dangnabbit that man is a waste of space. The policy’s being reversed, passed, proposed behind his shiny tweets are destructive.

  11. twocrows says:

    And these are people whose asylum claims have been found to be legitimate and legally sound. Thus they can’t, per our Constitution, be deported as found by the courts and an ACLU lawsuit.

    So let’s just jail them instead.
    Yeah, makes perfect sense if you’re a sadist. And full of hate — let’s not forget that, k?

  12. There is a special ring in Hell for these people.
